How could you not like a show about a geeky kid who invented a chamber that he stepped into and on the other side emerged a charismatic mature teenager?Hands up who watched Urkel?
Coco Pops always disappeared first, never stood a chance. Used to have All-bran in there which never got a look in
When I was really young the variety packs had Coco Pops, Sugar Frosties, Froot Loops, Honey Smacks, Corn Flakes and Rice Bubbles in them, Honey Smacks don't exist anymore and Sugar Frosties had the sugar removed from its title.
It then changed to just Coco Pops, Special K, Sultana Bran, All Bran, Corn Flakes and Rice Bubbles, not sure what year but I was still young, obviously it has changed many times since then too.
Nutra Grain with Grant Kenny adsspecial K, All bran, Sultana bran? christ, its a variety pack for people with issues taking a shit it seems..... that line up is terrible.
special K, All bran, Sultana bran? christ, its a variety pack for people with issues taking a shit it seems..... that line up is terrible.