For a while there drive-ins showed pornos. Must've seemed like a good idea at the time.
The old drive in that used to be at Kingswood had a big hill with a road running parallel to the southern fence. My old man was a copper & they used to go along there on friday & saturday nights moving the punters along trying to catch a free movie. One particular night they went must have been porno night. He told me that they pulled up behind a car to move him on & it took off like a shot out of a gun showering the cop car in gravel. They took off after it & it only made it around the corner to Second Ave before it lost control & went through a fence. My old man got out to check the driver was ok, and to his surprise when he got to the car the driver was starkers. Dad asked him what was doing with the lack of clothes. He claimed it was really hot & he needed to cool down. It was July. Poor prick got taken to the station as is. Ha haFor a while there drive-ins showed pornos. Must've seemed like a good idea at the time.
For a while there drive-ins showed pornos. Must've seemed like a good idea at the time.
The old drive in that used to be at Kingswood had a big hill with a road running parallel to the southern fence. My old man was a copper & they used to go along there on friday & saturday nights moving the punters along trying to catch a free movie. One particular night they went must have been porno night. He told me that they pulled up behind a car to move him on & it took off like a shot out of a gun showering the cop car in gravel. They took off after it & it only made it around the corner to Second Ave before it lost control & went through a fence. My old man got out to check the driver was ok, and to his surprise when he got to the car the driver was starkers. Dad asked him what was doing with the lack of clothes. He claimed it was really hot & he needed to cool down. It was July. Poor prick got taken to the station as is. Ha ha
From a “glorious” time in our history when ethnic stereotypes were a staple in Australian society...
Who didn’t love seeing a Papa Giuseppe Pizza coming hot out of the oven at home..
From a “glorious” time in our history when ethnic stereotypes were a staple in Australian society...
Who didn’t love seeing a Papa Giuseppe Pizza coming hot out of the oven at home..
From a “glorious” time in our history when ethnic stereotypes were a staple in Australian society...
Who didn’t love seeing a Papa Giuseppe Pizza coming hot out of the oven at home..
Even the government were getting into it...
- Oriental backing tape - tick
- Young kid inexplicably wandering the streets in traditional dress - tick
- "Flied lice" singing - tick
I have a few on regular playlists as well. Was listening to Gordon Lightfoot last night.