The age of music has run its course
Long haired girls and guys
Be different was the mantra
Be hip and young, aspire.
The geeks invaded with their tech
Their maths and loving code
Till they sold out themselves as soon as they could
To make money in the world
A fembot here, a greenie there
Causes all around
Mandible power for crabs
And the hard right think they’re profound.
The battle for resources
Is the truth of all you see
With different ideologies
Claiming history
Banks and politicians
Corporations are a bore
So too is fundamentalism
Of faiths to hate or perhaps adore.
Co vid messages make me sick
The caring of the banks
They don’t care much about me
With their evil interest rates.
Cash splash scomo, give away
To every decent cause
But I’ve missed out on a cent
During economic pause.
But I’m ready to pay more taxes
Raise the GST
Up the Medicare levy
For private health suckers like me!