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Ricky Quits !!!


why couldnt you leave SSB, im not surprised you say that after a win..pathetic

good grief..cover the furniture before the morons overdue there excitement

Murray is well past his use by date so no thanks

Flanagan is the ideal replacement because he would be cheaper then sticky but still have a shyteload of knowledge and experience, under ricky for many years in the club set up and he is still in the Blues set up, plus remember the last time we took on a coach with no previous club and looking for a gig [LANG]

thanks ricky for everything you have done for the club [because we know its been more then just coaching the first grade team]


First Grade
This is great news, break out the champagne, Stuart is gone.

And i was thinking of leaving the forum, now i have reason too stay.

Now all we need is the Robin of the Dynamic Duo too leave in Barrett, please Trent resign today as well.

Seriously, just f**k the hell off will you.........
You death rode the Sharks the whole game against Parra and then vanished as soon as we hit the front and won. You are a pathetic excuse of a Cronulla supporter.

Manfred Moore

Not a good sign for the future. The last thing the sharks needed at the moment. Rickys time would have come but not in our current situation.


Coming into the June 30th period to sign new players for next year, this is not good news. If Ricky couldnt draw good players then what hope does Flanagan have.

We need to approach someone with some experience...Murray, Potter...even Brown.


Seriously, just f**k the hell off will you.........
You death rode the Sharks the whole game against Parra and then vanished as soon as we hit the front and won. You are a pathetic excuse of a Cronulla supporter.

Or maybe he just cares about the club enough to make a stance that will ultimately better our club???


The timing has massive implications.

We need to move quickly to secure a strong name who can present the club with some credibility to prospective signings. The instability at the key time when clubs are recruiting for next year is not ideal. There are already plenty of stories about the joint being insolvent and now the coach walks. Not great messages.

Time for some swift and decisive leadership.


First Grade
As much as I criticised Ricky Stuart - I was really surprised at the game against Parramatta and would have been happy for him to stay on board with that style.

He brought many positives to the club, and as much as many hate to admit - he was probably the best coach to have last year in 2009.

I would like to thank Ricky for his committment to the club, and the 100% effort he gave. He always put in for the club and that has got to be commended.


Or maybe he just cares about the club enough to make a stance that will ultimately better our club???

How is this better for the club????
The club has not had a coach that has seen out his contact in 10 years!
Good coaches won't want to come here and if we don't get good coaches to come, neither will the players.
Why would they want to?
No good coach and players makes a crap team, which people won't turn up to games.
Could be the nail in the coffin for us. I hope I am wrong....


Flanagan is still part of the NSW set up, id say he would have some pull in trying to get players to the sharks

Or maybe he just cares about the club enough to make a stance that will ultimately better our club???

better for our club?

yeah cause changing coaches and having to start again is really what our club needed..:roll:


All you fools celebrating need to understand that this is not a good situation for the club.
The last thing our club needs right now is instability.

I agree with the italicised line DJS however, this actually addresses some of the instability. This has been coming for months, it's better that it has now been brought to a head especially if Flanagan is going to be the replacement and is allowed to take over as from now.

I have always liked RS as a coach and wasn't on the "hop it Ricky bandwagon" but have long held suspicions that things haven't been right in the dynamics at the club. I'm pretty sure RS has been right in the middle of it all.

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