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Ricky Stuart: It's all too easy for Tim Sheens to play the loyalty


Ricky Stuart
The Sunday Telegraph

TIM Sheens came out this week questioning my loyalty to players.

Sheens was telling everybody why I should pick Robbie Farah to play against Queensland six months after he wouldn't pick Farah to play against Wales.

What's changed in the meantime only he can tell us. Yet the sermon continued. He said that last year I was going to stay consistent through the spine - the halfback, hooker, five-eighth and fullback - and he was now wondering where that went with Jamie Soward and Michael Ennis "out of favour". Michael Ennis hasn't fallen out of favour. He is playing injured and it is affecting his form, but testament to his character he is refusing to stand down so he can continue to help out the Bulldogs. That's highly admirable. What coach wouldn't love that in their player? But what gets overlooked here is that the injury is affecting Ennis' form. Despite his good intentions, there's no reason to think that if the injury is affecting his performance at club level then it won't affect his performance at Origin.

If Michael is fit and healthy and playing to where he was at last season does Sheens still want me to pick Michael, or do I fall for the old coach's trick of promoting his boy to strengthen their relationship. Or was Tim's opinion the other day just a way for him cover the Tigers' own issues? You wouldn't see this in Queensland. They stick solid, back their own and support the system. When coaches sit down to pick a football team they select the best players available and write their names down first on the team sheet. When it comes to rep football, it might mean picking a left centre on the right, or a halfback at five-eighth, like they have with Johnathan Thurston. These players have the ability, or capacity, to handle the change needed to fit the balance of the team.

We're all after the same thing as coaches. The best possible team. Sometimes it isn't easy. I like Robbie Farah's football and I can use his creativity, unlike his club and Australian coach who didn't think he was up to the standard of playing against the highly rated Welsh. But I'm not about playing mind games with any player, so when I called Farah and Ennis a couple of weeks ago it was to tell them that Danny Buderus was ahead of them at that point. I was letting them know where they stood. Trust me, as a coach they are calls we prefer not to make, but the players needed to know. To me that is being honest and solid, telling them the truth, unlike some coaches who enjoy the mind games. Another player got a similar call and his turnaround in form has just about guaranteed his position.

Sheens said we don't have a pick and stick attitude like they do in Queensland or with the Australian team. He pointed to the spine of Queensland and Australia, which happens to be made up entirely of Queensland players, as an example of sticking solid. Thanks, Einstein.

Cameron Smith, Billy Slater and Johnathan Thurston will all come into consideration for Immortal status one day, just like Darren Lockyer. Wow, what a difficult combination to stick with. NSW do not have that luxury. Origin is a different brand of football to the NRL. You can't pick a player and be guaranteed his performance will replicate in Origin. It doesn't work that way, so part of it is trial and error, and club form is vitally important. Those three players are tried and tested at Origin, so you can afford to overlook their club form. One of my strengths in life is being loyal and I don't have any regrets for that, although I have learned that this strength has at times been my biggest weakness. Loyalty is a rubbery word in the NRL. So many people use it to fit their own agenda and it gets to a point where they make the word almost meaningless. Loyalty is a bond. It's a trust.

To get some loyalty, you have to give some. But in a results-based industry, it also works the other way. When you give your loyalty, you have to get a return. I won't say loyalty only goes so far, but it can't be the over-riding criteria. When I coached the Roosters, I got to the end of 2003, our second consecutive grand final, and Phil Gould called me aside and told me I needed to sack a few players. They were all good players, who had done a lot for the club. I knew they still had some good football left in them, but when I was really honest with myself, I wasn't sure how much good football they had left in them. Gould believed they didn't have much. I thought about it a lot and went against his advice, falling back on the loyalty card, thinking if I was loyal to them they would repay me with their performance.

To be honest, it ended up costing me my job. Those players ran out of good football. While that was not their fault, and they gave what they had, it affected our performance and I was the one who had to answer for it. I accept what happened, but I have also learned from it.


fmd stuart has got to be top 3 dumbest coaches of this era

also, if he is going to have a stab at sheens, at least answer the other issues raised such as whats going to happen next year when buderus retires
Who gives a f**k about next year when we haven't even started 2012 series? It's a 3 match series, some of you take this years of planning bullshit too seriously. You don't build to win a series 3 years down the track it's about doing what you do for this year



Who gives a f**k about next year when we haven't even started 2012 series? It's a 3 match series, some of you take this years of planning bullshit too seriously. You don't build to win a series 3 years down the track it's about doing what you do for this year


buderus will be lucky to still be fit and playing by game 2 this year


anyway, what does stuart achieve by writing this article. nothing.

its just another way of justifying why he wont choose farah, while having a personal dig at the australian coach at the same time


Who gives a f**k about next year when we haven't even started 2012 series? It's a 3 match series, some of you take this years of planning bullshit too seriously. You don't build to win a series 3 years down the track it's about doing what you do for this year


That sort of attitude is exactly why Queensland have won 6 in row. At the end of the 2005 series, NSW had won 3 in a row. People were calling for Lockyer and others to be dropped. They could have done what NSW have done and used 154 different halves pairings over a few years, but they stayed loyal with the same or very similar squads and it's paid off big time.


What this article tells me, is that Stuart will pick Buderis at hooker and Dugan at fullback. Because he's "loyal".

As a QLD fan, I am most pleased with this decision and Ricky Stuarts attitude.

Hey, at least Ricky is setting himself up some excuses early on for when they lose the series again.


I will put $1,000 on Buderus playing Origin after this article. That's not what upsets me, it's just that Ricky Stuart seems like a f**king idiot in the article.

Desert Qlder

First Grade
One of the great shames is that this person was allowed to hold the esteemed position of Australian Coach.


So Tim Sheens was meant to sack Smith and play Farrah? Sheens' point was about picking the best available players, not favourites, seems Ricky has either missed the point or more likely chosen to ignore it and go on a rant.

Stuart just likes to lay blame at everyone else's feet. FTR I think Buderus will add a lot of ticker to the NSW side and isn't a bad selection for that reason. But if he does get selected now it will because Stuart wants to make a point and not for the good of NSW. That's why we will lose this series - because Stuart is more interested in power trips and his future NRL job prospects than getting pride back into the team.
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First Grade
So Tim Sheens was meant to sack Smith and play Farrah? Sheens' point was about picking the best available players, not favourites, seems Ricky has either missed the point or more likely chosen to ignore it and go on a rant.

Stuart just likes to lay blame at everyone else's feet. FTR I think Buderus will add a lot of ticker to the NSW side and isn't a bad selection for that reason. But if he does get selected now it will because Stuart wants to make a point and not for the good of NSW. That's why we will lose this series - because Stuart is more interested in power trips and his future NRL job prospects than getting pride back into the team.

Pretty much this.

Normally they rest a few top liners for a Wales match but I believe there was an issue with combinations not settling in the earlier matches and they needed that extra game together. Seemed to work.

I am no real fan of Sheens and his coaching but Ricky needs to STFU and get on with it.


"Another player got a similar call and his turnaround in form has just about guaranteed his position."
Wonder who this was? Looks like Pierce will be halfback.


Well I'm gonna go against the grain a bit here.

Why should Sheens get to openly question Stuart's coaching selections and tactics, but Stuart isn't entitled to a right of reply? He should be able to defend himself. And for the most part I agree with that article. The only dodgy part is that Farah getting picked for Australia against Wales argument, which seemed a bit weak to me. But the rest I agree with.

I wrote in here a few weeks back that I was sick of club coaches (including Bennett) coming out and saying 'such-and-such' from their club should be picked for Origin. It's really none of their business and unnecessarily adds fuel to the fire, and sounds like Ricky is getting sick of being told how to pick his team as well.


First Grade
My issue is we have lost 6 series in a row, including one with him in the charge.

Ricky should just pick his team, and if it performs, then come back and have a stab at those questioning him before the series had started. No good gettng into a pissing match now.

at least answer the other issues raised such as whats going to happen next year when buderus retires

Read the article again.

That spastic Bulldog who has never performed gets the 9 back.

There is more justification for that grubs non-performance so far this season than anything else.


First Grade
Win a series and all of it goes away.

Thats the simple reality of Rickys situation.

I would agree with Stuart on the question of distracting from WT form if we had not just won a game 30 - 0 the week before because the same is true. Win and the pressure valve is released.

Stuarts only job is to pick and coach the team. Not to respond to other coaches, not to talk it up in the media, not to do bloody commentary parts and guest on shows to talk about player form and possible selection.

I dont want to hear from Ricky about a new era, new culture or any of that garbage. I want to hear it from the players who come out after a positive Origin experience

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