No I use examples of those who have kicked heroin and meth and whatever other drugs as proof drug addicts can get off them if they are WILLING. Sure they have help, but the more WILLING they are to get off drugs then the more chance they are of getting clean. If they aren't WILLING to get off drugs then they won't. If it's not willpower then what is it?
Willpower isn't in the quitting. Willpower is in the staying clean. Most drug addicts........ones that aren't wealthy/famous, can relapse 3-6......a dozen times before they can finally kick for good (if they kick for good). The majority of relapses occur within the first 12 mnths.
Once the initial withdrawals have been stabilised and the rigours of living a drug addicts life (poor health....emotionally & financially bankrupt, etc etc) have been healed, the addict is most vulnerable as they start to feel his or her way back into reality/civilisation.
Temptation for a "normal" reformed drug addict is hard enough can't see the same people or go to the same places anymore because you will come into contact with drugs. Generally most former addicts will move neighbourhoods/move interstate to escape the temptations that still haunt them. Even then sometimes just being who they are, can and will lead them back into contact with drugs. It's a complete new life they're trying to start. Unless you've had to do something similar, you just can't comprehend how difficult it is.
Some make it.......some don't. For the ones that don't .......I'm not sure they deserve the scorn and contempt that you've been so quick to display.
You say she faced pressures to take drugs. EVERYONE does. Some obviously more than others. There have been plenty of people who have been in the same situation as her and haven't died from drug addiction. You act like drug addicts are poor, tortured souls who have no choice. You ALWAYS have a choice. Even if you have 'infinite funds' and a famous lifestyle (what kind of an excuse is that anyway? Get anything you want and still turn to drugs) you can choose not to be like she was.
I never said "she faced pressures to take drugs". I said the pressure or temptation for her to relapse back into drug taking would have been immense.
Her world was the music industry. industry well known for it's populace of substance abuse. For her to continue in her vocation, she was going to be in contact with drug users. An extremely difficult position for a reformed drug addict to be in. With no financial restraints like a "normal" drug addict, of which btw is the primary catalyst for most addicts in attempting to quit ........the choice in her case to stay clean becomes even harder.
Even if she were to cut all ties with the industry .........move out of the UK and try and start a new life somewhere. Do you think that in itself wouldn't be news worthy for the shit rags that gorge on celebrity failure? They would be eating it up with a spoon.
Those are the types of pressures that your "normal" reformed drug addict wouldn't have to deal with
and she would have.
I abstain from alcohol and drugs even though most of my friends don't. Yes, I've obviously been pressured, but I say no. Not saying it's the right thing (nor the same situation obviously) but it's what I feel is best for me. But I can almost guarantee if Winehouse always said no when offered drugs she wouldn't be dead.
You sound like a responsible young man/woman. I hope my sons grow up through their teenage years with similar views to drugs and alcohol.
Although .......I must add,
I certainly hope they have a lot more tolerance and compassion that's required to be decent human beings. It's something that you seem to be sorely lacking.
I'm not asking you to make excuses Springs. All I'm saying is that if you haven't walked in another persons shoes, you shouldn't be judging them so harshly.