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Roosters at it again



Roosters may sue over salary cap

Grand finalists Sydney Roosters have reportedly threatened to sue the National Rugby League over the salary cap, arguing that it breaches national competition laws.

The Sunday Telegraph said it had obtained a letter sent to the NRL in which lawyers acting for the Roosters said the team would be forced to take legal action in the Federal Court if the NRL failed to increase the salary cap for 2005.

The paper said that if successful, the legal action could end the $3.25 million salary cap, threatening the viability of smaller clubs.

The cap limits how much clubs can pay their top 25 players.

It's championed by the NRL as a means of providing a better competition by spreading the talent across the clubs.

NRL chief executive David Gallop told the Sunday Telegraph that the league would defend any action, calling the salary cap "the foundation stone of the game's success".

The Roosters have long been critical of the NRL's ceiling-payment system.

"We've had eight players in two years who wanted to stay forced out of the club by the salary cap - it's a disincentive to success," Roosters coaching director Phil Gould said in August.

"The game is being administered to suit the lower-placed clubs. Any rule that forced players like Brad Fittler and Luke Ricketson to take pay cuts to stay in the game has to be looked at."

Yawwwnnnnnnnnnn...... once again the Roosters are crying because they cant keep a few of their players.... The salary cap is what keeps the system competitive....its what has taken no less than Canberra, New Zealand, Penrith from easy beats to premiership giants and has made for one hell of a competition.....so why am i not surprised its the Roosters crying? They should look at who we have lost because of the Salary cap before they start crying about it

Jermaine Ale
Anthony Topou
Greg Bird
Paul Franze
Darren Albert
Adam Mcdougall
Matt Jobson
Matthew Johns
Justin Ryder

Theres nine players we have lost since 2000 due to the salary cap, but do we care? No. Because its for the GOOD OF THE GAME, not for mega super rich money hungry clubs like the Roosters..... They want to be able to keep Fittler and Ricketson, but they also want to keep Hodges and Flannery and Hegarty and Minichello and Walker and Fitzgibbon and Wing....do you see my point? YOU CANT HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO.... god damn it it only makes me hate them fifty times more than i currently do.... The last thing this game would need is another court battle, even if it is over a year away...


First Grade
yeah front page of the telegraph and a big bit in the sport

the roosters just want to be even more hated!!!

they were happy buying all these players under salary cap and they were happy to use those players in the GF which they won................
but then they lost GF to penrith.. they can not handle loosing so they decide to blame the NRL and want no salary cap......

what they should do>>>>>>

all the players they brought under the salary cap in 1998 to 2002 should be allowed to go back to the club they were at.... before the roosters brought them.
fair is fair is the roosters do not like the salary cap, so they should not have the players they brought between 1998 and 2002..........

and why don't they try and have some more jnrs??????

The Roosters are now in the Broncos' league when it comes to arrogant, money grabbing wankerism. This is exactly the same outcome Brisbane received when they started Super League.


Once again Rugby League is the laughing stock of the eastern seaboard..... Dennis Fitzgerald (ceo of Parramatta) made a quote this morning that the Roosters are holding "a Gun to the head of the nrl" and I agree..... Im angry which is why ive brought it up in here... We all hate the roosters for whatever reasons, but now they have gone too far... I agree with David Gallop that the Salary cap is the very foundation of a fair and even competion, how else would you describe how Penrith went from last to first in the space of two seasons? Did someone just wave a magic wand out Penrith way? I dont think so..... Well have a situation like Wigan a few years back in ESL where every good player went to Wigan cause all the other teams were shit and didnt have any money to make a reasonable offer to them

Basically it comes down to this. I dont care if the knights finish last next year, because they are my team. I care if Andrew Johns is thrown 1.6 billion dollars by a greedy money hungry bastardising club like the Roosters and we dont have a club to sit down and watch get their arses kicked.... I believe in the system. I believe in supporters like Mike Whitney and Andrew Denton who sit through their team struggling like hell to survive in a competition thats fair and true, because they know that with time and patience they will become a force in Rugby League again. You dont win 20 premierships and fight so hard to get back into the comp for nothing. I believe that if the Roosters are gonna put a gun to the head of the NRL then they had better be prepared for a fight, because ill be damned if anyone threatens my competition.... and im sure the other 14 clubs and their supporters arent going to let this happen either not without a fight anyway

You cant put a price on a jersey unless your the Sydney Roosters... the salary cap is designed to stop that.... I was furious that they got Jermaine Ale, one of our most promising juniors. The roosters have 700 juniors which isnt a large base, but putting our great game on the front page for all the wrong reasons again is NOT the answer. Dragging our game through the courts again is NOT the answer. I hope the Roosters realise that they will be playing the broncos every week if this gets up, because its hard to sponsor a game that only has 2 or 3 teams when all the others have folded.


Parki mad. When Parki gets mad Parki gets angry.... I think Mr Gould and Mr Politis are gonna get some letters in the next couple of days....


yeah yeah yeah once again the Goosters are having a winge. Probably cuz they're still having a cry over their Grand Final loss.


The 2003 is was one of the best ever and they just wanna winge.

If there were concessions in the cap for producing your own talent then that'd be a different story cuz the Roosters don't have any of their own talent.


I noticed Potato head had not one word of this in his column in the Herald, this'll be another bullet he's made for someone else to fire. Bet he lets it get built up into an all out war, then in he'll ride like a knight in shining armour and seemingly water down the whole thing. Well potato head I have a message for you, "I haven't forgotten who was moaning about how unfair all this cap buisness was a couple of months ago". Seems strange that now it's blown up you Mr Potato head all of a sudden don't have anything to say about it. I'm going to watch this with interest because behind it all lurking somewhere you can bet is self proclaimed "Mr football" Gould, with only the self interest of the Goosters at heart and stuff everyone else. I think the paper summed it up pretty well. When the Goosters were crap, they were happy to pick up the players the rest couldn't afford to keep because of the cap. Now the boots on the other foot, it's a sudden change of heart, bunch of bloody tossers who are quite rightly fast taking over the mantel of the Competitions most hated club, they've certainly got my vote. Why don't they go the other way about solving these issues, such as concesions for bringing players on in the game, concesions for development, concesions for service. Instead they go off trying to disrupt the whole competition, they are carrying on like a bunch of spoilt brats who want to take their bat and ball and go home. My message "BLOODY TAKE YOUR BAT AND BALL AND PISS OFF!!"


Simple solution that was presented in another forum

If the Roosters want to start a war, well we will give them a war.... we start by boycotting all their home games.... we either give them forfeit points or we send our reggies team out against their first grade team and make up a whole lot of injuries such as

A.Johns - Injured 1W broken Nail
R.O Davis - considering retirement until monday 1W
K Gidley - Bad Haircut - 1W

you see my point?..... The roosters wont get any money because no one will go to see a second grade side and therefore will be forced to give up this ridiculous ideal..... also they cant possibly sue each and every person who DOESENT show up.... I think it sounds like a fairly reasonable plan of action to be honest if they want to treat the nrl as a joke well we will treat them as a joke and well see who comes out on top
The Gall of this club is unbelievable!
We have no leagues club to bankroll us and yet we are the leagues most successful club for the past years- 7 semi situations in the past 7 years with 2 undefeated Grand final appearances.MAYBE SPIRIT HAS A LOT TO DO WITH SUCCESS RATHER THAN MONEY
Fair dinkum-If they cant keep them under the cap then...WELL DUH! YOU CANT KEEP THEM!
They had to snap up every player available last year[Kufusi ETC} and now they work out they cant keep them -TOUGH CRAP!!!
I guess this really means that Fittler really does have only one season left!
See the avatar to the left-The HBK sweet chin music kick -THATS WHAT THE GOOSTERS ARE TRYING TO DO TO EVERY STRUGGLING CLUB!

81 days until....AH HELL THESE GOOSTERS REALLY SUCK :shock:


To Nick Politis, Phil Gould and whoever else it may concern,

Hi, my name is Mark Peterson and im gonna start off by saying I HATE your club. Just so theres no confusion as to my intentions with this letter, and so you know where its heading, ok? Good.

No matter how much I detest your club, I always was prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt… I was prepared to give Brad Fittler and Craig Wing ubiquitous praise for their high level of skill, and the way your team has revolutionised the game in the last two years is a credit to your organization. By the sounds of all this praise it sounds like Im a roosters fan, well boys I got news for you. Im not.

The year was 1996. I was a roosters fan back then, that was until I found a team with heart and passion in my native Newcastle. A Team full of fighters, not a bunch of spineless imports that your team has become. A team that makes hard decisions for the good of the game. Do I see your organization doing whats best for the game? No. I see your team putting the game that I love with all my heart and soul on the front of the Sunday Telegraph in a blaze of gunfire and ammuntion the likes of which haven’t been seen since the super league era, all because you cant hang onto your precious imports. Imports like Craig Fitzgibbon and Brad Fittler. Imports like Justin Hodges and Chris Walker. You don’t like the rules that everybody else is starting to come to grips with so you choose to change them to suit your own selfish needs. Never mind the fact that players like Scott Sattler and Matthew Johns have to give up clubs that mean the world to them in order to make the game fairer.

Take the Matthew Johns situation….. There were near riots in Newcastle when Matty was unceremoniously shown the door at the end of the 2000 season, but we didn’t threaten legal action. We didn’t threaten to bring down the entire game because we were unhappy with the rules. We got on with it. And we won the comp.

Now, two years down the track we see the fruits of our talent all around the league. Two examples of this is potentally the best young centre in the game, Paul Franze…. Is he a Knight? No hes a shark. While we would have loved to hang onto such an explosive talent like that, the salary cap dictated that in order to kick start his career he had to go play for someone else. Therefore, the salary cap works… If there was no salary cap the Tigers wouldn’t be able to afford good young kids like Benji Marshall because he would be sold off at a ridiculous amount of money to a club like, oh, say, the Sydney Roosters…. If you want players you have to sacrifice something…. The knights sacrificed Franze, Bird, Ryder, Ale, Toupou and Jobson so we could keep Joey….. you think we couldn’t have gone to court and argued that the cap was unfair? A host of good young talents were sacrificed for the good of the game. Because that’s what this is.

Basically what im saying Nick, Phil, Ricky, hell whoever is running the circus over there at Bondi is grow the f**k up. You don’t like the rules. Too bad. The rules are in place so we have order and a game to play in Fifty years, not a game that’s dead in five… Think about it.

By the way, I still hate you, you still suck


Not a word of a lie Thats the best letter ive read
Some people need to be told they are idiots and Parki is pointing it out to them!

81 days until.....Jeez the Roosters SUCK =D>


First Grade
yes the roosters are the most annoying team in the comp!!!!! they should just leave if they don't like the salary cap!!!!

81 days until.....Jeez the Roosters SUCK =D>

heheheheheh 80 days till my b'day
Damn Northey- Didnt realise that you were a lady and a lady doesnt tell her age
Very rude of me

81 days until.....GEEZ THE GOOSTERS SUCK! :oops:
mark thats a kick ass letter man..Will you be sending it to the paper as well?

f**k the roosters, DAMN THEM TO HELL.

They are all a bunch of tossers, ricky stuart is a f**king moron and gus is just the icing on the moron cake they call the sydney roosters..


I might i am considering it.....though i doubt it will get a run in any paper its too angry id have to edit it

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