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Roosters at it again

Where did I or anyone say that, Karen? Your organisation is just as money hungry, but they love to chronically whinge about everything that happens in Sydney which gives them favourable treatment on any issues they seem fit to moan about.

The real next question is what bullshit will you make up to get off topic again? :roll:


Danish Moo Cow said:
Was it Tim Webster reading yesterday? If so, there's little wonder why there was no coverage, he wouldn't say a bad thing about his beloved Roosters.

But like I said earlier, coming the week before Christmas this was always going to be the quietest time to have this all come out.

Of course they aren't talking about it, this whole issue is a bloody embarasment to any reasonable minded Footy fan. I've read thru a miriad of posts on this in all the forums here, and not one Goosters fan has put up any reasonable argument to support the stand their club is taking. All the supposed heavyweight fans "Melon" "Renowned League expert" etc, are all crying about their junior areas being stolen from them, or all the players will go to Union, or we'll loose all the players we've developed!!! Well welcome to the real world, teams have been losing players for years because of the cap restraints. As said every argument is just a smoke screen, they are even whinging about it being leaked to the media!! what does that tell you? It tells me they are ashamed of the what they're doing as well, how they thought they could keep it under wraps smacks of idiocy anyway. Tell you what I'm glad it's not the Knights doing something like this because I'd never forgive them. It is pleasing to see that Gallop is reported in todays paper as saying the NRL will not back down, and if the Roosters are determined to take it court then so be it. I really am still dumbfounded at the arogance of this club.
Good isn't it. :lol:

BTW that letter written by that Parki idiot is hilarious. The girl who opens the mail will use it to line her cat's litter try. Dear Mr Politis, firstly let me say I hate your club........ :lol: Classic, Good work Parki. :lol:

poetic tragedy

Isn't it amazing...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't half the reason of the Dally M's cancellation due to the fact that, MOST players, and management wanted an increase in the salary cap? Not just the Roosters, I even remember seeing a video of Joey Johns putting himself all for it. Isn't amazing now though how the Roosters keep going at it and everyone starts calling them losers and whingers and babies.
I'm not sticking up for them, I'm a Knights supporter, but think of it that way for a second.


thats not why the dally M's was cancelled though. as i recall the players union boycotted it because the NRL wouldn't negotiate on a players workplace agreement which included a minimum salary being set. no mention of a salary cap increase. i'm pretty sure the clubs were pretty much divided on this issue.
No actually the salary cap was a factor in the cancellation in the dally m's. Granted it was the only issue but it was a contributing factor in the list of conditions put forward to the NRL by the clubs...all clubs...not just the roosters.
How can people single out the roosters??? Aren't you crushed when one of your favourite senior players or one of you most promising up and comers leaves because of the salary cap?? Imagine if (hypothetically)if Craig Gower left the panthers to go to england to make a packet or if Billy slater switched to north queensland! You'd hate the salary cap then...you'd back up your players if they wanted to do something about it.

And why is it the players fault? Sure the players have a say, but they don't make the decisions at the end of the day, Club managment does.
So leave the players out of it. if anything the roosters have done what they can short of legal action to keep their best players, just like any of the other clubs have, like they're top players taking pay cuts.

Point is, the salary cap is and always will be an issue until the NRL
starts treating the game like what it is our national sport, not their little piggy bank fund their retirement packages.


but didnt all the clubs only put forward a minor raise in the salary cap, and the roosters want to abolish it altogether? i think the main thing the negotiations was pushing was player entitlements and a minimum salary. thats off my shocking memory though,

also i don't think anyone is blaming the players, but the club in general.
Regardless of wether or not they wanted a big or small change in the salary cap, the point i'm trying to make is that the roostes are being made out to look like the bad guys, when at the end of the day, they just want to see the players that they have helped build and fans like coming to see, stay part of the club...surely the NRL can come to some kind of agreement with the clubs to allow for that.

I'm not condoning what the roosters have done (more so the timing) but i'm just saying i can see where they're coming from...i think it sucked when Fletch left...


of course it sucks, but it has to be done, what do u think would happen to clubs like newcastle if the salary cap was abolished, we would definetly struggle to survive, now which is worse, having to lose the odd player because of the salary cap, or losing whole teams because of no salary cap?

by the way is this the old bedsey?
Minimum salary is for all the bottom of the mill NRL players who will never make it full-time and was the reason for the Dally M boycott.

Skip ahead to the Roosters and they're looking for a pay increase to the top 25 players at their club. They don't give a shit about the no-names.
Nope sorry i'm a new bedsey...

Like i said, i don't back the total abolishment of the salary cap, i know that would spell disaster, but for as long as this whole salary cap controversy has been going on, i have never seen the NRL try and make any kind of worthwhile compromise in that area. It's always a been a 'wait and see" affair and because of it, clubs like the bulldogs and the roosters cop bad reputations because of it.
I would think that the NRL would try to protect the players, considering they are in fact the ones putting on the show. It's the top twenty five players who pull the crowds and the money mostly ( i know not all of the time but most of the time)

People go for clubs and players. Unfortunately it is the star players or top 25 for most people who draw the crowds. You start making them expendible as far as the club they play for is concerned and the people who like to watch them, and that has a huge affect on club loyalty from the supporters, who at the end of the day are the one giving their money to keep their clubs and players going (yes, yes i know sponsorship and merchandising is a huge part of it too.)

I honestly don't care what the NRL thinks, and i'm not much more interested in what the players think....but i love footy, and i feel inspired by certain players more than others in my club, and would pay to keep them there. they day they leave those clubs are the days when i question my club loyalty...(i.e. i'd shoot myself in the foot if bedsey EVER left!) :)


Samwise said:
but didnt all the clubs only put forward a minor raise in the salary cap, and the roosters want to abolish it altogether?

From what i read the 15 NRL Clubs voted 14-1 against increasing the Salary Cap (no - they don't have any actual power to raise it but if a majority of Clubs were voting for it that would have an effect on the NRL's decision/s).

Yes, it was 14-1 against. All those other Clubs that could of afforded an increase in the Cap voted against it.

The Roosters are out on their own on this.

(well, untill they get around to using the threat of legal action=destruction of the Salary Cap to "encourage" other Clubs to support them)


The issue of whether the cap should increase is not something the Roosters should be going out on a limb for. No other club supports their current move, presumably because all other clubs realise the serious implications it has for the game's image.

We're swimming into familiar waters now, especially given that we've actually gone perhaps one or even two seasons without a reference to the 'dark ages' of league when Super League emerged as the money-hungry and highly powerful alternative.

The problem is: nothing has changed. A successful club like the Roosters have tasted blood, they want more of it, and will embarass themselves, their fans and the whole competition in order to bolster their already highly publicised success.

No longer satisfied with buying the competition with $3.25 million, they now want more money so they can buy more players. But the issue here is that no other club supports their current move. There are systems in place to deal with these issues, and if many clubs supported the move then perhaps it would be feasible.

At the moment it is just the Roosters out on a limb with no other clubs supporting the move - this constitutes a rogue club and not one leading from the front.
He said that the NRL have never answered two particular questions which are 1. How much money does the NRL make per season and 2. Do they think that clubs get enough.
oh something else interesting he said said was the sugestion of introducing a loyalty rewards program, to the players...i think it means, the longer that they stay the club, each year, their salary goes up accordingly...but i didn't hear all of that, iw ish i did...'cause it sounded pretty good.


The NRL will never answer those questions.

They haven't answered my question.

Why do you fine some teams who are over the cap by $80,000 the full amount & others who are over by $200,000+ only $35,000.

I think the NRL have blocked my email account, because I keep asking them questions. :lol:
Good work solider, that's the way! :)

Hey how does sponsorship work? How does that money get distributed, does anyone know... is there a limit to how much a company can contribute?

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