It was either stay up tonight or do it Sunday morning.
Dragon_psa: Where to now? - 87 (OWC 724)
An informative piece based around the eye-opening Anderson Paper on the state of Rugby League in NZ, tempered by a wish list. A good read and one wonders why the NRL havent been scrutinised in this way.
Big Pat: What will Wayne Bennett bring? - 85 (OWC 634)
A reflective article, mapping the progress that the Dragons have made since Nathan Browns swansong last season right up until last weekends round. A small penalty for the lack of capitalising proper nouns e.g. team names and marginally short but well constructed.
Dubopov: Howards Way - 88 (OWC 749)
An expose into the strange habits of the bush league brotherhood with the all the trimmings of Deliverance and a punch line to boot. Well written and sadly all too believable.
DragonPunk: How Wayne Bennett changed not only a club but the supporters - 86 (OWC 738)
A comparative article focusing on the depth of passion felt by Saints fans as they piece together new resolve from the shattered hopes of bygone seasons.
Ribs: So where does it come from? - 87 (OWC 740)
There is no substitute for realism to bring out the passion in any tale. I hadnt given much thought to this match-up this weekend
until now well written.
AuckMel: Wannabe Kiwi - 86 (OWC 748)
An intriguing look at the writers circuitous encounters with Rugby League culminating in his commitment to the whistle blowing fraternity.
Rayroxon: Twit-ers - 87 (OWC 749)
Cool heads and innovation are widely discussed in this effort to showcase how our sport has leapt into the age of technology. A cynic would be excused for pointing out that there is an underpinning given that the characters mentioned can all type entertaining.
Suttsburger: Drawn together - 87 (OWC 739)
A gem of an article based around a topic I have never truly felt comfortable with either. Kissing your sister or dare I share it your grandmother with the flighty tongue welcome to F7s.
Cornelius_sulla: One Kiwis Wildest Dream Realised - 86 (OWC 748)
Ah ha, a good old fashioned rant featuring none other than the all-conquering Kiwis and that most flightless of birds Wayne Bennett. Thanks for sharing.
Jesbass: Ch-ch-ch-changes - 88 (OWC 740)
I enjoyed the Jones/Taylor sentiments immensely and applaud you on your frankness, however, although the links are there I feel the Warriors part detracted from the poignancy of the rest.
Warriors 434 defeated Dragons 433
POTM Jesbass (Warriors) 88 Dubopov (Dragons) 88