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Round 13 | Tigers 17-16* Knights @ Leichhardt | Monday 6th June 2011

Tigers vs Knights (R13)

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The Tigers have had such a great record against the Knights in recent years because they are always drawn against Newcastle at Origin time when players are out, or the refs give it to Wests on a plate (tonight, 2009 at Campbelltown when a match winning try right on full-time was called back for a non-existant forward pass). I can't wait until Newcastle become the media darlings again and are refereed as such.


1. Simona's pass for the brown try was forward

2. Degois penalised for making a takle. Ref has no clue, saying it was for holding down, then it was because he bit marshall in the head, then it was because of holding down again.

3. Housten penalised for retaliating to a simona push

4. Degois pushed down at marker by heignington allowing a clear path for farah, if degois was there putting pressure on, it goes back to lui, and theres a good chance he misses.

5. 9-2 penalty count...

6. Questionable obstructions/shephards on 2 of the tigers tries that denied defenders the oppurtunity to shut the play down. Both werent even reffered to the video, when in the case of the brown try, lyons said "check for obstruction..."



Tigers always get a saloon passage...........

Raymond said at halftime that Sheens wanted a slower play the ball and he got that on a platter.

It was made 10 times worse for the Knights as we got penalised in the ruck at the same time as the Tigers could do as they pleased.

The most damning aspect is that the refs judge the Knights on preconceptions and not what they are doing.

Its going to take several years to break down the refs bias.


Staff member
It did change the field position battle late in the game though. Technically it should have been a penalty to us, allowing gidley a chance to slot the 2 points.

Fair enough. It was a refereeing blunder either way you look at it (love how Maxwell said "for no reason at all" when he came in for his little bitch - despite everyone knowing otherwise).

I don't agree by any stretch it (or the refereeing) cost us the game though. Some of our own players were more responsible for losing than the refs.


One moment of good play is not good enough in 80 minutes football. Apart from setting up the Costigan try, he was terrible in defence, has a poor kicking game and wasn't sighted in attack apart from the Costigan try.

Roberts showed more in one game than Henry has showed in 5. Heavens for bid but Buck shows he is a class above.

Jeez some of you blokes are harsh. Give the kid a chance; you are expecting johns like stuff from him it would seem. He would have trained off season with Mullen there. It would have been Mullen's job to take control and Beau could have played his own game. Injuries have forced him to step up much quicker than planed and play to Gidley's game which is not that of a half.


Only just got back from the game and although the result, our halves and the penalty count were incredible disappointing i'd rather just touch on how incredibly proud i am of the following forwards.

Tui, Hilder, Faas, AK, House, Nev, Eddie and Ike.

They ripped in and really smashed the tigers and showed a lot of grunt and heart. A real refreshing change.

Whats Doing


Jeez some of you blokes are harsh. Give the kid a chance; you are expecting johns like stuff from him it would seem. He would have trained off season with Mullen there. It would have been Mullen's job to take control and Beau could have played his own game. Injuries have forced him to step up much quicker than planed and play to Gidley's game which is not that of a half.

I am not expecting miracles from a kid who has played 5 games. However I am expecting a player (particularly a half) to involve himself for 80 minutes.

He will get plenty of more chances this year to prove his worth


It's funny, with about 20 minutes to go I was thinking to myself that for once the refs were doing ok and mostly staying out of it. Sure we were getting beaten up in the penalty count but a fair bit of that was down to our own stupidity. Then came that ridiculous penalty against Houston where they clearly didn't see properly what went on and so just made something up, and of course the markers being taken out giving Farah a clear passage to kick a field goal. Both were shocking calls that had a big impact on the game. Sure the Houston penalty didn't lead to points for them but it easily could have in a crucial point in the game, not to mention we were winning the territory battle and could have got in position ourselves.

I can cop that we had our chances to win and didn't take them, particularly Gidley's knock-on with 15 seconds left in front of the posts, but they did the same thing, Farah kicking out on the full, Moltzen throwing that ridiculous pass with a full set up their sleeve. They deserved to win less than we did, and at the risk of sounding like a bitter Knights fan I think the better team lost last night. Once we got into the contest we got on top of them in the forwards and in the ruck, we just couldn't put them away, especially at 16-10 when we should have.

Our whole starting forward were and are outstanding, enough has been said about last night's bench but when they were on I was just praying the damage would be minimal until our starting guys came back (although Kaufusi didn't disgrace himself last night). All our outside backs were great, Wes in particular is playing fantastic footy at the moment, a few times he ran us out of trouble from near our own goalline. Really the only guys that were average from our starting 13 were our halves. I know it's already been said but if Mullen plays that game his kicking would have capitalised on the dominance we were getting in the forwards.


my mate was like when we got that penalty near the start of the same in front of the posts.
that next year we'd be taking the two, and in the end that would have won us the game
it made me lol (but true)

but i loved watching house being all over ellis and heighinton in defense
and watching mcmanus clean up all night
faas riping in and kafusi was actually doing well
great game to watch, but the refs were killing me
the tigers allowed to do anything


Live Update Team
Ok, I've had some time to calm down after what happened last night and take stock on what exactly did happen; not what could have happened, but what did happen.

Firstly, the boys were absolutely courageous. It's been a long time since we've been caned in the penalty count and refused to buckle underneath the weight of possession, but sadly it was only a matter of time before the Tigers locked the game up towards the back end of the second half.

Secondly, and I know Nev seemed to have been a bit rubbery-legged in the lead-up to the Tigers first try, but Lui should never have scored from where he did. Our goal-line defence on that occasion should have been pushing up.

Thirdly, the penalty against Houston was an absolute disgrace. What game was Maxwell officiating? "(Houston) pushes the marker for absolutely no reason." Are you serious Jared? If memory serves correctly, you were the pocket referee and you should have seen the unnecessary knee from Ellis on Houston while he was on the ground.

Fourthly, Gidley's knock-on right in front of the posts was a killer, an absolute killer. In hindsight he was probably still a little too shallow and should have been another 5m or so further back to give himself time, but it wasn't to be. Other than that, Gids was actually half decent playing halfback for a change.

And lastly, the combined 9-2 penalty count was a farce. Although most of the nine penalties we gave away were probably warranted for slowing the play-the-ball down, I'm pretty sure it goes both ways and the Knights play-the-balls were no less slower than the Tigers, yet we only get two penalties all game.


Staff member
Only just got back from the game and although the result, our halves and the penalty count were incredible disappointing i'd rather just touch on how incredibly proud i am of the following forwards.

Tui, Hilder, Faas, AK, House, Nev, Eddie and Ike.

They ripped in and really smashed the tigers and showed a lot of grunt and heart. A real refreshing change.

Agreed. It was nice to see a lot of them step up. Tui and Faas are becoming more like a a genuine first grade forward duo each week.

Unfortunately by the end of the game though they were buggered and couldn't make the final hard yards. I believe Tui was on the bench near the end of game though?


Agreed. It was nice to see a lot of them step up. Tui and Faas are becoming more like a a genuine first grade forward duo each week.

Unfortunately by the end of the game though they were buggered and couldn't make the final hard yards. I believe Tui was on the bench near the end of game though?

Can you blame them? Despite the penalty count our forwards won the field position battle. They constantly belted the Tigers in both attack and defense.

Jeff Robson would of put on 30 points on the back of our forwards performances. Gidley did some nice things but for the most part our halves - kicking, passing, vision, direction was diabolical.

2011 a write off? Perhaps. But geez if we had last nights forward pack combined with our first few rounds halves/backline we'd put 30 on most sides and be the Dragons thorn.

Bennett has a very inconsistent core to work with here but if he can manage to get the best out of every player, 1-17, like Stone did with our forwards last night then with 2 or 3 additions plus promotions of a couple of juniors we will have a very good football side.

Allstar Knights

Fa'aoso was a man on a mission last night. His runs were very damaging, particularly in the first 20 minutes. I lol'd when he ran straight over the top of Lui and kept running.


First Grade
Nah, I still think we'll have a red-hot go; just think our attack will be a problem ...

Not a bad pre-game summary there JD :)

2 try assists now for Junior Sau :)

I saw that on the stats before I watched the replay last night...was doing massive WTF!!! Well done Junior :)

Wow. Henry a long way off first grade standard defence. I see why Wayne is iffy about him.

Where has he said this?

I predict that stone will um and arh the whole way through the press conference

Lol. That's exactly what he'll do.

lets see who picks his cliches

I'll start with:

- It was a good game of footy, both sides tried hard and we just came up a bit short.

- Some of the calls were a little disappointing but we'll have a look at the tape during the week and speak with Bill.

Have either of you guys watched a press conference by Stone? Or was the last one you watched back in 2006 when Hagan was coaching?

Roberts showed more in one game than Henry has showed in 5.

You obviously didn't watch round 1 or 2 of this season, or any of Henry's games in NYC in 09 or 10...

As for the pair of them, I have (probably) watched more games of both and they have both shown a lot in the dozen or so games that I've seen each of them play.

Raymond said at halftime that Sheens wanted a slower play the ball and he got that on a platter.

It was made 10 times worse for the Knights as we got penalised in the ruck at the same time as the Tigers could do as they pleased.

Did you hear Stone comment on slow play the balls in the press conference? Here it is: http://www.foxsports.com.au/League/039more-finesse-needed039/video-e6frf3ou-1226070543322

i'd rather just touch on how incredibly proud i am of the following forwards.

Tui, Hilder, Faas, AK, House, Nev, Eddie and Ike.

They ripped in and really smashed the tigers and showed a lot of grunt and heart. A real refreshing change.

Great post :)

Any stats from last night?

Coming soon! Some big stuff this week!


First Grade
Stone mentioned in the press conference that Sau and McManus were playing a bit on the injured side in the 2nd half, McManus in particular who had a sprained ankle and got needled up at half time. Probably explains why the pair of them were shown up a few times.


First Grade
Knights 30 from 37 (81%)
Tigers 34 from 48 (71%)

Missed tackles
Knights 68
Tigers 45
Both numbers are high, obviously ours is very high...by comparison we missed 22 tackles last week, 36 the week before (Roosters) and 29 the week before that (Warriors)

Uate 189m (17 runs, 7 tackle breaks)
Naiqama 159m (15 runs, 7 tackle breaks, 1 line break)
Fa'aoso 130m (14 runs)
Kaufusi 128m (14 runs, 1 line break)
Costigan 124m (16 runs, 2 offloads)
Tuimavave 115m (12 runs, 3 offloads)

Sau 2 try assists

Edwards 1 line break, 4 tackle breaks

De Gois 9 dummy half runs for 73m - I think this is a sign he is getting back to his best, did similar last week.

Gidley had 9 kicks for 338m
Henry had 7 kicks for 280m
(interesting stat - our halves made a lot more metres in kicks than the Tigers halves)

The infamous forwards hitup stats look a bit different this week...
Kaufusi 13 for 111m (40 mins)
Tuimavave 10 for 97m (54 mins)
Fa'aoso 11 for 96m (42 mins)

Costigan 10 for 82m (74 mins)
Uate 6 for 71m (87 mins)
Tolar 8 for 51m (31 mins)
Houston 7 for 47m (87 mins)
Edwards 6 for 46m (40 mins)
Ciraldo 4 for 26m (26 mins)

Stat of the week - Kaufusi is the second Knights prop to make over 100m in hitups (ie: not all runs) this season. The first was Tolar in round 2.

Houston 51 (5 missed, 8 one-on-one - in my experience I'm pretty sure thats a lot)
Hilder 43 (5 missed, 1 ineffective - which is pretty good for him)
De Gois 36 (5 missed)
Edwards 31 (5 missed)
Tuimavave 28 (6 missed)

Missed tackles (not already mentioned above)
Henry 6 (made 14)
Costigan 6 (made 19)
Lulia 5 (made 17)
Naiqama 4 (made 7)
McManus 4 (made 8)
Sau 4 (made 13)
Tolar 4 (made 15)
Gidley 4 (made 23)

The only players that missed less than 2 tackles were Fa'aoso with 1 (made 22) and Ciraldo with 0 (made 12)