dont you just love how flanagan has already been found guilty by all commentators ??/ , no mention of crichton rubbing his face all over kyle and literally pushing his nose into kyles mouth . everybody "clearly ' sees Kyle close his mouth ... ( doesnt look like it to me ) And as Crichton has now been elevated to a god like status by the media it wont matter what defence gets shown it will be deemed that Kyle has attacked a poor defenceless crichton and deserves a very lengthy suspension , even though Kyle is flat on his back, held down and having crichton rubbing his face all over kyles BUT clearly in commentators eyes Kyle rears up and takes a huge bite on crichtons nose and shakes his head from side to side as there is no way that crichton could have actually rubbed his teeth over kyles exposed bottom teeth ........
If footage clearly shows kyle biting he deserves whatever penalty he gets but lets ask what / why crichto was doing