I said previously in the Souths game his turn & chase had every Souths player go past him, to think we complained about how slow Nighty was in this area makes me question are we better off.
Bring back Nighty!!!
Seriously though - and to try to answer OKB’s question re gaining favour with Waterboy, I think the imposter has a subliminal missionary zeal that seeks to redeem, recuperate, recover, regenerate & rebuild the wayward, discarded & wandering ones.
Providing succour & hope for their families & offering lifelines to fringe first grade careers.
He spoke extensively about Pereira needing to look after his family, Lafai’s redemption & Latimore needing a home & being able to nurture the young players. Probably the same for Maranta, Runciman, Nichols, Allgood & Rav - you know, bits of hard luck sob stories
Suffer the little children to come unto me ...
He probably collects stray cats out the back
Waterboy’s their benefactor - the good guy
You know - family
Fuc* October
So the young ones can go fu*k themselves & wait their turn like he had to.
Find their own way.
Do their penance
practise denial in that very catholic way
He said last week that Field was ‘waiting’
Yeah right - they sure all know about that
He does it with us too
We’re always waiting ...
It’s all much like his own experience of being resurrected from Park footy at age 24-25
Tough times hard yards bullshit
He certainly cuts an interesting (& disturbing) psychological profile that true footy professionals like Bennett & Bellamy must laugh at