The Titans' Amadean does the 'helicopter' in response to the Kiwi haka and nearly blinds the touch judge.
737 below the bar
A Queenslander in Canberra
As a Queenslander, I've been accused of thinking highly of myself. As a Queenslander, I've been accused of thinking less of everyone else. As a Queenslander, I've been accused of being painfully handsome, ridiculously good at sports and astoundingly accomplished at corrupting mid-level politicians.
All of these accusations are correct. I apologise for nothing. From the incessant wining and dining of Anna Bligh to the thrillingly understated length of my jaw-stubble, I am a proud Queenslander and guilty as charged.
I am also currently abiding in the Australian Capital Territory.
I hope my stay here will be mercifully brief. I hope to never again walk into a footy club only to find that every single person in front of the bar is a public servant. I hope the Broncos improve on their 0-56 scoreline next time they play the Raiders.
0-56 was an entirely justified scoreline. It was an abysmal performance by arguably the most talented team in the competition. It was a match I watched, with Canberran mates, live down the pub. It was humiliation unseen since 1991, coincidentally the last year the Broncos didn't make the final 8, again coincidentally it was the last year the Raiders were any good; they certainly aren't this year.
These factors (the mates, the Queenslander pride, the low quality of ACT League, the increasingly evident corruption withing the Queensland Labor Party, the vanishing hopes of Brisbane making the finals) combine in some perfect-storm-like fashion to make my time here even more miserable than necessary.
Ok, ok, I'll be fair. Canberra is not as entirely hideous as you may've heard. The average person here is much like the average person in Melbourne, Brisbane or Alberquerque. Perhaps slightly less interesting than those other average people, but not intrinsically evil. Just dull. And fat. Still, I went to school here for a while and I turned out ok.
Thank the good Flying Spaghetti Monster that I didn't turn out like the rest of them. I'm not going to harp on about Todd Carney here (although tacking on Carney to the end of his name is laughably appropriate given his sideshow antics and [insert clown pun of choice]), but rather about the feel of the pub during a footy game.
I've watched League live on telly in London, Shanghai, Sydney, Perth, Singapore and Chicago. And Canberra. In fact, I watched a the recent, brilliant, game between the Storm and the Dragons (match of the year? Could be.) in a packed bar in Kingston in Canberra (called the Kingston Hotel, or affectionately 'Kingo') and it was an embarrasingly quiet affair. Play the same game in similar bars anywhere in the world and you'll get a response. Play it in a working-mans pub in the ACT and the conversations on house prices and fuel efficient motoring aren't disturbed to the slightest degree.
So yes, Canberrans are boring. Even when they're beating, thrashing, humiliating the once-mighty Broncos Canberrans are boring. Whilst this may have something to do with (to judge from a stroll through Tuggeranong Town Centre) the local population's habit of inbreeding with obese dugongs, it is still inexcusable. Canberrans, should you feel an inesacapable need, visit and relieve your urges there; please don't continue to raise children who look like they should never have ventured onto dry land.
Does this innately boring spirit permeate their footy? Well, perhaps, although it certainly never used to. Tricky Dicky was pretty flash in his day, Gary Belcher and Laurie 'Winged-Keel-from-the-1983-Americas-Cup-Winning-Yacht Nose' Daley were perhaps more so. It wasn't even a bad place to live; the people seemed less Camry-like, the local newspaper seemed less craft fair obsessed and some of the girls didn't appear to have come through the lens of “Kelp Bed Hidden Cameras”.
Hell, I don't know what's happened. Maybe the fact that an Origin game in Chicago rocks harder than a league game in Canberra is a positive thing. Maybe I've been spoiled by long-legged meter-maids and Scotty Prince's playmaking. It is even conceivable, albeit terrifying, that the ACT is the way of the future and the rest of the country is waiting to catch up.
Hell, what do I know? I still think the Titans, Cowboys and Broncos will make the Semis.
Hold on.
I'm a fscking QUEENSLANDER! I'm not bloody wrong! Of course we'll make the Semis!
This place must be getting to me...