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Round 8 vs Sharks


Would like to have a video decision on whether Simmons was still in the air and Docker...2 more steps mate...clear the line, then watch the play.


The real joke was the linesman not going upstairs for the Simmons try.At least it was line ball and linesman go upstairs on nearly all tries but not this time

It's that bad of a decision,it is a joke.

Hate to be the Sharks when they come to play at Penrith Park in the return clash.


In a game where both teams were that bad, "deserve" has no place in the discussion. You win and figure out how to be better next time; you lose and do the same.

Very true.

That also leaves no place for those who suggest referee decisions - no matter how bad we think they may have been - were the cause of our loss.

Anyway, bottom line is we played the bottom team and played at their level.

That is where we are, that is the standard we are currently operating under.

The sky is not falling, the club won't fall apart.

Mind you it is about the same as where we were under Elliott as well. That comment will fire up some people here, I'm sure. hehehe. But give me some facts from our results so far under Cleary that tells me it is an incorrect statement. I actually want to be proved wrong - but I don't want to hear all the sanctimonious claptrap that is so often brought out against those who question the state of play.


We were in trouble the minute their worst player was sidelined. We had nothing to send our attack to. Everything was made up after that!


Another thing that shits me. We have two long experienced halves for who the best things you can say is 'structure' and their kicking. So how about when we are up by a small margin and on their line they take control and how about some repeat sets? Play the game down their end. Simmons might have almost produced a try off that bomb but he had no right to and had to jump out of play to manage it, and the other set Wallace kicks it against opposition legs and hands the ball over 5m from where he kicked it. And if Wallace is doing all the pressure kicking how much f**king use is Soward?


He did some pretty good things too but nothing that he had to be at fullback for

If you have a Mercedes on the road,why leave the Rolls Royce in the garage?

For god sake bring DWZ in at fullback so we have at least some height to diffuse those kicks.

Having a midget at the back is not going to help us in the long run.

Last week Moylan f**ked up in goal which led to a try.This week,he does another "Izzard" and we lose the game.The guy is a liability....get rid of ASAP.


Given our halves managed to use Moylan in the backline this week and create a good looking try from it I'd not want to drop him now. Not until atleast DWZ can get a game or two at FB ( not a fullback rotation) in NSW cup and produce the same catch and pass skills in those plays with John.


First Grade
Another thing that shits me. We have two long experienced halves for who the best things you can say is 'structure' and their kicking. So how about when we are up by a small margin and on their line they take control and how about some repeat sets? Play the game down their end. Simmons might have almost produced a try off that bomb but he had no right to and had to jump out of play to manage it, and the other set Wallace kicks it against opposition legs and hands the ball over 5m from where he kicked it. And if Wallace is doing all the pressure kicking how much f**king use is Soward?

Soward actually made some good hits in defense, and did nothing in attack. He's been Clearified!

I kid, I kid. But he was anonymous with ball in hand today.


f**k that. Make this happen now:

1. DWZ
2. Mansour
3. Idris
4. Whare
5. Nabouli
5. Sowie
7. Wallace
8. Grant
9. Segs
10. Latimore
11. Manu
12. Robinson / Cherrington / Cartright / VTK
13. Taylor

14. Peachey / Moylan
15. Plum
16. McKendry / Kite / RCG
17. Robinson / Cherrington / Cartright / VTK

Need more size in the pack, more speed in the backs. Moylan seems a tad too good to be dropped altogether, as does Peach. Battle them for the utility spot.

I love Docker. But feel size is too important to carry him. He's a hard hitter, but still to small for afirst grade forward pack IMO. Needs 5kg+ atleasy put on.


Kev has been a massive disappointment. Not the player Knights fans talk about
I said this last year and was howled down by a couple of people on this forum.
I watched all 3 grades today and the player I was most impress with was Kieran Moseley.
Btw Bryce Cartwright had a shocker in Nyc and I think the coach hooked him in the final minute.


There's an old trick that goes something like this:

"A Grandfather is out with his Grandson one day, when he decides to play a game. 'I bet you $2 I can jump higher than this house' he proclaims. His Grandson, obviously baffled by the idea of his Grandfather accomplishing such a superhuman feat, gladly accepts. The Grandfather bends his tired and arthritic knees, summons all the might left in is old and disheveled body, and leaps mere millimeters into the air. The son beams brightly. 'I knew you couldn't do it! You owe me two dollars!'. The Grandfather cracks a grin, and shakes his head. 'No, you owe me two dollars. The house didn't jump at all!'"

It saddens me to think that Mansour and Idris will never be able to perform this trick.

I am being a tad facetious, but I think it demonstrates an increasing point of concern with our backs: Soward's kicking game is neutralised with the backline we're fielding, with the exception of Simmons, and that is one of his best attributes. Nabuli needs to be considered.

We also ran almost 200m further than they did, but failed to score points - we must be the only team that tires itself out in attack. Ivan needs to look at sacrificing meters in exchange for points. I don't think that Mansour and Idris are playing the role that backs should ideally be playing. And though some of those meters can be attributed to line breaks, that only shows that we lack the pace to capitalise on broken play.

As for the rest:

Whare was brilliant as always.

Wallace and Soward played well as individuals, but our backline itself doesn't look sharp or organised enough.

Moylan played well, apart from the obvious f**k-up-deluxe.

Kingston really needs to go. Segeyaro (despite his errors) and Peachy look so much more electric, and we cannot carry all three of them (and I'd really rather have them both on the field at the same time as little as possible).

If Taylor is even the slightest bit injured, I would like to see Robinson next week given Cleary has confidence enough in him to place him as 18th man. It's time.

By now I had expected us to gel, but we still look unstable and it's increasingly disheartening as the weeks roll by. When you fail to score points, you take the psychological battle out of the game, and that's something I think we're struggling to acknowledge.


We could move Idris out of the centres into the back row and indeed I would if Jennings was available. As it is Jennings and Yeo are injured and don't think Cleary would consider Blake for FG. Mansour's metres aren't so much a bonus like they should be, rather they are papering over the cracks.


Also, Sika Manu ran for 135 meters (more than any of our front row rotation) and has offered virtually nothing in attack all year. I've been critical of Manu in prop, but maybe this is something to reassess if it means sliding in Robinson (who seems to be next in line). Your points are never going to come from your props, but when our backs are picking up the slack for Grant (88), Kite (87) and Plum (84), you're bound to squander your point scoring potential.


We could move Idris out of the centres into the back row and indeed I would if Jennings was available. As it is Jennings and Yeo are injured and don't think Cleary would consider Blake for FG. Mansour's metres aren't so much a bonus like they should be, rather they are papering over the cracks.


Idris is playing like a backrower, but there's no alternative it seems. It's an experiment to keep in mind if things stay the same.

Agree about Mansour. He's doing a job he shouldn't have to.


Also, Sika Manu ran for 135 meters (more than any of our front row rotation) and has offered virtually nothing in attack all year. I've been critical of Manu in prop, but maybe this is something to reassess if it means sliding in Robinson (who seems to be next in line). Your points are never going to come from your props, but when our backs are picking up the slack for Grant (88), Kite (87) and Plum (84), you're bound to squander your point scoring potential.

There's so many factors that go into total metres beyond a player's control. It will be interesting to see when the minutes are up but I doubt Grant got even 40mins (again). We play four props and are never wanting for someone to hit the ball up, and so I have little care for the amount of runs but rather the quality of those runs.


There's so many factors that go into total metres beyond a player's control. It will be interesting to see when the minutes are up but I doubt Grant got even 40mins (again). We play four props and are never wanting for someone to hit the ball up, and so I have little care for the amount of runs but rather the quality of those runs.

Granted, but Latimore for mine still looked the most damaging (and ran for the most). Grant was lackluster in comparison (and moreso compared to what he is capable of). Idris (despite the fact that I wish he was playing a different style of game) seems to have blokes hanging off of him, as does Mansour, every run.

I know its more complicated than a single stat, but I still think all things considered that our backs are compensating for our forwards, instead of scoring points. There's something of a domino affect from a few areas that stems from our props.
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Also, Sika Manu ran for 135 meters (more than any of our front row rotation) and has offered virtually nothing in attack all year. I've been critical of Manu in prop, but maybe this is something to reassess if it means sliding in Robinson (who seems to be next in line). Your points are never going to come from your props, but when our backs are picking up the slack for Grant (88), Kite (87) and Plum (84), you're bound to squander your point scoring potential.

If Matt Robinson had the space Manu had today he would have made 200m+ there was so much room to manoeuvre on the blind side it wasnt funny and instead of drawing the defensive winger in and putting Simmo away he headed back between the winger and centre, to me that just wreaks of the way he was used at Melbourne as an interchange player and not a frontline second rower, might aswell have Plum playing second row if that's all we are going to use the second row for. If Cleary wanted him to have the physique of a front rower then he should play him in the front row, if he is to play second row get him to lose 10kg and learn how to f**ken run.
What realistic changes can hope for next week? Nabuli or DWZ in for Simmons? Is that even going to help? Will Cleary man up and drop Kingston? I dunno very frustrating