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Round One Charge Sheet.


You shed some light into the incident BFB. I've watched the NRL site vedeo and your postings here seem to be just about on the money.
I'm still no Tallis fan though

Mike Gibson makes some interesting comments hereon the Tallis fiasco. Remember that he is old and probably well past his use-by date.

El Duque

Mate I'm just sick and fed up with people jumping on to the "Let'sHateGordy BandWagon" the minute he protects himself for a cheap shot. He's no Godsend, but he's far from the Devil's Advocate that many label him to be.

Tallis is the coward who threw the cheap shot. What went on in the tackle (if anything) is irrelevant. There is no excuse for acting like an animal.

You just don't get it mate. A cheap shot it a hit when someone isn't looking. Ross WAS facing Tallis and lunged at him first before Tallis bashed the shit out of him. And bullshit what happened in the tackle is irrelivant! It's what started the whole mess. So how is that irrelevant?
Oh...I know what you mean. It's like the guy who bashed the shit out ofthe intruder who rapped his wife. It's irrelevant that the intruder rapped and sodomisedhis wife, what matter is the guy got his head kicked in. FFS please!

Ross was only looking because Tallis spun him around whilst he was walikung away. Watch it again.

Why n f**ks name are you bringing up rape? Did Ross Rape Gordy now?

Illegalities go on in tackles every week and the REFEREES are the one's in charge of handling this. If every player chose to at like Tallis there'd be punches after every 2nd tackle.

Tallis NEVER started this mess!

Are you trying to say he never threw the first punch?

No! I said ne never started the mess. I've made clear in previous posts whatI mean by that commentWhy is that so hard for you to understand? Everybody else herereading this does. Typical of you to respond to selective reading. Whatever suits you mate.

Unless Ross threw the first punch then Gordy was the instigator. Did you not see Ross' hands in the air and him trying to walk away?

Look at the video replay for the love of God! And tell me I'm dribbling from the other end.

You're dribbling from the other end.

Is that another way of saying you have been defeated in this arguement? That's what I, and most probably many reading this, think.

No, it was what you asked to be told. If you don't wish to be told you're dribbling from the other end then DON'T ASK!

Don't waste my time if you refuse to read my posts in their entirity. Again, you're engaging in selective reading-replying and only replying to those sectionsthat you think will win you the arguement. Guess what?You're wrong! You haven't one jack here.
You whish to continue?

Blah blah blah. You're just too bloody good, andyou must've won something because you said so. Do you want a knighthood?



Assistant Moderator
Evilgrowler: "Forget it BFB. People are not going to listen to reason where Tallis is concerned. It seems an elbow in the throat is ok and not considered assault."

Assault? geez, thats a bit of an overeation isnt it? Let call the cops. ;)

From what I can gather the following happened:

1.) Ben Ross delivered a bit of niggle in the tackle...something that happens every match and mostly the recipient lets it go... until the next tackle that is. Ben Ross may be a dirty player... we still don't know if he is or not.

2.) Tallis being the short tempered git he is, let loose with a 'how dare you... don't you know who I am?' type of crap and decided to take the rules into his own hands. I would have preferred to see Tallis make the tackle hurt rather then get himself sent from the field... but hey, it really was the heat of the moment and Gordy isnt known for keeping a cool head.

3.) It was good fight for all of the several seconds it lasted.

4.) The referee was on the spot and handled it perfectly telling both players to cool off for ten minutes.

5.)Afterwards, Tallis justifies the punch-upand says its a 'mans game'... nowI know what he really meant to say is that its a 'tough game' but thats not how it came across.

Believe it or not Gordy, there are some people who think going the biff doesnt make you a better man. But thats okay mate, microphone diplomacy isnt what we love you for.

5.) Some turkey from the AFL spews out bullshit about god knows what. I wonder how much people really listened to that crap

6.) The NRL isnt amused by by the lack of action by the Judiciary but so what, no one likes Jim Hall.

In summary, Gorden Tallis is a tremendous player who cant hold his temper on the field... but we already know that. I read through it all and I still dont know what all the fuss is about.

Remember that he [Mike Gibson]is old and probably well past his use-by date.

Do you really wan't me to add more to this? You said it so well :)
We're on the merry-go-round here and I'm getting head spins. Same thing over and over again.
Either A} I'm not making myself clear enough B} You're not reading the replies that I am posting, or, C} You're playing dumb...hoping to save your arse.
We'll let the LWOS spectators decide. I've said what I've had to say on this thread.
Thanks for your time.

El Duque

Oh, I understand what you're trying to say, I just disagree with you. You seem to have a problem with that.

Gibson disagrees with you, but you dismiss his point of view because he's "old and probably well past his use-by date."

Gallop disagrees with you as he thinks Tallis should've been chargedso what reasoning will you use to dismiss his point of view?


Well I dunno who's right or who's wrong, but it was a bloody good arguement between the two of you. Thanks guys for keeping this old geezer glued to the screen for a couple of hours. And thanks for keeping it relatively clean.
Good to have some biffo on the field...andon theLWOS boards:)


El Duque

1.) Ben Ross delivered a bit of niggle in the tackle...something that happens every match and mostly the recipient lets it go... until the next tackle that is. Ben Ross may be a dirty player... we still don't know if he is or not.

This is an important point. Niggle is a regular occurence and is no excuse for Tallis' behaviour.

5.) Some turkey from the AFL spews out bullshit about god knows what. I wonder how much people really listened to that crap

He didn't need to comment, but his points were valid. How many people would want their kids to play if what Tallis did is deemed acceptable behaviour?

Outlaw, I didn't know you were an old geezer?



"Outlaw, I didn't know you were an old geezer?"
Mate, after getting on average maybe 4 hours sleep every night for the last 3 months or so,because of my little newborn girls sleeping patterns-problems, I'm in my early 30's going on 55.....if you get my drift. Not complaining mate, just telling you how this out-of-shape body and mindfeels ATM.
It's all worth it though mate. Things are getting back on track slowly. I got a big 6 hours sleep last night

God bless Jim Beam! :p


1.) Ben Ross delivered a bit of niggle in the tackle...something that happens every match and mostly the recipient lets it go... until the next tackle that is. Ben Ross may be a dirty player... we still don't know if he is or not.
If infact it did happen as mentioned earlier --
An elbow to the throat area is a "bit of a niggle" ? :eek:
Funny that. I'd never heard it refered to as that before.


Assistant Moderator
"An elbow to the throat area is a "bit of a niggle" ?"
Was it really in the throat? Or was it the neck? I only say this because one description is more emotive than the other. Obviously Tallis took exception to the incident either way. But he did seem in pretty good voice after the match.

In any case, it wasnt knees in the back, or a trip, or an eye gouge... it wasnt even a finger up the arsehole. IMO Tallis overeacted. But the matter was dealt with and that should have been the end of it.

My point is that I would have liked to have seen him sort it out with a good hard tackle on Ross at the next opportunity... but thats not the way Gordy plays the game. Head explosions are more his style.

I'm not saying that there is any big deal here. Buggered if I know why it is being turned into a big deal.

But I will say this:

Jason Ryles has got a reputation for being a hot head. He was lectured by the club and the coach earlier this week after he allowed Skumdalis to bait him. Saints CEO even rang up the Judiciary chairman to inform him that Ryles was being spoken to. This was despiteRyles never being chargedover the so-called 'head butt'- a nothing incident.
Conversely, Tallis gets praise and backing from his club and coachafter completely losing his cool and getting sent-off... allowing the opposition a sniff and for a moment, Penrith looked a chance to win while Tallis was off the field.

St George cant afford to lose Ryles to suspension while Brisbane feel that any action againstTallis is something worth fighting over.

I dont say this as a criticism... its more of an observation. Obviously, its two different clubs and things are run differently.


yes, but ryles had a wild look in his eye...:mad:

and with a name like that (ryles) , theres a very strong chance he will be violent.


I'm totally agreeing with El Duque on this one. Whether or not there was niggle in the tackle is irrelevantwhen you look at how Gordie started the fight. The incident simmered for a few seconds then seemed to be over, Ross was trying to back away and forget the incident and then Tallis launched into him with scant provocation. I'm not against punch-ups on the footy field but the way this one unfolded it seemed much more malicious than the usual heat of the moment adrenalin pumping fist swung in anger fare.


""Whether or not there was niggle in the tackle is irrelevantwhen you look at how Gordie started the fight""

weasel, gordy didnt start the fight,,ok ? ross admitted he did.ross also realised very quickly that he had bitten off more than he could chew and tried to back off.

if you put the shit in,expect it back.
when you put the shit into tallis, expect it back with interest.he has had a major neck injury (career threatening), and is probably a bit protective of the neck area.

this whole saga wouldnt have happened if ross had kept his elbow to himself.

imho, gordon tallis should ghave flattened the prick.

the warriors had a similar situation last sunday,, monty betham is back,, he is known to have a short fuse and the knights were putting the crap into monty every tackle.
if he had smacked one, he would be the guilty one,,,not the pricks who niggled him all day with illegal play.

the biff must be brought back to stop this nonsense...



""Whether or not there was niggle in the tackle is irrelevantwhen you look at how Gordie started the fight""
You just don't get it do you weasel?
Not one bit. Have you watched the video or are you jumping on the Gordy train?
Ozbash's first four paragraphs wrap up what happened to a tee...if it already hasn't been said by BFB on a number of ocassions.
Excellent comments Ozbash :)
I'm yet to read anywhere that says Ross is completely innocent in all this BUT like El D said earlier, Illegalities go on in tackles every week and the REFEREES are the one's in charge of handling this. If every player chose to at like Tallis there'd be punches after every 2nd tackle. Now the Gimp, Gimpsclub or the Gimps fans can justify it however they choose but at the end of the day 2 things stand clear & tall above all else.
1) Tallis swung first. He had time to contemplate his next move & decided punching would solve all his woes. Sorry but in any sane book of judgement, that IS wrong.
2) The precident has been set in Rd1, again, & it must be stuck to all year. NOBODY can or should be forced to face the tribunal over fighting.

Like I said earlier, after the last few years with on-field antics like Hoppa& off-field garbage like Dogs supporters(& I acknowledge it's not contained to the Bulldykes club) the NRL has taken a backward step here in making footy look like an attractivesport for kids to take up, no matter how catchy the theme song.

Ps: Where/what isthis "Gordy Train"?


Assistant Moderator
It'll be interesting to see if there are any suspensions at all for fighting in 2003.

But then again, we have to assume that we have a consistent judiciary. I guess we can all wait in anticipation.

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