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Rumoured Targets 3


First Grade
Paying for potential gets you two centres and a winger, all with pretty big flaws, taking up a quarter of your cap.

Allstar Knights

Paying for potential when you don't have the luxury of tpas gets you a spoon worthy squad. You only have to look at us and the tigers.
Considering we don't have the TPA's to sign players elsewhere either, we're screwed there too.

Under the current structure I'd rather pay slight overs to keep our promising juniors then lose them. It's also why we need to sign guys like Pauli Pauli on the cheap because it gives us somewhat of an advantage to other clubs if they turn into gems. We aren't the Roosters or Souths who can sign any big name or re-sign any junior they want to keep at a cheap rate.

Re-signings best juniors, buying project sort of players on the cheap and hoping they develop into quality players is our main key to success imo until the board start finding out how to find some TPA's

Tapine an exception for us I suppose given the amount Raiders offered. I'd have upgraded our offer a bit more, though.
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First Grade
I'd prefer to go out and buy a load of Matt hilders and Isaac de gois's than making millionaires of the local players


Tapine an exception for us I suppose given the amount Raiders offered. I'd have upgraded our offer a bit more, though.

The problem is, this isn't an exception. The exact same thing happened with the Mata'utia boys and the Dogs. Massive offer comes in a full season before the contract would take effect, we either match it (or there abouts) or we lose them. In their case, we matched it... and to be honest I would have spewed at the time if we lost Sione - only for the fact that he was the one positive we had out of the entire year. It was a shame that we had to take all 3 of the brothers... I don't think anyone was particularly comfortable with that stipulation.

I completely agree with what Brown is doing as far as recruitment goes at this stage. The money thrown at Tapine is madness at this stage of his career.
Will never forget 2009. We were going brilliantly for the first half of the year then we got the Wicks bombshell and Smith leaving all in the same year. Pretty sure we were in the top 4 the week Smith announced he was going. Scotty and Mullo were on fire and De Gois was in career best form. After that we hit the wall and it all went to shit. That 2009 side in hindsight was a lot stronger than we will give credit for. House was playing well. Pato same. I will maintain till the day i die Brian Smith is the best player improver I have seen in my time. That side were punching well above their weight because of his skill based coaching. The ball movement by that side was glorious and we punched holes everywhere through our mobility. Just lacked the world beaters to finish off the big games.


Until we also learn to rort the cap, and have the resources to do so, we are never going to compete. It's that simple.

Player managers know the clubs who can organise payments to family members, cash to look after managers fees seperate from the cap number, etc, and it's no coincidence they are the clubs that manage to make the signings. We can't / won't do that, so we need to offer big cap figures to match the total deals offered elsewhere. We will only ever pay anything but overs for players no one else really wants.

It is very illustrative that our only "big" signing of the past 10 years, Hodgkinson, was only chased by us and another club owned by the NRL. If literally any other club bar the Tigers/Titans is chasing him too, we don't land him.

Dont expect Tapine to be the last one we lose in this fashion. The differences I. Resources are so great there may as well not be a cap.

Yay team.
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Allstar Knights

If we give them Tapine early we should seriously try and get Mitch Barnett off them who wants to leave Canberra apparently.

A very promising backrower. Runs great lines in attack and can hit a hole. Tough player.
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The Barnett mess was sorted out months ago
He's signed up for the next 2 years and has already been in the media talking up his desire to stay longer

So best of luck with that

Allstar Knights

The Barnett mess was sorted out months ago
He's signed up for the next 2 years and has already been in the media talking up his desire to stay longer

So best of luck with that
Still thought it was as someone just brought it it up on twitter. Guess I was wrong.

Wasted talent sitting in NSW Cup over the next few years then.


Raiders would want to hope Tapine turns out abit better than the last backrower they pinched from us


Still hearing this concerning rumour from a few people that TREX is coming, can anyone confirm or deny this at this stage? I know Gids said it's a no go but is his word enough?