Season depends on forwards. Sure the halves must play well but if forwards can steam roll others they will have more space and time to execute.
Best our packs produced isnt to dominate other teams pack but to hold there own or break even. Most times opposition packs beat ours. When we are able to match them we become a 50/50 chance of winning against most sides.
If our pack starts to dominate sides the way South's does we will be closer to 70% chance of winning the game.
Do we have the forwards?
I dont mind the look of the pack.
Alvaro has bulked up
Jnr goals should be origin
Tepai and Lane certainly have size and potential to become origin level.
Manu and Brown will never be origin level but capable of just below.
Terepo,Mannah always do a solid job.
Kafusi,Marata,Stefano are an unkown quantity. Imabine these 3 come in strong. It would transform our pack.
I like big players. So Ferguson, Taka in the backline adds to this. The jennings boys and Gutherson are not small. Brown is solid for a half. Moses becomes the only weakness physically.
Simple error free football, straight and hard with a good kick chase and just grind. Forget flashy football, this teams built for grinding ugly tough footy. Just need to pound away and wear teams down in the last 20mins.
I agree with this as you already know Hindy, but I expect our forwards, barring injuries, will be able to dominate this season or at least they will till they get a feel for what our halves(Moses) will be able to deliver. If our halves arn't up to it they(the forwards) as the rest of the team will drop off as usual. Thus why I feel the season only really hinges on how good Moses is?
It will all start and end with him. No pressure, right? That is why the big bucks generally go to the best players in his position. He needs to dominate and take the right option more times then not.
One of the things to look out for is when we have made a great attacking raid on one side of the field inside the oppositions quarter, what we do on the very next play as M. Johns pointed out last season, if a team takes the ball from there and attacks that very same side again, then they have blown it. When you have stretched the defense to all be shifting to that one side, then a good team will play the ball as fast as possible and then quickly spread the ball all the way to the other side of the field where the defense is now short and spread thin.
It is a very simple and an effective tactic that level headed footy players have learnt to exploit well, Moses and Norman last season struggled with this and obviously most other aspects as well last season. Will Moses show that he has what it takes? Little strategies like this will tell us a lot.