Haha - ok - here's my take:
MON - I see Milf is on the outer. Brad, should I put some feelers out. He may come in handy come finals.
BA - no mate, not interested.
MON - I'll give Broncos a call, might be able to get him for cheap.
BA - no mate, not interested.
MON - There's no harm, I'll shoot something off now.
BA - no mate, not interested.
MON to Broncos - I'm willing to do you a favour and take Milf off youse. I spoke to Brad. He's keen for some Milf.
Broncos - no mate, not interested.
Media - "Eels close to snatching Milf for Finals campaign"
Media to Gutho - So what do you think about having Milf for the finals
Gutho - what's this about? I've got no idea
Media - well can we record something regarding your views here Clint?
Gutho - I don't know anything
Media - C'mon, it'd be good for your profile.
Gutho - OK, here's goes. We all know how talented Milf is, he'd be good to get at the Eels.
Jakob Arthur - Dad, what's this about Milf. You promised me I was 2nd in line for half after Mitch, if I mowed the lawns and did the washing up.
BA - sorry son, i told MON, no, and that it will ruin the morale and the current good spirit within the team, by looking at an intruder over the current squad, which could ruin the morale of Joey L, Bryce C, Will S and you my son, but looks like MON approached them. I'll sort this out for you.
BA to media - we had a casual convo with Milf, but we are not interested