Native American slavery pre-colonisation wasn’t exactly the same as how the Europeans practiced it.
They didn’t go and basically kidnap someone from their home, ship them across the sea and hold them in bondage.
The Native Americans would defeat another tribe in battle, then keep the survivors to replace their lost tribesmen. These slaves would live with the tribe and do pretty much what everyone else in the tribe did. Sometimes they were eventually accepted into the tribe as ‘family’.
And of course it was the white man who put an end to slavery.
As if a black man would ever have been allowed to do something like that.
You have not mentioned the experience for the blacks (and Native Americans) post slavery. It wasn’t all hugs and kisses the day after slavery ended. They were still not seen as entirely human and were considered less than a white man.
I’m sorry you feel so oppressed as a white man who has to put up with all this ‘woke’ tv.
Oh please, Does it matter how far a distance you are taken if the end result is the same...death or slavery? Also you don't mention who were the overwhelming majority of the people that were capturing and rounding up the Africans to be sold into slavery. Oh yeah...other Africans profiting from taking out their local competitors and rivals and Middle Eastern traders.
Many cultures over millennia have rewarded as such, for a better term, slaves with their freedom with varying degrees of acceptance and integration into their societies. Including the ancient Greeks, Romans and Americans.
As for the treatment of the Blacks and Native Americans post slavery, it was always going to take time to heal the wounds. They run deep for sure and it would be a difficult thing from both perspectives to just simply forgive and forget or change racist minds. But by constantly picking at the scab and not letting the healing to take place slowly and over a long stretch of time by constantly depicting the white man for example as a monster and referring him as such to this very day then how the hell will anyone ever get over what has been around a 150 odd years ago abolished?
The point is healing never happens if we are constantly told and reminded of what our ancestors did to us. You are just keeping the anger and resentment bubbling and festering along and the racism only continues and actually starts to grow again. As we can now see with so much reverse racism everywhere in the media, TV shows and movies, not to mention the constant unprovoked violence by African Americans on whites.
Hell I think I too would hate and be racist against whites if I were a black man in America today. Especially a poor one that is constantly being told that all my misfortune and misery in life stem directly from the Whiteman and his privilege.
I too want to be privileged. Damn those white crackers, but they do taste good with some cheese.
P.S. In many parts of America the healing had begun and people of all ethnicities were getting along and treating one another respectfully and very well, but for the resent 20 years or so constant barrage of picking at the scab the lefty liberals have been campaigning since forever really to keep America divided and the vote in their pocket.
Oh and I'm not white thank you. I identify as Misty.