I reckon Johns is good at teaching specific things like kick techniques but tactics wise be all over the shop and confuse his mentees.
Also I reckon Drown is full of shit. He’s just playing up his aloofness to football. He’d watch a ton of football.
Maybe maybe not. I think that many young players(people) think it is cool to ignore history, old people, music older then they are and think that being a footy nerd isn't cool.
Problem with all of that, it is making them lesser people and actually can be detrimental to their careers. They want to seem weird and edgy so no one can define them. Being put in a box as a footy head would be like death to their street cred and how they want girls to perceive them. It's all about how your peers view you and especially the chicks, man!
No kid today wants to be seen as plain and transparent. There needs to be mystery and layers to a complex, magnetic character and mind. With Dylan we can see some of this type of intent in that interview he did with Jake Duke the other day where he on numerous occasions kept telling us that he was a bit weird and that his mates think that he is a bit weird and that he just isn't your average bear. So when Jake finally quizzed him on why he thinks he is weird? Dylan had no real answer other then he liked some space, which is hardly surprising or weird considering he grew up in a rural area of NZ. Oh and that he did some key cutting course for six months. Yeah a real out of the box edgy avant-garde individual our Dylan is. Jeez so hard to work out. What will he do next. If I was a woman I'd have a wide-on the size of the NZ Sounds and be just as wet.
Sorry to be so facetious, but I have had it with all the bogus nonsense so many young people say and do. They are as predictable as we were. It is called rebelling and trying to standout to impress your mates and peers, but especially the girls. But this don't label me dude bullsh*t has gone to another level and sorry, but I've got news for this latest generation, labels is what we all do and gen Z is labeled as boring wannabes that are as dumb as rocks by this old man.
The point is though that many youths today will go out of their way to not conform to our older ideas, traditions and behaviours for fear of being labeled and that is an anathema to their cool existence. Dylan is no different and as an example, probably needs to be made to watch every game otherwise he will ignore a part of his football education and development until he gets a little more mature and realises there is much to gain by doing so, but that will be precious time lost that players like Cleary haven't.
He and others at our club need the mentor-buddy system in place. It can only be a positive for our club.