Onfield performance is related to how much of your salary cap is available to play each week.
Oh ok so the team that has the most salary cap on the field performs the best each week regardless of who is coaching them
That's largely out of the coach's hands. You should pay attention to what administrators, managers and coaches say, rather than just the stuff that supports your biases.
Or do we now have to sack everyone involved with the team's onfield performance at what ever stage that is when we can stop blaming the people who came before them? Or are you under the impression that onfield performance is superfluous to running a business that is primarily a first grade rugby league team?
By your logic Stuart outperformed Arthur this year.
No by my logic, using the "fact" that coaches are allowed to blame their predecessors for performance and being lumped with the squad from another former coach (because apparently you get 2 seasons to blame the other guy), 2014 Arthur outperformed 2013 Stuart AND 2012 Kearney. From that we can extrapolate that Arthur is a better coach. If memory serves me correct Arthur has never coached Canberra so this years performances don't really mean anything, but we could assume that Canberra may have possibly ended up with an even better season if Arthur was their coach.
When they get the team they want is a good start. That never happens by the second season. But coaches at weak clubs need to take risks to catch up to the pack, and if one big move backfires it can hurt the team for four years, as it did with us. I guarantee Kearney won't be signing Chris Sandow to the Warriors. In fact he's already signed the best defensive half (and fairly cheaply it seems) to shore up one side of his defence. All they can do is learn from their mistakes, but the salary cap makes it difficult to fix those mistakes quickly.
Ok 2 seasons then? Well that's too bad that Kearney didn't even last that with us, we can only dream of the heights he would have taken us to in 2013. That said I guess we don't have to worry about the Warriors for at least the next 2 seasons until they rid themselves of McFaddenitis