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Rumours and Stuff


Post Whore
Oh ffs, you guys, stop being so precious. We are not being racist no matter how hard you try to turn it into that.

Racist is hating a certain race and not wanting to be friends with them based on that.
Making observations is not racist. Its banter. People need to lighten up really.


Post Whore
OK I wind back what I said. Sorry.

The safety net or safe place is required for minorities who don't have a voice or the means to defend themselves.

And yet it's almost exclusively something that middle class white Americans are using and insisting upon...

I think maybe I have given you slightly the wrong idea about what I'm talking about with safe spaces. Young, mostly white people are creating safe spaces in universities and whatnot where any opinion that could possibly be considered offensive is barred. The discussion we're having here wouldn't be allowed, for example. These are people who believe that merely using a word "triggers" them, whatever the f**k that means. I mentioned it offhand as tangentially related to the discussion because I have a massive problem with the whole thing...I believe that when you're offended or insulted, you're learning something, about yourself or about the world or both. Coddling people, no matter their race or religion or whatever, is no better or more useful than abusing them.

There will always be racism, homophobia, whatever. It's not going to go away and if it miraculously does we'll invent new prejudices. I think people should be prepared for the real world, not protected from it.


Post Whore
People will judge on where live - Penrith Westie - bogun - scum - deroe.
It seems ok to bag short or thin people who cant help how they are born physically , but offensive to bag overweight people. Who are that way due to choice of lifestyle.

And if I was to say Indians look silly when they wear cheap looking oversized brown suits your a racist.


Post Whore
People will judge on where live - Penrith Westie - bogun - scum - deroe.
It seems ok to bag short or thin people who cant help how they are born physically , but offensive to bag overweight people. Who are that way due to choice of lifestyle. Odd one.

And if I was to say Indians wear cheap looking oversized brown suits your a racist.

I think I will just sit in the corner and pull my dick. Is this offending anyone?

Modern feminists, probably

Happy MEel

First Grade
Don't be a politically correct, social justice warrior idiot Phantom.

Hindy111 wasn't being racist. If I said that I can't see any pygmies of Central Africa making it in the NRL due to their genetic limitation that would hardly be a racist view to anyone that think logically for a minute without the colour of PC influencing their judgment.

The same can be said about most Australian Aborigines. They tend to be on the slighter side or wiry side , not the heavy muscle(legs and arse in particular) side. There is nothing wrong with either, it is what it is. No racism intended there what so ever. Are there exceptions, yeah sure there are, but the norm is the norm and Hindy111 was just commenting to that.
Ummm....says who? I'm not getting into the racism debate but that's a pretty wild assumption.

As I said before, there is no good or bad genetically, in that statement. It is what I and others have observed over the years. Are we right? Probably, if you worked out the numbers, but even if it turned out to be totally wrong, it is hardly a racist shot at them for being somehow an inferior race, especially in our modern society where the thinner you are the more beautiful, ethos is king.
ABS worked out the numbers and they suggest that Indigenous people are 1.5 times more likely to be obese. Whilst BMI isn't the only method of assessing health and body shape, it is a widely used indicator.
Might be best to fact check before making these kind of sweeping statements.


After adjusting for differences in age structure between the two populations, the combined overweight/obesity rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over were similar to those for non-Indigenous people (rate ratio of 1.1). However, obesity rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander females and males were higher than the comparable rates for non-Indigenous people in every age group. Overall, after adjusting for differences in age structure between the two populations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were 1.5 times as likely as non-Indigenous people to be obese (rate ratio of 1.4 for males and 1.7 for females).

chart 1.png
Source(s): 2012-13 Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey and 2011-12 Australian Health Survey
chart 2.png
Source(s): 2012-13 Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey and 2011-12 Australian Health Survey


Soren Lorenson

First Grade
Racist is hating a certain race and not wanting to be friends with them based on that.
Making observations is not racist. Its banter. People need to lighten up really.
No. But there is a difference between being a racist and saying racist things. That distinction is often missed. Try telling an Aboriginal person that saying that they are only half Aboriginal is 'just banter' and see how that goes down.


Post Whore
Ummm....says who? I'm not getting into the racism debate but that's a pretty wild assumption.

ABS worked out the numbers and they suggest that Indigenous people are 1.5 times more likely to be obese. Whilst BMI isn't the only method of assessing health and body shape, it is a widely used indicator.
Might be best to fact check before making these kind of sweeping statements.


After adjusting for differences in age structure between the two populations, the combined overweight/obesity rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over were similar to those for non-Indigenous people (rate ratio of 1.1). However, obesity rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander females and males were higher than the comparable rates for non-Indigenous people in every age group. Overall, after adjusting for differences in age structure between the two populations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were 1.5 times as likely as non-Indigenous people to be obese (rate ratio of 1.4 for males and 1.7 for females).

View attachment 10864
Source(s): 2012-13 Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey and 2011-12 Australian Health Survey
View attachment 10865
Source(s): 2012-13 Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey and 2011-12 Australian Health Survey


That's an assessment of health, not of genetic characteristics.

Aboriginal people do tend to be more lithe and athletic, genetically, because they evolved as nomads travelling long distances in very harsh environments. Ever seen a Kalahari Bushman built like an NRL prop? Similar principle.

Obesity rates in the Aboriginal population is a completely different discussion with completely different causes.


First Grade
You're an idiot. Intent has absolutely nothing to do with it. Certain words, certain attitudes and certain stereotypes are simple racist. End of story


That being said, I also disagree with those who think that stereotypes inherently equal racism. They don't. I don't believe the original comment that Indigenous people are more often than not lithe and athletic is racism by any means, it's simple genetics. Evolution has ensured, like any other animal on earth, these particular people have adapted to their environment over thousand of years. It's the same for any group of humans the world over. We all have characteristics that have evolved in a specific people for a specific reason.

Sure, not all stereotypes are racism. The problem is that the assertion that Aboriginal people, more often than not are lithe and athletic, is false.

Aboriginal people from more arid regions are/were ie; Peachey.
Aboriginal people from tropical areas tend to be more stocky ie; Thaiday, Sandow,, even Inglis etc
I don't know a whole lot about genetics but my guess is that it is mainly to do with access to water and food and the distances one has to travel to access food and water.

When you are part of the dominant culture and you start to use stereotypes to classify people and exclude them from the same opportunities others have you are moving into the murky waters of casual or covert racism.


Post Whore

Sure, not all stereotypes are racism. The problem is that the assertion that Aboriginal people, more often than not are lithe and athletic, is false.

Aboriginal people from more arid regions are/were ie; Peachey.
Aboriginal people from tropical areas tend to be more stocky ie; Thaiday, Sandow,, even Inglis etc
I don't know a whole lot about genetics but my guess is that it is mainly to do with access to water and food and the distances one has to travel to access food and water.

When you are part of the dominant culture and you start to use stereotypes to classify people and exclude them from the same opportunities others have you are moving into the murky waters of casual or covert racism.

The fact that it is false (which is questionable in itself) doesn't make it racist, though. It's a reasonable assertion because to a large extent it's true.

Thaiday is a Torres Strait Islander, so he comes from different genetic stock (for example). Of course there are almost always going to be exceptions. But in all honesty you've done exactly the same thing by saying that Aboriginal people from tropical areas tend to be more stocky. That statement is absolutely no different to the original statement.

At the end of the day, both statements are true to an extent and false to an extent. But the significant genetic trend in Aboriginal people is a lithe, strong, very fit body type befitting a nomadic lifestyle. Inglis actually pretty much conforms to this shape too, he just has access to a gym and supplements. Sandow is an outlier in almost any society.

That's changing, mostly thanks to Western interference, an it's true that in areas where that nomadic lifestyle wasn't as prevalent the genetic norm is slightly different, but on the whole it's neither a racist comment nor a stereotype. It's simply genetics. Much like my red Celtic beard...lol


Post Whore
No. But there is a difference between being a racist and saying racist things. That distinction is often missed. Try telling an Aboriginal person that saying that they are only half Aboriginal is 'just banter' and see how that goes down.

All I said was Bird and Graheme aren't of full aboriginal heritage so physically they would have different genetic make up.
Your not going to get to many chinese rugby league players but a guy who has a grandad who is chinese mixed with other races would be different.

Soren Lorenson

First Grade
All I said was Bird and Graheme aren't of full aboriginal heritage so physically they would have different genetic make up.
Your not going to get to many chinese rugby league players but a guy who has a grandad who is chinese mixed with other races would be different.
Yep. And my point is that white people (like me), especially men (like me), can regularly be guilty of saying things that are racist and/ or discriminatory even though they don't mean to. It doesn't necessarily make them 'a racist'. Some people take it on board and try to change especially when they start to see how much harm has been done, and some people wash over it and pass it off as being harmless and even fun. Personally, I think we all (including me) need to be a bit more careful.

I hope that the new signing happens soon....


Post Whore
And yet it's almost exclusively something that middle class white Americans are using and insisting upon...

I think maybe I have given you slightly the wrong idea about what I'm talking about with safe spaces. Young, mostly white people are creating safe spaces in universities and whatnot where any opinion that could possibly be considered offensive is barred. The discussion we're having here wouldn't be allowed, for example. These are people who believe that merely using a word "triggers" them, whatever the f**k that means. I mentioned it offhand as tangentially related to the discussion because I have a massive problem with the whole thing...I believe that when you're offended or insulted, you're learning something, about yourself or about the world or both. Coddling people, no matter their race or religion or whatever, is no better or more useful than abusing them.

There will always be racism, homophobia, whatever. It's not going to go away and if it miraculously does we'll invent new prejudices. I think people should be prepared for the real world, not protected from it.
Gronk could be PC principal.......


Post Whore
People will judge on where live - Penrith Westie - bogun - scum - deroe.
It seems ok to bag short or thin people who cant help how they are born physically , but offensive to bag overweight people. Who are that way due to choice of lifestyle.

And if I was to say Indians look silly when they wear cheap looking oversized brown suits your a racist.

Why are thin people unable to be bagged because they can't help it, but overweight people are overweight because of lifestyle? To me, that's hypocrisy.

I don't think anybody should be judged - regardless of race, sex, size, creed, intelligence, lifestyle choices...unless they are partaking in illegal activities.