I don't judge small bodies on the wing and or centre when they are playing in sh*t teams defensively. They can be a mixed bag. Look at Marika Koroibete and JAC when at the Tigers they both had their issues in defense, but were sill great finishers when given the opportunity. Even the best of them have looked ordinary over the years. Sure he is playing better in the centres then he did on the wing, but defensively I have seen him move to the wing at different stages too. So that tells me that there maybe a problem there. Whoever signs him next better do their homework and poor over all his moments and work out what exactly is his problem and are they technique, mental or just a lack of strength and not wanting to put his body on the line. We don't want another Bevan French on our hands. We know how Potato Head doesn't know how to use those types of players and will end up destroying the kids confidence almost guaranteed.
If I were a coach, I would try to pour all my energy into turning him into a centre like Jarrod Croker at his best or a winger like Addo-Carr. They are the sorts of players that he should model his game on depending on where he ends up playing. He needs to become a student of the game, if he isn't already, and poor over videos and extra hours each day at training. He being on the smaller side needs to study the game even more so. If we were to sign him I would stress the importance of him studying the game in his own time and make it mandatory that he watches all games and picks them apart and then brings ideas to the playmakers on what he thinks they can use. This should also be part of the mandatory requirements of all our players.
Gone should be the days that you came into training, did your bit, maybe did an extra hour or two with the ball or whatever and then went home and hit the play station. The top 20 at least are being paid very well and some close to a million or more a year. So I expect at least 60-70 hour weeks of real work input. Anyone in the real world would put that sort of time in if they are being paid in excess of $150K and upwards and expect nothing less if they wanted to excel and or if in a company rise through the ranks. If you run a small business and want to bring in that sort of money, how many hours do you think those guys and girls are putting in.
The days of an easy lunch should be over. The players fought and won a handsome remuneration package from the ARLC, they should now expect to actually earn it fairly too.