Where are you little buddy? I miss you terribly and want you back. This place definitely is not the same without you. I have given you your space, but enough is enough. I need you. I want you back. I promise I won't ask you where you have been or who you have been spending your time with? Just come back!
I hope you have been looking after yourself and you are doing well and have had a nice and relaxing vacation away from here and me.

I know I did when I stepped away for a while, but your absence has been deeply felt and the void desperately unbearable. I don't know how I will continue on like this or cope. Life's just not the same anymore.
Hindy I beg of you please, you must come back to me! This is not how life should be. A Hindyless forum doesn't bear thinking about. Your always in my thoughts and I wish only the best for you.
But enough is enough, you must come home!!!
Your Fellow Bonesman In Arms
TheRam Xoxo...