I don’t rely on the banks for anything other than my salary coming in. That’s why I love cryptocurrency. Totally decentralised and determined by the people. Bitcoin forever!!
Hahaha...Admirable but unfortunately no cigar my friend.
Do you really think that they will allow you or anyone else to have an independent crypto currency that they don't control or own and run?
They will simply outlaw any use of non sanctioned virtual currencies and demand all taxes be paid in their chosen CBDC. Just like you have to pay taxes in Aussie dollars now. How many people are taking Chinese Yuan for instance in Australia to buy goods and services? No one will accept your crypto if the world central bank through its Australian subsidiary bans it for example. Also when it comes to giving currencies out to the population it will only be their strings attached virtual currency not your preferred no strings attached competitor version.
They aren't going to all this trouble of centralizing all monetary issuance and exchange to allow a backdoor open to take away all their control and power. China for instance is gearing up for it right now and what do we constantly hear from all the think tanks and politicians? Oh that's right, China is the new model for the 21st century.
That's the whole point of CBDC's. Centralization of currencies ffs! As soon as you hear the word central or centralization, run, run for the hills my friend. It literally means that they will funnel everything through one point and when talking banking and currencies, they mean all through the central banks of the world, which they ultimately want just one or two to exist. Meaning complete and total power for the people that will own and run it/them. You know we call it monopoly and ultimately total enslavement.
Governments will be just a vestigial of what they once were and the banks, corporations and international courts who have no sovereign allegiance to any nation will be making all the rules. They have it all in place now. It is just a matter of an 'event' to happen so they can pull the trigger. What will come with these CBDC's is a complete and total tracking of everything and everyone on the planet. They will know exactly where and how many Rolexes you have and they will be taken from you. At best if you have the right amount of credit and carbon scores you may get to lease one, the cheapest kind, for an hour or so maybe.
Think that there is no way that this will happen? Haha...go listen to them. It's in almost every speech that make now a days. They are telling us all the time. Just that most people wouldn't have a clue or simply don't believe or understand it. They think democracy has been around to long for it to ever go away. But in fact democracy is very fragile and hasn't been around all that long in the modern world and they have been busy plotting ways to get back to the status quo of Autocratic rule, dominance and monopoly and in a way that they believe we can never take away from them ever again. Selected genetic breeding is their grand plan of taking our resistance away forever. It will start from around 2040-2050. They are almost there ready to go full on in. 2030 and we will be done. No turning back after that.