Such a classic diversion, - I have never once intimidated and you have never justified your positions from a footballing sense.LOL it got personal for you at 8am this morning ? Well news flash it actually was started by you at 8pm last night when you call me a troll. Own it.
Also man up and answer the question. Why do you think that you have to be rude to get a point across ? You can't "win" an argument without adding some sort of intimidation ?
Rumours and Stuff
Everyone knows what the issue is and how we got here. You can throw in Dunster was on a long term contract with an ACL too. That’s not really problem solving though is it ? It’s easy to whinge and everyone does here daily, but real deal solutions are not that easy. I guess that’s why
you're the one who unjustifiably used the word "bravery".
You are clearly a petty functionary who feels the need to fight and scrap with anyone and everyone.
You call everyone out on their "conduct", when you yourself are just an antagonist.
You did not enjoy me pointing out the deficiencies in your arguments and you have made that a personal battle. Not to mention that your alter ego 84Baby also got in on the act.
I have noted I wrongly called you a troll and I have clarified my position - but keep grinding that bone.
We could go all day on this, but time is literally money and I have spent way too much on you already.
As I have said before and I will repeat for 84baby's benefit, if you wish to question my "bravery" or continue to threaten me, please do so in a private message so we can engage appropriately.
Unlike you, I would like to preserve some dignity.