strange!!, well the result of that so called "option" is we get lapped again, face it, Hegs has no sense of positional play, i think he'll be shaking hands with the Norths coach next year alot more often than he'll be shaking JT's;-)
No its not too difficult to teach an outside back/winger the nuances of positional play. He usually has players close to him who can direct him where to stand.
In 2009 he will have Colin Best closeby who is undoubtedly one of the best positional players in the game and knows all there is to know about the wing. Winger of the year no less.
Ive watched Hegs play over the years and it seems to me that one of his few weaknesses is to back himself in situations of imminent peril. If he can climb down a few pegs and play with a bit more conservatism, he'd be a lot better.
When Ive seen him at training, he has the nimble hands of an elf. Its a matter of translating that onto the park.
Something screws with his head when he runs out.
He might need a spell with a sports shrink to settle him down. Dont laff lads, Brisbane use them extensively.
But the fundamentals are intact and he has a strong desire to do his best and come back from bad things. He is loyal and true.
In person, I can attest to the fact that he his kind and polite. People misinterpret his cool demeanour as being arrogance, but he's not arrogant, he lives in a dark world of frustration about things that dont go as well for him as he wants.
As Souths fans I think we have an obligation to support the whole squad.
Like me and A.M, JT backs Hegs thusHegs will regularly play fg this year.
For all you Hegs haters, I am sure that your ill-will is bourne more out of frustration about his inconsistent form as opposed to an actual dislike of the guy.
Join me in embracing Hegs as fundamental to the teams success and step out into the light.
Whether we like it or not, Hegs is a brother, he may be dysfunctional at times, but he is souths blood, he is family and he aint heavy.