This says it all, what we need atm is a very strong BOD, with everything that is going on at the club now the BOD needs to be united, ruthless in their decision making and have a clear plan of where we are at and where we are going. There was a clear set of KPI's that were not met by the coach, a decision needs to be made. The team did not achieve what the set goals were for the year, why not ? We just cant keep on tweaking KPI's to suit the current environment eg " oh we will take this decision from the HC and make it ourselves etc" no !!! that wasnt the deal at the start and shouldnt be something that is comprimised because someone has failed to succeed in their role. For christ sake its a results driven sport, its ruthless, the BOD needs to stand strong , put the club first and NOT individuals, set a clear and uncompromising goals for the next 1, 3, 5, 10 years, and if people dont prove themselves worthy or are unable to achieve, then they must go , have we got a BOD like that, thats the million dollar question !!!!