Why Sack Mary, he has done a great job this year. Below is a compilation of statics taken from NRL site. We are well in the upper echelons of all these stats with the exception of the actual ladder. If results in our golden point games went our way, and we did not lose a couple of the unlucky games they would have been 2nd or 3rd on the ladder.
Club Statistic Totals as at 29th Aug for Dragons
Ladder: 9th
Points For: 5th 513
Points Against 6th 424
For and Against: 3rd 89
Line Breaks: 2nd 118
Try Assists: 4th 66
Missed tackles: 2nd 596
Possession %: 5th 51% average
Tackle Breaks: 1st 940
All Run Meters: 1st 1707 average
Total Errors: 5th 231
Penalties Conceded: 1st 127
Next year with Hunt, we may improve a little on our last tackle options, so things will be even brighter.
Club Statistic Totals as at 29th Aug for Dragons
Ladder: 9th
Points For: 5th 513
Points Against 6th 424
For and Against: 3rd 89
Line Breaks: 2nd 118
Try Assists: 4th 66
Missed tackles: 2nd 596
Possession %: 5th 51% average
Tackle Breaks: 1st 940
All Run Meters: 1st 1707 average
Total Errors: 5th 231
Penalties Conceded: 1st 127
Next year with Hunt, we may improve a little on our last tackle options, so things will be even brighter.