There is plenty of irony to work with and this and the other threads should prove fertile ground for ideas. Fester is a good one from Gareth. Complete contempt portrayed as humour.
In my time here, whatever goodwill and benefit of the doubt Mary may have had for being a “ good bloke” has been superseded by open slather contempt, dislike and more recently heading into a genuine passionate hatred.
My explanation for such strong emotion is simply that people feel that despite repeated abject failure, he won’t let go of the job voluntarily. He just won’t do the right thing.
Instead, his mates in the club are working overtime to save his reputation which is a lost cause and brings further humiliation and degradation to a club already doing it hard.
A parade of players have joined the fray in dutiful obedience to their employer and the propaganda machine is in full swing with celebs, mates, cowardly journalists and now a media mother lode Gus Gould.
The attack on free speech was a sad example of how low these cowards will go.
I won’t even start on the slap in the face press conferences, where everyone gets the blame except the coach and when he accepted the responsibility once for the whole year it’s a half assed afterthought and is entirely disingenuous.”try’s from kicks” was so poor a reason, it made people want to throw up.
Mary is wealthy, he has a happy home life and seemingly billions of friends.
Why he has to torture his fans and members is surely a sickness in his mind. It’s called selfishness and people don’t frigging like it.
There ceo couldn’t manage to get the proverbial f in a b. In fact the whole board are mindless morons who embrace failure and heartbreak at every turn. The club is in deep trouble this year and their owner was in France chugging wine on a holiday. Couldn’t care less. Fans and members are an annoyance. They get in the way of profits on dying legacy media.
The leadership at sgi seem to hate their fans and members with a passion.
Even the titans fans have more respect for their management.
Their crap footy comes from the heart while sgi is entirely self inflicted.
But they will not win.
As everyday passes with Mary at the helm, people get more committed and obsessed to his overthrow. Even fans and members of other clubs see the justice in this David v Goliath battle. Laughter has turned to pity and is approaching horror at what our fellow fans have to endure.
Ring the bells, Mary is going down, whatever the cost.
And those who plot and scheme on his behalf, they will not escape unscathed, they will not be forgiven.
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