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Sack the G.G.


John howard has a reputation as a savvy,cunning politician,so why is he backing Hollingworth.?
The easiest thing in the world would be to say"OK,none of this was known when he was appointed but under the circumstances he should give consideration to resigning"
Problem solved.
By continuing to support him he is blowing away a lot of support-even from hard-core conservatives.



Assistant Moderator
midas: "John howard has a reputation as a savvy,cunning politician,so why is he backing Hollingworth.?" Good question. I always imagined it was because of his idealism.
At the 'heart' of every politician (assuming they still have a heart) is the pure ideals that first attracted them to politics.

In Howard's case, he is a staunch Royalist. Queen, God and country... probably in that order. According to Howard's hero Sir Robert Menzies, the upper classesare born to rule. They are above the laws that restrain the lower classes. Howard always aspired to belong to the ruling society and has always held them in high regard.
There's no doubt that a knighthood is in the wings for the future Sir lil Johnny.

Furthermore, Howard fought to de-rail the Republican debate and he won. What could be worse than his appointed GG being sacked for turning a blind eye to perverts within the ruling class?

In a nutshell, regardless of the crimes committed, the Royalists don't sack their own kind. And Howard is a Royalist through and through.

It makes 'jobs for the boys' look mild in comparison.



John Howards chances of a knighthood are the same as Parra,s chances of winning the 2003 premierhip.
We haven,t had knighthoods for yonks (i think that arch -royalist Jack Egerton got the last one)
I think Howard may be flushed with success inasmuch as every time he has dug his heels in on an issue he has come up trumps and is applying the same tactics here.In this case he is wrong,wrong,wrong.
I may be reading too much into it but I thought his defence of the GG contained a veiled inference that while he would not sack the GG,if the GG was to resign that would be more than acceptable.
Apparently there have been further allegations made by a former priest today against the GG so it may get resolved sooner rather than later.


John Howards chances of a knighthood are the same as Parra,s chances of winning the 2003 premierhip.
No, Howard can still be Knighted



Assistant Moderator
El Duque: "How? Keating gave knighthoods the arse."
Where do you hear this stuff?


The only way Howard (or any Aussie for that matter ) can be knighted now that the old system has been replaced by AM,s and OA,s etc. is to be nominated directly by the British Government which would be extremely unlikely to happen.


Assistant Moderator
Oh I see. Well seeing Howard has been made an honorary Texan by George Jnr, anything is possible.
But it would be a little ironic if Howard was denied a knighthood only to end up with ten gallon hat.


is to be nominated directly by the British Government
I don't think that's entirely correct. Although Aust scrapped the official knighthood scheme it is still possible for the GG, as the Queens rep,tonominate an individual if he so chooses. It couldn't be endorsed by the govt but it actually doesn't need govt approval. Maybe that's why Johnie supports his mate


Assistant Moderator
I agree, justme. Sacking the GG wouldnt be the end of the world but it may cast a shadow over Johnny's chances of getting a knighthood. It's probably just one of the reasons.

General Blackhead was given some sort of honorary knighthood by the Queen after the Gulf War ten years ago - and Stormin Norman is a yank.


Assistant Moderator
The saga continues...
Hollingsworth has been acused of raping agirl in the 1960s. If I heard correctly, the woman has since committed suicide.
The Governor General was on TV tonight vehemently denying the accusations. He was visibly shaken.

The case against him is expected to go ahead. That is, it is assumed that he will be defending charges of sexual assault in a court of law.

Surely, Hollingsworth must step down... surely.



Willow, don't you think you are jumping the gun a bit here? This allegation so far is unfounded and I thought out of everyone on this forum, you would affford the GG the presupmtion of innocence until proven otherwise or does that only come into play when it's someone of the same political persuasion as you?

You champion such things all the time yet you are quick to call for his resignation.

If he is proven to be guilty then yes he should gobut at this stage he shold be entitled to the same basic right as everyone else regardless of his position.


Assistant Moderator
Legend, you misread me completely and it is you that is jumping the gun.
I clearly said that he has denied the allegations.
He said,
I did not know this woman,
I did not rape her,
I did not sexually assault her.

It is normal for any person who is in public office to step down while such extreme charges are being tested in court.
Why should the Governor General be above anyone else in this regard?

If it was just this one allegation, then benefit of the doubt would most definitely prevail. But unfortunately, this is the same person that has already said that another rape victim invited her attacker.

Surely the mud has been slinging for so long now that Hollingsworth should do the honorable thing and step aside while this latest issue is being resolved.
Now now Legend,don't be naughty.
The Liberals spent all their time clamouring for Geoff Clarks resignation when he was accused of rape.They did not come to this innocent till proven guilty caper,mind you they were wrong.
Basically in that regard (innocent till proven guilty) you are quite right.
Maybe they were just playing GG's?
I have always said that I reckon Hollingsworth is a vicarious paedophile,but this is an allegation that surprises me.
Nevertheless and irregardless, the severity of the allegation demands that he stand aside whilst and if the allegations are investigated.
By the way, even ifhe is innocent of these allegations, he is starting to assume victim status of rather largeproportions and that he does deserve.There will be no sympathy for him and he may just learn what it is like to have his plaintive cries ignored.
Ironically,he protected the guilty at the expense of the victim,now he could be innocent and the victim.



Fair call Ted but Clark still remained as chairman of ATSIC while his case was heard didn't he? The vulchers from every political party will be circling the carcass (Clark ;))if they see some free mileage in it.

I don't think the current G.G is a man of the people, unlike his predecessor, Sir William Deane, who was appointed by P J Keating, the scourge of Malaysians everywhere and patron of the biggest cheats in the history of Rugby League.;)

I'm not saying the lady's story is false but it's going to be very hard to convict the G.G on the basis of a dead womans testimony which is nothing more than hearsay as it cannot be verified unless she made sworn affadavits before she committed suicide. With this in mind, the G.G has more than likely spoken with his legal representatives and decided to portray himself as the victim as there are no bona fide eyewitnesses to recant anything he says.

That last paragraph is probably the only sane thing I have ever said in three years of signing forums on the internet.:(
And to think we thought that he had the seven judges from the high court round to tea last night to educate himself about the constitution.
Sausage sangers and constitutional advice now looks a tad ordinary.


Assistant Moderator
"Clark still remained as chairman of ATSIC while his case was heard didn't he?"
In Geoff Clarks case, he was investigated by the police and the matter was dropped. The whole issue there came out of an article in the Melbourne Age.

In the Governor General's case, the public prosecutor has become involved. The matter will apparently be heard by the Victorian Court.

In any case, Head of ATSIC and Head of State carry different sets of luggage.

Neville Wran and Nick Greiner stepped down. They were mere State Premiers and they were only being charged with corruption... not rape. Both were later found 'innocent' but both stepped down.

"I don't think the current G.G is a man of the people..."
Okay. But thats an understatement if I ever saw it.

You're right about the GG is trying to come across as the victim. But considering he has the means to defend himself, its a little unsettling. We can but imagine how the real victims feel. Those who came to him looking for protection, only to be denied.

El Duque

Neville Wran and Nick Greiner stepped down. They were mere State Premiers and they were only being charged with corruption... not rape. Both were later found 'innocent' but both stepped down.

He hasn't been charged with anything as of yet so what has this got to do with it?



Assistant Moderator
El, If memory serves me correctly, Wran wasnt charged either but an investigation took place, during which, he stepped down. Things went a bit further with Greiner and the matter when to court but he was ultimately exonerated.

Obviously, I was pointing out that people in public office will often step down when matters reach a certain level of scrutiny... the GG'sposition has been been under considerable scrutiny and yet, he still remains. In your opinion, why is that?

I have to say it shits me that people are willing to make excuses for Hollingsworth.
He protected rapists and we're told by Tony Abbott thatthe GG was simply a 'man of his time'... really? according to many folk from the same era, Hollingsworth is a disgrace. Abuse of position has been frowned upon well before the current generation.