To illustrate who sells media, and bloggers like us carry on about it, and even Raaaay continues his agenda driven rant
The Telecrap continues on about the $30k here and $29k there should and shouldn't be under the cap
The Balmain portion of the joint venture (according to the Telecrap) is $11 million in debt and needs to find $5.4 million from somehow in the next month or so to repay their creditors. Well in his rant this morning, nothing from Raaaaay on that nasty problem
Seriously, the NRL has more pressing issues and has to look at clubs viability and their sustainability , not a problem at the Eels
Don't see anyone on Tigers forms calling all the people at Balmain names for their so called incompetence
As supporters we all need to take a chill pill and let it play out, given that nearly all the issues relate to 2 seasons ago, apparently we have cleaned up our books last year and this year.
Welcom to clickbait city