In what f**king universe is Sam a guy who doesn't love the push and shove game?
He's one of the worst in the league for it. Problem is, as keeps being reiterated, that whenever it goes beyond push and shove he goes into his shell because he's a cat
Now that's a very dated view of Thaiday's playing to be honest.
What evidence do we see these days of this push & shove?
None really; he has matured as a player, taken his responsibilities seriously & gotten down to the business of PLAYING rather than the brawling which he did in the past.
I do laugh at some of the 'evidence' thrown up in this thread - an MRC warning from 2 season's ago. Unlike some, Sam's heeded the warning & worked bloody hard at changing his ways & has been successful. Some here wouldn't acknowledge that or even recognise that it has happened; your loss - carry on with your fantasies.
And of course apparently 'this player ' or 'that player' would teach him a lesson/sort him out? Possibly true, probably never find out though cos most probably Sam will walk away.
Now that IS confusing; whining about a player because he's supposedly a thug & then claiming he isn't 'tough enough' to take on one of your thugs.
Can't have it both ways dear.