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Save Leichhardt Oval - www.stoptherot.org



Stop the rot!
23rd April 2004

Leichhardt Oval has been the Tigers home since 1934. There's no better place to watch footy. But Leichhardt Oval is in urgent need of repair.

We need the Government to lend a hand.

This Sunday (25th April 04) when the Eagles take on the Tigers at Leichhardt Oval we will be launching our campaign
to save Leichhardt Oval.

We'll be handing out petitions to pressure the state government to get behind us in our quest to secure Leichhardt Oval not only as a football ground but also as a community asset for many years to come.

In a game that is crying out for its traditions what better tradition is there than Sunday afternoon footy at Leichhardt oval. Please lend your support to our cause.

Please note that this is a supporters initiative and although both the Wests Tigers and Balmain Tigers football clubs are supporting us, the fans are driving this.

For more information email us at info@stoptherot.org and check out our website at www.stoptherot.org

You can also download a petition from the website and mail it to the Reply Paid PO Box so all you pay for is the envelope and the ink.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I'm proud to be helping out tomorrow sincas.

Anything to keep the grand old girl alive. :mrgreen:


First Grade
Hmmm Flick pest control might be a good start

Seriously be a shame to lose grounds like Leichhardt


Post Whore
In what capacity though?

The Decrepit state of the place adds to it's charm!
Are you lot kidding? :roll:

I agree the Stadium need a makeover...but it needs to be scaled back into a ground for park football, not NRL football.

Sthut the place down and spend the money where its needed. Hospitals, roads......not on a tiny little place where a handfull of history buffs can sit with 5,000 people to watch the Tigers losing money hand over fist by playing at an out dated venue.


Post Whore
And don't spend any cash on that damn Money sink at Penrith. Their only a 40 minute drive from Stadium Australia and it's about time they got acquainted with their eventual home :roll: .
t-ba the hutt said:
And don't spend any cash on that damn Money sink at Penrith. Their only a 40 minute drive from Stadium Australia and it's about time they got acquainted with their eventual home :roll: .

Penrith Foosters Stadium is light years ahead of that little hovel in Balmain. Besides, we can get 21,000 PACKED into penriths Stadium...when was the last time the Tigers got anything like that?

The Tigers need to cut ties with an area that just doesnt suppoort them any more. Spending money on this stadiumn would be a waste.

By the way....I loved it how you tryed to have a go at my team. Thats was classy. NRL Champions, crowds of 20,000+.....someone you managed to compare them to the Tigers! :lol:


Post Whore
How Soon we forget our Wooden Spoon Seasons (Thankfully, I've never had to remember one). If the Tigers were winning, I'm sure they'd pull 20,000+ Crowds if they had the Venue. It wasn't so long ago the panthers weren't exactly pulling huge crowds.

Besides, If you use your example, all Suburban Grounds should be abandoned and games should be played at the Central Locations of Sydney City and the Olympic Precinct. God Knows, 2 Venues turned the VFL into a crowds monster so why shouldn't league try it on for sie?


Post Whore
I don't see why we should begrudge the Tigers a Few Million for an upgrade. God knows, It just means a few Less Junkets for Local ministers.

ash the bash

Save the ground, its one of the last remaining historical grounds remaining. This may take away the charm of the ground but they may have to think about replacing the hill with seats and try and get the capacity to about 20k ;-)


First Grade
They should close grounds like this and not spend another cent on them. There are major grounds not too far away at Aussie Stadium and Homebush.


greeneyed said:
They should close grounds like this and not spend another cent on them. There are major grounds not too far away at Aussie Stadium and Homebush.

Yeah - hollow grounds with no tradition.

No thanks. I will not go to Telstra Stadium to watch my team play because it would be a joke - no home ground advantage whatsoever.
hybrid_tiger said:
greeneyed said:
They should close grounds like this and not spend another cent on them. There are major grounds not too far away at Aussie Stadium and Homebush.

Yeah - hollow grounds with no tradition.

No thanks. I will not go to Telstra Stadium to watch my team play because it would be a joke - no home ground advantage whatsoever.

Going by the attendances at Leichhardt Oval....you probably dont go there either! :lol:


nospam49 said:
hybrid_tiger said:
greeneyed said:
They should close grounds like this and not spend another cent on them. There are major grounds not too far away at Aussie Stadium and Homebush.

Yeah - hollow grounds with no tradition.

No thanks. I will not go to Telstra Stadium to watch my team play because it would be a joke - no home ground advantage whatsoever.

Going by the attendances at Leichhardt Oval....you probably dont go there either! :lol:

Actually smartarse, I have been to almost every game there in the past few years.

Changing the venue to Aussie Stadium will not bring more crowds - it will make them even worse.


Wont get much support here.....most cretins here have grown up watching footy in soul-less concrete stadiums sittin in plastic bucket seats drinking out of plastic.

Didnt take long for this thread to turn into a "my teams better than your team" girly scream fest...(onya nospam49)

You only gotta think about the legends that have played there-Barnes, Beetson, Corowa, McMahon, Pearce etc etc etc to realise its a worthwile cause. Get a sense of history people....just because somethings old, doesn't mean its f**ked...unfortunately this is a common theme in our society.


nospam49 said:
Its its not f---ed....then why does it need upgraded? :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Someones a real smartarse arent they?

I'm guessing your new to RL and are one of those "cretins" insaneink pointed out who have grown up watching football in soul-less concrete stadiums and wouldnt have any idea whatsoever of passion or atmosphere.

You seem to have a short memory as well - wasnt it Penrith who had crowds of about 8000 a couple of years ago? :shock:

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