You are evading the point and shifting the burden of proof.
It is not up to me to explain Australia's strategy.
It was claimed the PM didn't have time to outline our strategy. I answered by saying if he has time to scold hoarders he has time to outline a strategy. To take that as meaning I applaud hoarders is just silly, and missing the point.
If the PM has had the Chief Medical Officer or Deputy by his side and doesn't wish to outline the strategy himself, they can do it. Washing hands and isolation are not a strategy. They are steps within a strategy, that has not been made clear. Reducing the spread of the disease is an aspiration, not a strategy.
You can repeat the word unknown as much as you like. All strategy relies on unknowns, until we invent time travel at least. If they have some idea of what they are doing they must have some idea of why they are doing it, but they are not sharing. Not the PM, or the Chief or Deputy Chief, the premiers, or the opposition.
You say the idea is to flatten the curve. How do you know this? Because you saw a meme? What is the government's goal in flattening the curve? Have they said, because I can't find it anywhere.
They will have goals and models, based on the research (hopefully, otherwise we really are f****d). They have flu pandemic response papers that they use models and prior research for, ready to implement a flu pandemic strategy. Even though the future of flu values is...unknown.
NZ published one model that was informing their decision making, with help from Australian epidemiologists, despite there being...unknowns in NZ too.
Which government app spells out the strategy? Sure, things are fluid. Do you think government strategy doesn't exist and they just react to each day as it comes?
You are bending over backwards to excuse their lack of communication.
We have not gone into lock down early, like so many other nations did. Did our PM just flip a coin to decide this? Did the Chief Medical Officer? Did they just say, we will wash hands a lot and things will be right?
I'd hope the government requirements from all the epidemiologists they employ, would be to both get off their a*ses and use research to formulate a plan. What is that plan? Why are you so happy to be kept in the dark about the single biggest issue we have faced since WW2?
I'm evading no such thing.I'm simply stating and I've just been watching the NY Governor Cuomo talking about modelling to what he expects numbers to be at such and such a time.
He stated with a rider, because it is CHANGING from day to day, so will the modelling.It's not a 2 plus 2 equals 4 situation.
The strategy is plain and simple to reduce exposure by self isolating,to get loons to keep 1.5m apart,
to keep essential services running, to keep as much as humanly possible people working such as in the building industry and transport.
"flip a coin" another simplistic silly comment The decisions were made by State premiers,Fed Govt, medical experts from each State and the Fed Govt. ScoMo passed on the decision to the media and public..
Flatten the curve has been brought up by every medical expert here, and I've been watching ch24 ABC just about every hour of the day for updates.Your meme comment about me is utter nonsense.I guess you have a medical degree, and know more than these experts.
I'll not only use the word unknown,I'll double down and call it UNPRECEDENTED.Unless of course you have experienced such a pandemic in your life prior.
All Govts are reacting each day to what the virus is doing and the stats provided.You need to speak to individual state Labor premiers ,as to why they change their methods almost on a daily basis. Albo et al concedes this.
NZ published one model, and they have had decent numbers of people flouting the isolation law.They are 5m tucked away on a little island.They don't have large numbers of tourists, backpackers or travellers, who travel hundreds or even thousands of Kms within their own country to help spread the disease.
Yeah I've seen the results of countries in early lockdown, and their death rates are skyrocketing.And compare our rates with those of overseas.
" Bending over backwards "LOL. I'm concerned about one thing, as I'm sure so is everyone else the safety of my family,I have a daughter working in the medical field ,and worry my guts out each day.
I couldn't give a stuff who was in Govt ,as long as the public were doing the right thing ,which was spelt out time and time again.Clearly some of them are not.
I'm apparently being kept in the dark yet ,some of your comments suggest I doubt you see the light of day. Seriously mate your moniker should be quibble not wibble.Your hatred of Morrison shines through like a beacon. I've bagged him re the bushfires, However IMO he is at least leading when it comes to the pandemic, that's not just my view.
And no amount of modelling will be effective ,if people carry on like loons.If you want to bag someone try the Qld Labor govt.for allowing staging council elections at such a time.
Perhaps you can exhaust your energy, writing to either your local Labor MP or indeed Albo and prob=vide them with your complaint.