Yep .Lets wait till everyones on board , on the same bandwagon and all singing in perfect harmony.
You should well know ,you'll never get 100% agreement on anything, that's democracy.Of course if it's China, we'll all be told how to think.They'll still buy coal from other countries ,if we stop tomorrow. Nett result on pollution zot.
Unless you get these main offenders on board, we are up sh*tter's ditch.
The obvious most impact would be getting China,India and USA to get of their butts and do something now.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know ,the impacts on global climate change:
1) Huge world wide population growth, meaning demand for power and food.
2)Burning fossil fuels increasingly.
3)Clearing rain forests which provide the lungs of the world.
4) Methane from animals and even rice paddies.Ironic that our cattle numbers in Oz, have dropped dramatically over the years.
4) Chemical fertilisers with nitrous oxide retaining heat.
I acknowledge the impact of humans on climate change, but as we know the weather is getting hotter, surely the NPWS and Local Councils can cut the flipping red tape and allow people who live near bushland to clear a safe barrier around their abodes.
The Fed Govt also has to do more not later ,but now.
What sh*ts me ,when we had the opportunity in the past to build more dams or raise the height of dams, the righteous said no ,think of the environmental impact.The rain water waste that goes out to sea is criminal.
I may be wrong ,perhaps if the dam that flooded Brisbane a few years ago ,had far higher walls' lot of the damage could have been prevented.