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Scott Hill update - SMH 6/7/06


newmanj said:
I had chats last night to Denis, Ovo, and Michael Hagan. At no stage did any of them speciifically state ANY name of any player we may sign for next year. All talked about the greatly inflated prices being paid for players, and the fact that we will not be spending rediculous money for players. In my opinion, that is a great policy for the future. There is no point paying overs for players just because fans are restless for a signing, ANY signing. This may not please fans in the short term, but i promise in the long term we will be better off. How do you think a bloke like Hindy, for example, would feel if we paid HUGE dollars for a player, when he himself is not paid anything like that. It would destabilise the club. You will see, we will get players, at the right price, before the next season. There are always SUPRISE names that come up. Players that change clubs in the off season that are not even off contract. eg. Lance Thompson. We will be one of the few clubs in the NRL with plenty left to spend. Oh, and by the way, we havent at this time, lost 1 player we have wanted to keep. ALL the good young stars of the future are under lock and key.

Smart approach. Paying overs generally backfires in the long run.

The Tigers had a similar strategy in their recruitment for 2005, putting faith in some young talent coming through and we all know where it got them...


Paying overs for a player isn't a bad idea

but if your not going to sign from outside the club make sure the likes of John Williams etc get retained


Staff member
This mornings paper said that Steve Simpsons manager has postponed planned contract talks with Newcastle today.

Maybe Steve was impressed with what he saw on Saturday ? :pray:


Hurriflatch said:
Paying overs for a player isn't a bad idea

but if your not going to sign from outside the club make sure the likes of John Williams etc get retained

We paid overs for Cannings. He had a heap of potential & still does but that in hindsight was a lot of dosh thrown away. Overs is a gamble........ every time.

In the year we signed Cannings, who did we let go? Any good lower graders or anything? Just out of curiosity.

With his Injury time & all I can't remember now what year he came across.


1st year at Parra was 2004

Cannings was the 1st signing in the "Bigger is better" thing BS went through that year


Sorry I'll just add, I think Cannings is an awesome player when his game is on & he may yet realise his potential. I don't have a problem with him, I'm a fan. I just think he landed a sweet deal for what he has done.


Post Whore
bartman said:
Surely if Mateo is good enough he would have gotten over that issue by now? Returned to the club this year after developing himself in England for a season, had everything to play for, new coaching staff to impress... shouldn't that have helped him clean up the attitude and got himself off the PL bench before the half-way point in the season?


But I can understand where he's coming from - he worked his arse off all year, got a call-up to play First Grade, played well and then was dropped for no reason.

Now, most players would use that as motivation. But I can see how he would be disillusioned.


Staff member
We need Cannings to lift his game and play to his potential - bad.

We need him to be the next Webke so Manly regret that they couldn't hold on to him. :evil: :lol:


Didn't Lyon aid in getting him here when he came across.

That makes me think........ I'd hate nothing more than to see him eventually go back to Manly after the ride he's had here. I hope that sway is gone. How bad would that be.... Especially if he went awesome for them.

The Colonel

Hurriflatch said:
another failed signing

sorry but this is getting a bit too repetitive

You were whinging that it was too risky a signing the other day and now its repetitive? He is a good player but at $500,000 a year I don't think he is that good.....


Thought he would have been good for us for 1 yr but not at that ridiculous price. The market seems over inflated this year and I am pleased they haven't got sucked into huge contracts which would have crippled them in the years to come.


The Colonel said:
You were whinging that it was too risky a signing the other day and now its repetitive? He is a good player but at $500,000 a year I don't think he is that good.....

I said he was a risky signing if precautions are not taken

I never said he was a bad player

also with Asotasi, Stagg, CReagh etc off the market all of the sudden Hill goes from #10 on the list to #1

and yes 500k is too much


Just a thought. You look at house prices nowadays and you pick an area you like, peaceful, convenient, good transport connections and then you go looking for your dream house only to realize it is way beyond your financial means.

You think to yourself, I'm not going to pay that much to buy that house. It's not worth that much. I remember 5 years ago, it was only 60% of that value.

But in reality when you realize the market and economy has moved on, it is worth around that much give or take 10%.

This is what I believe is also happening to the player's salary. We say he's not worth that much and so drop out. But in reality, that is the going rate nowadays and other teams are willing to pay for them so the market is there.

Teams like Manly have probably realized that and will pay the best dollar for what they want. They have budgeted to spend that amount and so they will spend it. How it's allocated it's up to them.

It goes down to, pay a Simpson or a Hill $500K because we will have a higher chance of winning the title or no, that's too much, we'll try to make do with Zeb and Green. But it reduces our chance for the title.

We have the dosh, we are short of a 5/8th or Prop, I say go for at least 1 of the big names even if we are paying overs. For the remainder of the dosh, depending on performance, give out a bonus next year, pro-rata of course, Hindy the most, for number of games won and individual performances.

Unless we want to be stingy and keep the money to pay for pokies tax or something else.


CrazyEel said:
Thought he would have been good for us for 1 yr but not at that ridiculous price. The market seems over inflated this year and I am pleased they haven't got sucked into huge contracts which would have crippled them in the years to come.

here here, I reckon next year we will pick up a few quality players no doubt.


yy_cheng said:
We have the dosh, we are short of a 5/8th or Prop, I say go for at least 1 of the big names even if we are paying overs. For the remainder of the dosh, depending on performance, give out a bonus next year, pro-rata of course, Hindy the most, for number of games won and individual performances.

Good point especially with the salary cap going up next year. I think we may have been caught out with that factor. I know I have said previously you should never pay overs but what is overs now with the cap going up. The one guy on the market I would have probaly paid what he wanted was Roy Asotasi. One of the best yardage props in the game.

All that is left now is Nate Myles and Steve Simpson. I would offer them both what they wanted (to a certain level) and top up Fuifui,Hayne and Hindy's contract as they are the players that deserve more than than what they are currently getting (what ever that is).

5/8th may still be a problem area but I am warming to PJ playing there next year or Blake if he can step up

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