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Second Test, Australia V. England at Edgebaston


Big_Bad_Shark_Fan said:
Lets face it Watson is an ok batsman who bowls a little bit. He will not threaten the poms at all.... look at his ODI results for clarification earlier in the summer.

His ODI batting is pretty good. I'm fairly sure he averages well into the 30s... 36 or something. He's had back problems too, so his bowling is still getting back to where it once was.

I think the important thing is not to panic. They lost by only two runs, after sending the Poms in first, and having lost McGrath on the 1st morning. It's not like they beat us by 200 runs or by an innings. They will probably need to look at getting some better bowling options in... MacGill should be considered a possibility (you would hope they're at least considering the option). If they can't face Warne despite all their bowling machines and the fact he's playing in England, then perhaps MacGill will be equally deceiving.


So close, yet so far... but what a finish! When Warne got out, I thought it was just a matter of when, but when we got it down to about 30, I was thinking that we were a chance, but ultimately one mistake from oblivion. Down to 3 to win, and for that to happen... shades of Adelaide in '93.

Warne, Lee and Kasper did more than bloody well to get us that far - victory would have been up there with one of the most miracilous victories ever. We should not have got anywhere within 50-odd. The Australians fought to the end, the English probably thought they were going to finish us off in the first few overs, and got the shock of their lives.

They would probably be more relieved than thrilled at the moment. Take nothing away from them - they were the better team overall.

Kasper would be absolutely devestated at the moment though, and I feel his pain.

Tommy Smith

Twizzle said:
just saw the replay of Kaspers wicket,

the ball hit his shirt on the way through to the keeper

oh well............its history now.
I reckon you should have another look Twizzle. It was blatantly out. It would have been no clearer on replay if all 3 stumps were knocked out of the ground.


First Grade
Twizzle It was out , they never really showed a good replay of it as they were showing celebrations but it was out.
But anyway Sully on Watson, he didnt even deserve to be their in the first place. And i dont think he even got a wicket in that test did he? and his batting is hardly somthing to keep him in the side for... not here....not in these circumstances. Sri lanka , pakistan , zimbabwe, bangladesh, go nuts , put him in to trial , but dont put him up against the other best team in the world , in one of the biggest series weve had ever.


Watson took one wicket in that Test and batted well for 31. He should have kept his place.

fish eel

sullyfan said:
Watson took one wicket in that Test and batted well for 31. He should have kept his place.

Hardly a sensational debut against a weak Pakistan side.

Watson's time will come. Just not now.


Post Whore
Thank goodness. You have to bowl England out. If you add MacGill in there you have to add Watson in there. Sanity has prevailed. Gilly at 6, Watson at 7. The other Question is who will be the no11. Kasprowitz or MacGill?

fish eel

lockyno1 said:
Thank goodness. You have to bowl England out. If you add MacGill in there you have to add Watson in there. Sanity has prevailed. Gilly at 6, Watson at 7. The other Question is who will be the no11. Kasprowitz or MacGill?

Thats why I dont think MacGill will play.
I dont think they'll be bringing Watson into the side, and neither kasper nor gillespie are going good enough to support lee as the solitary quicks.


Staff member
Tommy Smith said:
I reckon you should have another look Twizzle. It was blatantly out. It would have been no clearer on replay if all 3 stumps were knocked out of the ground.

OK, if you wan't to get technical, we are all wrong.

Just announced on JJJ that it did contact the glove, but his hand had already let go of the bat, so it was not out.

I'm not going to split hairs over that, suffice to say there was benefit of the doubt, which was my original reason for raising the matter.

But like I said, its history now.


Post Whore
fish eel said:
Thats why I dont think MacGill will play.
I dont think they'll be bringing Watson into the side, and neither kasper nor gillespie are going good enough to support lee as the solitary quicks.

Mate all test we struggled to bowl them out. You have to put all your bowling options in the game. I think they will play Kasper with Lee. Watson is a good supporting bowler. Macgill and Warne in tandem will bowl a large proportion of overs. Look England don't like spin, so you have to play them both! This is the side that will almost definately go for! It is the correct call!


First Grade
Kasper bowled 3 overs for about 0\25 in the 2nd dig
got smashed in the first innings but picked up 3 along the way.
Flick a coin, their both going terribly. Maybe Gillespie cause of his batting...

fish eel

lockyno1 said:
Mate all test we struggled to bowl them out. You have to put all your bowling options in the game. I think they will play Kasper with Lee. Watson is a good supporting bowler. Macgill and Warne in tandem will bowl a large proportion of overs. Look England don't like spin, so you have to play them both! This is the side that will almost definately go for! It is the correct call!

we'll know in the next 24 hours what they'll do.

Keep in mind, Shane Watson isnt in the touring party anymore, so if he is any chance of playing, they'll draft him into the squad in the next day.

I like Watson a lot, I just think out attack could like very bare for the next test should he be called in to bat at 6 and bowl.


First Grade
But would you rather Kasper or Gillespie (Gillespie batted well in the first dig for 7, somthing no other tail enders did). And in the 2nd he was unlucky.

To be honest I dont think so many changes are neccessary, its 1 test, its not panick time, however its more attitude. The only changes Id contemplate would be McGrath if fit , Hussey for any of our batters and MacGill for Kasper if its a spinners pitch

fish eel

I think we need to see what the wickets like as well, but christ we only lost in the end by two runs.

perhaps the bowlers would have done better in the second innings if the captain gave them a chance with the fields he set.

If an english skipper set some of those fields, we'd be laughing at him!!


Post Whore
Big_Bad_Shark_Fan said:
But would you rather Kasper or Gillespie (Gillespie batted well in the first dig for 7, somthing no other tail enders did). And in the 2nd he was unlucky.

To be honest I dont think so many changes are neccessary, its 1 test, its not panick time, however its more attitude. The only changes Id contemplate would be McGrath if fit , Hussey for any of our batters and MacGill for Kasper if its a spinners pitch

I am only propsing 2 changes. That is all. Watson for Katich (unfortuately but he is the only logical choice), and macGill for Gillespie (I really could not care how many runs the bowlers get, becuase it should NOT come down to them. The batsmen need to get the runs. kasper has been more convincing, well only just, than Gillespie this tour). They are the only changes!


Staff member
Aus can't go much worse than they already have with Katich. Watson is a good batter and his bowling adds another option for Ponting. If Watson does well he should keep his spot. MacGill has to play on the spin friendly track. How well would Kaspa go with the new ball as that would be what happened if Dizzy was dropped


If the pitch looks even slightly like it might turn they should go with McGill & Watson. ATM we have 2 strike bowlers and McGill could definitely make a third. Watson is an absolute must if we are going to play 2 spinners. If the plan backfires and the pitch doesn't turn as expected you definitely need 3 seamers and we are not going to lose that much with the batting. Top order needs to stand up and be counted anyway.

The other option could be just a straight swap with Katich for Symonds who can give us more variety in bowling stakes and his batting is easily as good as Clarke or Katich.