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See ya Slater


It was a shoulder charge. Under today's rules he should be gone I suppose. That rule has been around long enough for the players to get it right.

Pretty sure he first injured his shoulder doing a similar tackle playing for Australia. You'd think he'd have learnt from that.


Best case for NRL's integrity is they charge him, Storm fight it, he rightfully gets let off.

Expecting this to play out accordingly.

What would be his case in fighting it? By the rules he absolutely committed a shouldercharge.

The issue IMO is the insanely high points associated with the offence in the first place.

this will lead to a complete overhaul of the judiciary system in the offseason, and rightfully so. They should remove the geniused points system entirely, along with discounts for early pleas. Every case should be heard by the judiciary, with a simple no of weeks assigned to each offence


Jarryd Hayne somehow fought the law and won after his dog shot on Bryson Goodwin in 09 prelim final.

Billy will be fine.

Tommy Smith

I'll eat a shit sandwich if he gets suspended. And nor should he.

The NRL will bend their stupidly rigid rules for Billy.

It wasn't a genuine shoulder charge that the rule was designed to outlaw. Also a minor < 200pt charge shouldn't see someone miss a GF. It should be at least > 200 pts.

So if the NRL had used common sense he wouldn't miss the GF. But as it is they'll have to bend the rules and bring their integrity into question to get him off - and they no doubt will.

Billy is $1.01 to get off.


First Grade
Any other player would be suspended but the NRL will fudge it and find a way for Billy to play.
The precedent is now set the shoulder charge is back in the game.

Any other player? I actually think the storms defence for slater will be a highlight reel of all other similar incidents over the last few seasons


First Grade
What would be his case in fighting it? By the rules he absolutely committed a shouldercharge.

The issue IMO is the insanely high points associated with the offence in the first place.

this will lead to a complete overhaul of the judiciary system in the offseason, and rightfully so. They should remove the geniused points system entirely, along with discounts for early pleas. Every case should be heard by the judiciary, with a simple no of weeks assigned to each offence
Given how grubby the merkin is, he should have so much loading that he'd only need to fart in the wrong direction to get suspended for 6 weeks. Alas, he's got away with so much in the past that he looks like a cleanskin. Seems a bit of karma that he gets rubbed out of a gf for something that shouldn't have so many points for a grade 1 in the first place.

Johns Magic

What would be his case in fighting it? By the rules he absolutely committed a shouldercharge.

That he didn’t commit the type of shoulder charge the law is aimed at, he was forced into it given proximity to the tryline and preserving his own safety, Feki wasn’t put in danger(as Flanagan said) which is why the law was introduced, etc.

Common sense will be applied, he will be let off and they may look at tweaking the law somehow so it isn’t so rigid.


What would be his case in fighting it? By the rules he absolutely committed a shouldercharge.

The issue IMO is the insanely high points associated with the offence in the first place.

this will lead to a complete overhaul of the judiciary system in the offseason, and rightfully so. They should remove the geniused points system entirely, along with discounts for early pleas. Every case should be heard by the judiciary, with a simple no of weeks assigned to each offence
Shoulder charge should only be reportable if it contacts the head. As for this one, it looks to me like one or both arms were involved in the tackle. I'd expect this will go to a hearing and that will be the case presented.


Shoulder charge should only be reportable if it contacts the head. As for this one, it looks to me like one or both arms were involved in the tackle. I'd expect this will go to a hearing and that will be the case presented.

Whilst I don’t think this should be the kind of thing that is banned his arms were only involved as they’re attached to his body. There was no effort to wrap the player with them.
If the NRL want to change the rules in the off season that’s fine by me but this is a shoulder charge by the NRLs own ruling.


First Grade
Simple Jack got off for this one and he isn't even a future immortal of a favored club playing his last game in a grand final. There is no chance they suspend him.



The more I see it and looking at the rules, the more confident I am that he’ll be found not guilty. The rules states it’s a shoulder charge if there is no attempt to use his arms, but Slater clearly has his arms involved. First contact is his right arm, his left arm is not tucked in and he uses it to push Feki out


Billy gets suspended.

Billy appeals the suspension- and wins.

Billy plays.

Billy gets the CC medal that (as I type this) already has his name engraved on it.

Billy immediately gets made the next Immortal.

5 years from now, Billy stars in remake of 'The Karate Kid' in which the bad guys all wear sky blue uniforms, and show complete disrespect to Billy's good friend (played by Corey Parker). Billy's sensei (played by Craig Bellamy) shows Billy a special shoulder move that is illegal by the rule-book, Billy uses it in the tournament and gets suspended by evil men in blue who hate Billy because he's from the southern dojo. Billy appeals. Billy wins appeal. Billy takes on the biggest bully from the sky blue dojo (played by Paul Gallen) in the final. Billy wins.


Billy, despite only picking up karate 6 months earlier, is immediately given 9th Dan Black Belt.

= profit.


First Grade
I have no doubt the MRC will assess the matter with due diligence and ensure that the outcome is consistent with other matters heard throughout the year.

The NRL will act with consistency and ensure the correct decision is made.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Great, a few more days of media misattention. Games so soft these days I can’t even take the pss out of weak soccer players with my epl loving mates anymore.

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