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sh*t crowd last night..not acceptable!


geez BB you had a nice objective post there, but your last sentence destroyed all your work.

I dunno about jealous, but many clubs would like to have the financial assistance the Storm have been given since their inception.


lol you blokes are a joke, just because you cant pin anything about the storm on the field coz their too busy towelling the lot of you up, we have to go and bag out their crowd averages? lol grow up you clowns

and like someone else mentioned, being in melbourne, that 12,000 average is our own supporters, u look at a tigers or some team with 15 or 16k, half of theirs is the other sydney team their playing!


1999 said:
and like someone else mentioned, being in melbourne, that 12,000 average is our own supporters, u look at a tigers or some team with 15 or 16k, half of theirs is the other sydney team their playing!

That's such a weak argument. The Cowboys are miles from anywhere else, therefore don't pick up opposition fans and they have very strong crowds. Same goes for Brisbane.

The Storm are a one team town, they're not splitting their massive population over 8 teams as happens in Sydney.

The reality is:

Olympic Park is a crap stadium
99.9% of Victorians are AFL mad and regard league derisively as "thugby" and very much the enemy.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Bottom line in 2007 - the crowd figures are UP on the previous couple of years. Give it a rest.


Dodger said:
Bottom line in 2007 - the crowd figures are UP on the previous couple of years. Give it a rest.

Sure but if/when the Storm lose a few of their stars to other clubs, and the club falls down the ladder again a bit those crowds will probably go back down. Happens everywhere else.

If you can only average 12K with a season like this, the question certainly must be asked. And a 10K showing on Monday night footy...that's poor.

What does rugby league have to do to get some traction in Victoria?

Is it even possible to?


One thing to bear in mind, when you consider Melbourne, Auckland and Canberra those teams fans often have to turn up to games in some pretty bitter weather conditions during the winter months. It's one thing turning up to a night game when the temperature's 20 degrees in Brisbane or even 12-15 in Sydney, it's quite another to show up when it's dipping below zero in Canberra or blowing freezing drizzle into your face in Auckland!!!

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
S.S.T.I.D said:
What makes Melbourne's attendance immune to criticism? It seems as though whenever it is brought up everyone immediately jumps on the front foot.

After a decade in the competiton their averages have gone slighly backwards if anything, and they weren't crash hot to begin with. For a team that has multiple rep players, is a joy to watch and are on a different planet to every other team in the league the crowds the Storm pull are very poor. I'm not sure how that can be argued.

I'm not questioning Melbourne's right to be in the league, they absolutely must, but the crowds are poor and last night was no different.
There is no problem looking at the attendance - saying they should be kicked out is what people will react too.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Anywhere South of Brisbane is prone to conditions with temps as low as 1-2 degrees.

I know overnight where I live at Gosford it got to -1 overnight, just 80k north of Sydney.


Monday night is not a traditional sporting event night in melbourne, especially when its 9 degrees.
I'll admit, last nights crowd was down, and I think the club have an issue as this game was not promoted very well down here.
But, as has been said already, our crowds have improved this year, and for those complaining about the crowd level - have you ever been to Olympic Park? The joint is a poor excuse for a stadium. Wait until we get our new stadium and the crowds will rise, I have no doubt.
Having said that, last night was friggen freezing - wasn't just the temp but the icy wind was the problem. Expected to cop a bit, but don't even come with the whole - you can't compare a winning team with a struggling Sharks team argument. In that case we can't bring up the 'developing state v rugby league heartland' argument either. The Sydney home crowds of many teams are the ones that need to be looked at before Melbourne.


t-ba said:
For the uninitiated, Sharko is 'Doctor Death' Rehashed, a bitter, bitter Norths fan, with Vendettas against News Corp and Manly.

This is the second time you've posted that dribble and you are still full of shyte.

As for the rest I am not suggesting we get rid of Melbourne I am suggesting we get rid of News Ltd.
And league is always played in the winter where the temp is never a comfortable 20 odd degrees with a light breeeze, just perfect for league, it is often cold and wet and windy so weather is a lame excuse for poor crowd figures!
Get your fingers out and go to games, that is best promotion for league in Vic!
And never be sensitive to some constructive criticicsm, you might actually learn something!


1999 said:
lol you blokes are a joke, just because you cant pin anything about the storm on the field coz their too busy towelling the lot of you up, we have to go and bag out their crowd averages? lol grow up you clowns

and like someone else mentioned, being in melbourne, that 12,000 average is our own supporters, u look at a tigers or some team with 15 or 16k, half of theirs is the other sydney team their playing!

Thats no excuse at all that its only Storm supporters because NSW has what 8 teams so its spilit into 8 supporter groups. Theres one rugby league team in Victoria and they are first on the ladder and they cant pull more than an 11 thousand average.


Post Whore
eels_fan_01 said:
Thats no excuse at all that its only Storm supporters because NSW has what 8 teams so its spilit into 8 supporter groups. Theres one rugby league team in Victoria and they are first on the ladder and they cant pull more than an 11 thousand average.

And Rugby League has been a major sport in Sydney for 100 years...The current juniors comp in Melbourne has only been around since the 1990's! They have started virtually from scratch.


eels_fan_01 said:
Thats no excuse at all that its only Storm supporters because NSW has what 8 teams so its spilit into 8 supporter groups. Theres one rugby league team in Victoria and they are first on the ladder and they cant pull more than an 11 thousand average.

Of course we find it harder to get people through the gates, we're in a state where AFL is a religion, f**k is that so hard to comprehend? If you want to come out with that weak argument you did then we could say that Melbourne has 9 AFL clubs to sustain with a smaller population yet they don't seem to have trouble pulling crowds.

We're not the weakest crowd drawers and we're pretty much comparable to a few other clubs so all things considered we're going along just fine at the moment.


Ice777 said:
Of course we find it harder to get people through the gates, we're in a state where AFL is a religion, f**k, is that so hard to comprehend? If you want to come out with that weak argument you did then we could say that Melbourne has 9 AFL clubs to sustain with a smaller population yet they don't seem to have trouble pulling crowds.

We're not the weakest crowd drawers and we're pretty much comparable to a few other clubs so all things considered we're going along just fine at the moment.

Isnt that the whole argument in the first place you just said it yourself. "AFL is a religion". So why do they persist with the Storm if thats so.


Lime_Green said:
What does rugby league have to do to get some traction in Victoria?

Is it even possible to?
Of course it's possible with a sustained full on assault at all levels including junior development, premiership football and annual showcase matches. But it'll continue to splutter along if every time we finally get some momentum going we then pull back, pat ourselves on the back and leave the Storm to fight the battle on their own for a couple of years. Remember the mood of optimism we all had at the end of last season on the back of a sell out Origin, solid Storm crowds, great Grand Final ratings and strong support for the post season Test match. What happened? The ARL and NRL have allowed that to ebb away thru a total lack of commitment. Instead of recognizing these signs of success and building on them, we instead chose to send the Anzac Test to Brisbane, a city where we already were going to play two big mid season showcase matches this year. Meanwhile we left Melbourne with nothing.

It's no wonder the locals aren't prepared to stick with us when the game so quickly turns its back. Melbourne is a big market which holds the promise of great rewards for the game in terms of the value of our television rights, corporate support and fan base. But it is also a relatively new market for our game where we aren't the biggest dicks on the block. The local population has ample existing loyalties and they don't owe us anything. This isn't a small country town desperate for any big event they can get their hands on, it's a metropolis with a mature entertainment market. We have to show why the locals should want to see our game and spend their hard earned on it, not ask why they deserve the privilege our presence. If we want the rewards of this huge market, Australia's second largest after Sydney, then we have to prove to the locals not only that we are serious about winning their support but that we deserve it. That's not going to happen overnight or in two years or even ten years. It'll take twenty years, maybe thirty. It might take an entire generation cycle before our game is ingrained in the culture. It can happen. But we have to be committed, not just this year or last year but every year for as long as it takes.

The Storm are just one piece of the puzzle. But alone they will continue to struggle in the shadow of the established local code. They need showcase events like Origin and Test matches to capture the spotlight once or twice per year and bring the game headlines when the media would otherwise ignore us. And they need junior development programs to help capture the next generation and build a self sustaining base for the future. But likewise the junior programs need the Storm to provide the kids some local heroes which they can aspire to follow. And the Origin and Test matches need the Storm to help keep the flag flying during the rest of the year. If we are serious about Melbourne then the assault must be at all levels because all the levels complement and depend on each other. Without any one of them, we're just pissing time and money up against the wall.



eels_fan_01 said:
Isnt that the whole argument in the first place you just said it yourself. "AFL is a religion". So why do they persist with the Storm if thats so.

NATIONAL rugby league. dolt.


eels_fan_01 said:
Isnt that the whole argument in the first place you just said it yourself. "AFL is a religion". So why do they persist with the Storm if thats so.

So because a state prefers a certain code of footy over the other does that mean you just don't have the less popular one? Does that mean we should drop other less popular sports as well like basketball and soccer?

I know, lets get just have one designated sport for each capital city. We'll have league for Sydney and Brisbane. AFL for Victoria, South and West Australia and so on.........:sarcasm:


eels_fan_01 said:
Isnt that the whole argument in the first place you just said it yourself. "AFL is a religion". So why do they persist with the Storm if thats so.

AFL may be the religion in Victoria but League is a growing cult. Just like Scientology, once it gets its religious status, lookout!


lets get just have one designated sport for each capital city. We'll have league for Sydney and Brisbane. AFL for Victoria, South and West Australia and so on.........

Yep, this is the kind of reasoning we seem to have to endure in the southern states. Being a transplant to Adelaide from Melbourne, there is absolutely zero coverage of NRL in local news. The Advertiser puts out a Sports Edition every week, and FFS even Ugandan Golf gets a mention, but NRL? No. So the deal for us is that if we are fans, we have to hunt down ways to support. I'm a supporting member of the Storm, I subscribe to Fox, I gather my (AFL supporting) mates just for a beer or three at the local sports bar to watch.

In the past three years, all my mates have turned around from being the kind of guys who "don't understand the rules" to being growing supporters of the code. It takes time.

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