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Sharks captain Paul Gallen fined $10,000 for racist remarks at Micky Paea

Alan Shore

First Grade
Cronulla have one of the most gutless management tiers in the game, and that's saying something when comparing to Souths when Fletcher was captain.

Gallen will remain as captain, they have no one else except Barrett.

Are you serious? We're the club that punted Latu and Bird when both were integral to our game plan whilst Brisbane, Manly et al cover up their players' scandalous stories and even fete them as heroes when they defiantly play on regardless.


Are you serious? We're the club that punted Latu and Bird when both were integral to our game plan whilst Brisbane, Manly et al cover up their players' scandalous stories and even fete them as heroes when they defiantly play on regardless.
Bird after all the press was unavoidable. Latu was a nobody.

The board itself has covered up many past indiscretions with players, including Bird and Gallen, and shown an inability to reprimand players unless they are forced to. The writing was on the wall for Bird well before the glassing incident.


Bird after all the press was unavoidable. Latu was a nobody.

The board itself has covered up many past indiscretions with players, including Bird and Gallen, and shown an inability to reprimand players unless they are forced to. The writing was on the wall for Bird well before the glassing incident.

How was the writing on the wall for Bird?

Latu had played for New Zealand and was one of our form players at the time we sacked him.


Bird after all the press was unavoidable. Latu was a nobody.

The board itself has covered up many past indiscretions with players, including Bird and Gallen, and shown an inability to reprimand players unless they are forced to. The writing was on the wall for Bird well before the glassing incident.

Fire Up! :?


How was the writing on the wall for Bird?

Latu had played for New Zealand and was one of our form players at the time we sacked him.
Bird had been involved in several known incidents off the field and wasn't reprimanded. It was only a matter of time before something more serious came up.

Many ordinary players have played for NZ, Latu is just one in a long line.
So is this the 'one more incident' that pulls Aussie Home loans out of origin sponsorship or is it just knobs and bums that Jon Symonds has issues with?


So to anyone who commented prior to post #300... is it ok to call gallen a racist now?

What excuses will you come up with to object to that, given that he has been fined for racial villification and has reportedly apologised?

* Wonders how people ever think racism is OK or should be excused *


I await the responses of those that defended him, and defended racism.

Gallop said:
“I don't believe racism is a part of rugby league and I don't suggest that these sort of comments represent a racist view, "

From what I have been reading the "defenders" were arguing this point.... and it seems Gallop agrees with them.....


I think Paul Gallen and any other person that plays the race card is beneath contempt. I am an "ABC -Australian-born Chinese , grew up , and played rugby for 10 years in Sydney. I was called slope ,slant eye , chink nip - subjected to "kill the yellow bastard" - everything you could cite.
The best reply - ignore the talk , walk the walk. I believe this is the approach which drove the Ellas to much greater heights.
I am third gen Oz and over the years have put up with the most unsolicilted racial abuse. My then girlfriend and now wife innocently walked past some youths outside Brooky Maccas , to the sounds of "shame , an ozzie with a slope" . Last week , I stepped off a kerb looked up to a fellow in a West Tigers jumper on a push bike who called me bloody nip for no reason , and wanted to back it up with a fight , telling me "we won the war".
My point is , Gallen's behaviour is reprehensible.
Paea's response , while understandable , will NEVER alter what is so ingrained in Gallen's type. The best form of reply is on the field.
And I am so ashamed he is a Parramatta junior.


Peaea's response was the christian one...forgiveness.
Cant believe how wild he looked, I'd have been sh*tting myself i f I was gallen...and then his faith took over.
I admire people with a strong faith in a greater power.


Post Whore
Peaea's response was the christian one...forgiveness.
Cant believe how wild he looked, I'd have been sh*tting myself i f I was gallen...and then his faith took over.
I admire people with a strong faith in a greater power.

Gallen is lucky Paea's the way he is, otherwise im tipping Paea would have punched holes in the prick. Lucky for Gallen, unlucky for the rest of us willing Paea on to rearrange Gallen's face.

Ive never seen a player look so wild, refs, team mates, he only had eyes for Gallen and didnt seem to care who got in his way. Would have loved to see him smash Gallen's nose across Shark park :(


Gallen has apologised so all you hysterical hypocrites can settle down again..his selection for NSW is the msot important thing now.

He shouldnt be chosen to play for NSW or Australia ever again, give Hindy back his spot!

Eels Dude

Everyone cops rascism. It's out there. We caucasians cop it as well from other ethnic groups. You can tell people not to fire up but not everyone has that level of self control. If someone fires up wants to throw a punch when they're abused verbally racially or otherwise, then good on them for standing up for themselves. Obviously that would be a very silly thing to do in 1 on 6 situation though.
Appropriate response from the NRL.

I wonder sometimes if David Gallop has the team at NRL HQ on the same page as him. Strikes me there is still an element there that seems happy to do the old "see no evil, hear no evil" thing and use technicalities to avoid difficult or embarassing issues, until Gallop comes in over the top of them.
Sorry but this response from the NRL is outrageous.

Racism is a serious issue & charge and it must be dealt with at a hearing. The NRL in classic fashion have decided to fine someone purely on the evidence of how Paea reacted.

A racism charge should not be downgraded to just a fine. If the NRL feel and have proper evidence that Gallen did make a racial remark he should be suspended for a serious amount of time. Racism should play no part in our game.

But you cant start handing out fines for such a serious charge without some kind of hearing.

Meanwhile according to 2ue Gallen is denying using a racial insult. According to them he says he apologised to paea if thats what he thought he heard.

Please understand i am not defending Gallen at all. Im criticising another pathetic attempt by the NRL to do what is seen to be right rather than doing what is right. ie. having a proper process.
Why is there not a thread about his blow up with Mickey Paea...you clearly hear Paea say "He's called me a black ....", "He's a racist" and "Don't ever say that again".

Paea has come out and said he is not making a complaint because Rugby League has been through enough (which is dam honourable), but geeze Gallen is a grub. You would think this will cost him the captancy.

Also gives Petero and his mates anothe reason will rip n tear in Origin 1.

Gallen is a disgrace.

EDIT: No longer alleged as he was fined.

Pure BS.

he was fined without any form of a hearing. The NRL have not proven the charge of racism at all.


I think Paul Gallen and any other person that plays the race card is beneath contempt. I am an "ABC -Australian-born Chinese , grew up , and played rugby for 10 years in Sydney. I was called slope ,slant eye , chink nip - subjected to "kill the yellow bastard" - everything you could cite.
The best reply - ignore the talk , walk the walk. I believe this is the approach which drove the Ellas to much greater heights.
I am third gen Oz and over the years have put up with the most unsolicilted racial abuse. My then girlfriend and now wife innocently walked past some youths outside Brooky Maccas , to the sounds of "shame , an ozzie with a slope" . Last week , I stepped off a kerb looked up to a fellow in a West Tigers jumper on a push bike who called me bloody nip for no reason , and wanted to back it up with a fight , telling me "we won the war".
My point is , Gallen's behaviour is reprehensible.
Paea's response , while understandable , will NEVER alter what is so ingrained in Gallen's type. The best form of reply is on the field.
And I am so ashamed he is a Parramatta junior.

Good advice.
Gallen was owned, couldn't do anything except deliver a cheap shot.

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