I think Paul Gallen and any other person that plays the race card is beneath contempt. I am an "ABC -Australian-born Chinese , grew up , and played rugby for 10 years in Sydney. I was called slope ,slant eye , chink nip - subjected to "kill the yellow bastard" - everything you could cite.
The best reply - ignore the talk , walk the walk. I believe this is the approach which drove the Ellas to much greater heights.
I am third gen Oz and over the years have put up with the most unsolicilted racial abuse. My then girlfriend and now wife innocently walked past some youths outside Brooky Maccas , to the sounds of "shame , an ozzie with a slope" . Last week , I stepped off a kerb looked up to a fellow in a West Tigers jumper on a push bike who called me bloody nip for no reason , and wanted to back it up with a fight , telling me "we won the war".
My point is , Gallen's behaviour is reprehensible.
Paea's response , while understandable , will NEVER alter what is so ingrained in Gallen's type. The best form of reply is on the field.
And I am so ashamed he is a Parramatta junior.