Also, hillbillythef**kenidiot, here's something for you and your small f**ken brain.
Below this is a screenshot of Paea stepping on Gallen's hand.
It's pretty f**king clear that Paea can't even see where his foot is, because Gallen's fat torso is in the way.
So go and get f**ked for insinuating tht Paea intentionally stood on Gallen's hand. It was a mistake, and Paul "I'm the biggest f**ken merkin in the history of rugby league" Gallen decided to call him "A black merkin."
Wish that Gallen, and all the merkins defending him, are hit by a car in the not too distant future. You're all a bunch of dirty oxygen thiefs.
Seriously is there a bigger grub in the game than Gallen?
Thats a pretty ridiculous statement to make.
The guy didnt want to go on with a compliant because he was happy for it to stay on the field and didnt want any further bad headlines for rugby league. I think those are perfectly fine reasons not to want to proceed with things, and at the end of the day its his call to make.
Big f**king whoop if he stood on his hand or his tiny balls! What difference does it make? it's no justification for what was said.
You're an embarrassment for even contemplating defending him.
There is evidence, the reaction of Paea. Yes it is not conclusive but does it need to be for the purposes of this message board discussion? 99.9% of people seem to think Paea wouldn't A) make it up and B) react the way he did unless something serious was said. So we are left to judge the evidence as it exists and 99.9% of people seem to come to the conclusion that he made a racist comment. Lucky for him the mics didn't get it, unlucky for the game.
That pic of his hand getting squashed is pretty incriminating
I respect the fact that Mickey Paea has dealt with the issue one-to-one and that he wishes to move on.