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Sharks captain Paul Gallen fined $10,000 for racist remarks at Micky Paea


holocaust denial hardly comes under the banner of racism...

It just comes under the banner of fingers in the ears idiocy, like Creationists
Also, hillbillythef**kenidiot, here's something for you and your small f**ken brain.

Below this is a screenshot of Paea stepping on Gallen's hand.

It's pretty f**king clear that Paea can't even see where his foot is, because Gallen's fat torso is in the way.

So go and get f**ked for insinuating tht Paea intentionally stood on Gallen's hand. It was a mistake, and Paul "I'm the biggest f**ken merkin in the history of rugby league" Gallen decided to call him "A black merkin."

Wish that Gallen, and all the merkins defending him, are hit by a car in the not too distant future. You're all a bunch of dirty oxygen thiefs.


take your own advice and look at the screen shot his eyeline is straight down gallens R/H shoulder

your post is hillarious......so much anger


First Grade
Big f**king whoop if he stood on his hand or his tiny balls! What difference does it make? it's no justification for what was said.

You're an embarrassment for even contemplating defending him.
Thats a pretty ridiculous statement to make.

The guy didnt want to go on with a compliant because he was happy for it to stay on the field and didnt want any further bad headlines for rugby league. I think those are perfectly fine reasons not to want to proceed with things, and at the end of the day its his call to make.

no ....by not taking it further, he is not putting the game first, if (notice how i said the word if, because there is no hard evidence of what was said) gallen did say anything to him then take it further and get it dealt with a few days of headlines is better than having a racism cloud hanging over the game, and if nothing was said get it out into the open so that the stigma of racism is not hanging over gallens head for the rest of his career


First Grade
If Gallen apologised straight after the game, and Paea found it sincere, thats enough for me.

Maybe give him the Spike Lee dvd collection to watch as education.


Gallen shouldnt have to resort to racial taunts even if he does feel his hand was purposely stood on, besides, thats pretty rich coming from the scumbag who has been caught on camera doing the same thing, grabbing blokes by the wheels and purposely trying to work another players stitches to open them up.
If your gonna get a little back of what you reguarly dish out, cop it on the chin and dont take cheap shots such as a racial slurs.
Big f**king whoop if he stood on his hand or his tiny balls! What difference does it make? it's no justification for what was said.

You're an embarrassment for even contemplating defending him.

....and there is my argument, how do you know what was said, there is no hard evidence of what was said people in this thread are doing exactly the same thing that they hate the telecrap for, seeing a situation and immediately going yep it happened, no matter if there is hard evidence or not

and before people start saying but you are doing the same thing with the hand stomp......yes, yes i am, to prove a point and hoping that people would wake up and take their hate glasses off and not paint a bloke with the racism brush when there was no hard evidence and he could possibly be innocent

there is always two sides to a story
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Perth Red

Post Whore
There is evidence, the reaction of Paea. Yes it is not conclusive but does it need to be for the purposes of this message board discussion? 99.9% of people seem to think Paea wouldn't A) make it up and B) react the way he did unless something serious was said. So we are left to judge the evidence as it exists and 99.9% of people seem to come to the conclusion that he made a racist comment. Lucky for him the mics didn't get it, unlucky for the game.


Gallen is a tough and skilful player who is often unfairly targetted..if the Saints player had an issue he should have made the formal complaint when called upon..he chose not to because there is f**k all evidence of what was said.
This Peae is a cat, it is not the first time he has tried on the dirty stuff but he got sprung this time.
And who gives a f**k whether he is Christian Muslim or bhuddist..he is trying to slur other players and that is wrong!

Perth Red

Post Whore
I think he was being abused for the colour of his skin not his religion, but you probably don't realise the difference! Yep Gallen is the victim in all this.
There is evidence, the reaction of Paea. Yes it is not conclusive but does it need to be for the purposes of this message board discussion? 99.9% of people seem to think Paea wouldn't A) make it up and B) react the way he did unless something serious was said. So we are left to judge the evidence as it exists and 99.9% of people seem to come to the conclusion that he made a racist comment. Lucky for him the mics didn't get it, unlucky for the game.

fair comments and thanks for answering with a bit of common sense........but how do we know that gallen didnt call him a dumb f**ker and that paea has a problem with that due to somthing that happened in his past, or gallen might have said you trod on my hand and i am gonna coin your car after the match

my point is that nobody can say what was said with 100% certainty and yet people are saying that gallen is without a shadow of a doubt a racist grub


No evidence? Has Gallen been struck mute since Sat Night? Or do we just assume he'd lie if asked by the judicary what was said to Mr Paea at roughly the 73rd minute mark. Thats says it all about Mr Gallen and the whole league communitys opinion of his character.


That pic of his hand getting squashed is pretty incriminating

f**k you're clinging onto some serious bullsh*t. Contact like that happens all the time. Wasn't intentional. Is this your justification for the racial slur? Paints yourself into a corner slightly as well.

Looks like he is getting fined. Totally warranted in my opinion. Why should the NRL need a complaint from a young player who doesn't want to subject himself to all this hoopla? Good outcome all round.

At the end of the day, your captain is a disgrace. And to be fair so is the direction of your club. No wonder the sponsors are pulling out.

Godz Illa

For hillbilly and sharko...


Sharks captain Paul Gallen fined $10,000 for racist remarks

SHARKS captain Paul Gallen has been fined $10,000 for alleged racial comments directed at Dragons forward Mickey Paea.
The National Rugby League released a statement saying it had fined Gallen $10,000 "for comments which incited Mickey Paea at Toyota Stadium on Saturday night."

"The fine, which will be issued by way of a breach notice, is for a breach of the NRL Player Code of Conduct," the statement said.

"While there is no on-field audio of the words used by Gallen and while Paea has declined to make a formal complaint under the Racial Vilification Policy, there is little doubt from the on-field audio that there was a racial issue involved.

The NRL confirmed Gallen, who is in doubt for NSW State of Origin selection with a shoulder injury. has since apologised for his on-field comments.

NRL boss David Gallop said: "While the apology is certainly an important step in the right direction there needs to be a clear recognition that racial vilification is not tolerated in Rugby League.

"This is not something that happens on a regular basis and it is not something that can be dismissed under the guise of what happens on the field stays on the field," Gallop said.

"I respect the fact that Mickey Paea has dealt with the issue one to one and that he wishes to move on.

"However, the area of racial vilification is also something that is bigger than two individuals, it involves a principle that we must support across all areas of the game.

"I don't believe racism is a part of rugby league and I don't suggest that these sort of comments represent a racist view, but I do believe that it is important everyone knows there are boundaries that simply can't be crossed.

"Excuses such as the heat of the moment or gamesmanship when they are offered simply don't change that fact