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Sharks! v Melbourne press conference madness. NRL fines Storm $50,000

El Diablo

Post Whore

Tempers boil over: Gallop hits Storm with record fine

Will Swanton | September 28, 2008

SHAKING with anger, NRL boss David Gallop pointed the metaphorical finger at Melbourne Storm chief executive Brian Waldron and said: "It's a cheap shot and here's some leadership - $50,000."

A furious Gallop yesterday accused Waldron and Storm coach Craig Bellamy of launching an "unprecedented, irrational, pre-meditated and defamatory attack on the integrity of the judiciary panel and the game's judiciary process" as he announced the record $50,000 fine. He also hinted that judiciary members Greg Woods, Royce Ayliffe, Darrell Williams and Darren Britt might take legal action.

Bellamy yesterday distanced himself from suggestions of collusion between bookmakers and the judiciary over the Cam Smith suspension, but any attempts to apologise for the Storm's double-barrelled attack on the NRL did not wash with Gallop.

The Storm-versus-NRL stoush is far from over, with prop Brett White likely to be hauled before the judiciary this week on a charge of striking Cronulla rival Ben Ross.

"The accusations they made were irrational, baseless and at times bordered on hysterical," Gallop said. "Coaches are in emotionally charged environments, but CEOs are employed to take the emotion out.

"There were some attempts at retraction but once you put these types of allegations out there, they damage the integrity of the game, they damage the integrity of individuals charged with the task of conducting our judiciary process.

"This was a clear stepping over of the line. In fact, it was a world long jump record for this type of attack."

Bellamy claimed - but later retracted - that bookmakers must have known about the judiciary's decision to suspend Smith. A lopsided market had Smith at $1.18 to be suspended and $4.25 to escape.

"The other thing that was very smelly about the whole lot was when I saw on Wednesday morning that there was a betting market … that's a fair spread in a two-horse race," Bellamy said on Friday night. "Bookmakers and betting agencies, they don't guess. They've got good information. Take that as you may."

Sportingbet Australia boss Michael Sullivan said only 45 bets, totalling $7000, were placed.

"For Bellamy to be saying that bookies knew this and that or there was any kind of conspiracy is just ridiculous," Sullivan said. "We looked at the video and thought Smith looked ripe for a holiday."

Waldron said the integrity of the game was "absolutely questioned", and he called Sharks coach Ricky Stuart's pre-emptive comments on the Smith tackle a "disgrace and a blight on the game".

Stuart responded by calling Waldron "a flip" and an "idiot".

He also labelled Storm football manager Frank Ponissi a "wombat". But Gallop said Stuart would not be sanctioned.

Yesterday Ponissi replied: "With all due respect, I think enough has been said by everybody. I've got nothing to say about Ricky Stuart."

Stuart said he had every right to question Smith's tackle. "The more that 'flip' [Waldron] goes on about it, the stronger I will be on it," he said. "Cameron Smith got charged for attacking the head, he didn't have hold of his frigging knee."

Gallop said he would not gag anyone from commenting before judiciary cases. "If people [on the judiciary] want to look at the defamatory nature of the comments, that will be a matter for them," he said. "I'm not here to give them legal advice, but certainly they would be entitled to look at that."

Speaking at the Storm's recovery session yesterday, Bellamy said: "It certainly wasn't my intention to say there was any kind of corruption."

Next up, the White case.

"The notion that he'll be looked at any differently than any other judiciary incident is a nonsense," Gallop said.

Waldron was read the riot act by Gallop over the telephone yesterday after the Storm boss directed his venom towards judiciary betting, Stuart's pre-hearing comments and Gallop's leadership.

Stuart had told Sydney radio station 2KY before Smith fronted the panel: "He's been found guilty of attacking the head or the neck, or whatever it was. Rules are rules. It's disappointing for Cameron. It's disappointing for their coach because he's a big part of their team. He's been flirting with it all year, so the time comes when you pay the price."

Waldron was livid. "It questions the integrity of our game at the core and we need some leadership to fix it," Waldron said on Friday night.

"To allow Ricky Stuart to make those comments is an absolute disgrace and a blight on the game, and we need to address that.

"We're sick of it, and we'll fix it if someone else doesn't. Our interpretation is that no matter who they are, they have integrity.

"But the reality is, when the pressure comes on from above, people are forced into situations of making extremely difficult decisions where their integrity is unfortunately questioned.

"There is no doubt the integrity of the game is absolutely questioned when an opposition coach can come out and say what he [Stuart] did.

"It is unacceptable. That reeks of a lack of integrity in our game and we need to fix it."

The $50,000 fine is the highest levelled by the NRL for derogatory comments made by a coach or official.

Webb caught up in Bellamy's fury over Smith

MELBOURNE officials gave journalists copies of a DVD as they entered the Storm dressing room on Friday night with the instruction to get home and watch it.

The opening frame said 'Grapples.' Then came a stream of tackles involving prolonged contact with the head or neck, replayed in slow motion with the wrestling holds highlighted from a variety of players in the NRL.

One involved St George Illawarra's Stuart Webb against Manly a fortnight ago. In his verbal rocket to all and sundry on Friday night, Storm coach Craig Bellamy singled out Webb for special mention, saying the Dragons hooker was guilty of a grapple worse than Cam Smith's hold on Sam Thaiday that led to his suspension from the grand final.

"He said what?" Webb exclaimed yesterday when told of Bellamy's comments.

"I didn't even watch the game, to be honest. Did he really say that about me? Good on him. It doesn't matter. No one told me he said that. Oh, well. It's unfortunate he [Smith] got suspended but it's got nothing to do with me."

Bellamy said if Smith was suspended, why wasn't Webb?

"Every time we come up with a grapple tackle you ring up a spinal surgeon to say how dangerous that tackle is," Bellamy told a room full of reporters. "Well, you ring up a spinal surgeon and ask him how dangerous that Webb tackle I just spoke about is.

"You have a look at Cameron Smith's tackle and Stuart Webb's tackle the week before and you tell me which one is worst, and why Cameron Smith gets charged."

El Diablo

Post Whore
Judiciary demands apology over blast

By Steve Mascord | September 28, 2008 12:00am

JUDICIARY members were last night considering legal action against Melbourne after the grand finalists were hit with an unprecedented $50,000 fine for bringing the game into disrepute.

NRL chief executive David Gallop responded to Storm boss Brian Waldron questioning his leadership on Friday night by saying: "It's a cheap shot and here's some leadership today - $50,000 for stepping over the clear line in the sand. It was a world long-jump record for this type of attack.''

The NRL found chief executive Waldron and coach Craig Bellamy had implied the judiciary pre-judged captain Cameron Smith's grapple tackle before banning him from the premiership decider and then allowed bookmakers to know of their opinion.

Tribunal member Darrell Williams told The Sunday Telegraph that unless Melbourne apologise, he, Royce Ayliffe and Darren Britt would consider taking legal action.

"I'm there trying to do the right thing by the majority of players that are on the field to play the game of football,'' Williams said.

"And I'm not going to have my integrity ever questioned by someone like Craig Bellamy or Brian Waldron.

"I'm more than happy that David Gallop has come out and made a strong statement. And, you know, hopefully there'll be a good positive response to that from Melbourne and they show some atonement for their actions and we'll leave it at that.

"If they don't want to, then we'll have to address that and go down another road.''

Williams and Ayliffe previously took legal action against former NSW coach Phil Gould for defamation, which was eventually settled out of court.

Bellamy last night responded with a message for Williams: "At no stage did I intend to question the integrity of the judiciary or the match reviewers.''

But the Storm coach remained defiant.

"I just hope for that 50 grand, they answer that one question - why was Cameron Smith charged for that tackle when we see so many others as bad, if not worse?'' he said.

"I was probably a bit fired up last night and didn't explain myself as well as I should have.

"I'd kept my mouth shut all week because I had my team to coach. I was quite angry last night and perhaps a little frustrated.''

Gallop hit the Storm with the biggest fine handed out for bringing the game into disrepute, describing attempts by Bellamy and Waldron to water down their claims after the 28-0 preliminary final win over Cronulla on Friday as "clumsy''.

In a media release, Gallop twice described the accusations as "defamatory''.

"The accusations they made were irrational, baseless and, at times, bordered on hysterical,'' Gallop said.

"If you infer that there's some level of corruption in the process, you will get a fine and you will get a big one.''

The NRL boss reserved special criticism for Melbourne Storm chief executive Waldron.

"CEOs are employed, in many respects, to take the emotion away from what happens in football ... to look at things in the best interests of the club and the game,'' Gallop said.

"That didn't happen last night.''

But Gallop also appeared to give Bellamy the $50,000 answer he was looking for when he said:

"A grapple tackle is prolonged contact with the head or neck. If you find yourself in that position, immediately release.''

Gallop also said he wanted the power to stop betting on things like the outcome of disciplinary hearings and was lobbying government for that right.

But he rejected calls from Waldron to ban comments on the outcome of hearings by players, coaches and officials. Waldron had described the comments of Cronulla coach Ricky Stuart before the Cameron Smith hearing as "disgraceful''.

"We don't believe in gagging opinion,'' Gallop said.

"Opinion is part of the bump and scrape of rugby league.''

While appearing angry at a media doorstep, Gallop denied the NRL had itself acted emotionally by reacting so quickly to the attack when such issues are normally dealt with the following week.

"We're in finals football, we don't have eight games this weekend,'' he said.

Waldron yesterday issued a media release saying he would make no comment until he saw the breach notice.


Cant wait for Waldron to try and squirm out of this.
Ironic,he was the one threatening legal action early in the year..

Perth Red

Post Whore
"We don't believe in gagging opinion,'' Gallop said.

Well surely by imposing fines for people saying what they think that is exactly what he is doing?

And how about this for a dozey: "It is unacceptable. That reeks of a lack of integrity in our game and we need to fix it."

FFS the games reeked of a lack of integrity for years and most of it has been Gallops, and his puppet mastersdoing.

Waldron clearly has little respect for Gallop and hopefully will stage a coup to see the pencil neck disposed of.


"We don't believe in gagging opinion,'' Gallop said.

"Opinion is part of the bump and scrape of rugby league.''

Dave Dave Dave...
The problem with wanting Opinion is that you have to accept the good with the bad. Its the problem with Free speech Dave you can't Umm and Ahhh your way through it either you want to have freedom of speech and everyone to voice their opinion or you don't so don't hide behind the excuse in regards to Ricky Stuart unless you a prepared to extend it to the storm as well.


at least this whole episode (entirely manafactured by Melbourne) is showing what a twat waldron really is.


How was it totally manufactured by melbourne? Maybe they did step over the line but they have a lot of pent up frustrations from inconstant NRL rulings to push them over the edge.

Media pressure directly effects the way a game is reffed. The Geyer grapple was a joke.



They wait until they are through to the GF they have 4 or 5 days to make a public comment, and they didn't. Waldron would have had legal advice after Brown made his comments, and he would have known full well that he could not sue. They now comment once they are in the GF, they will fight the grading of the Smith charge, after they have manafactured this whole seige against them via the media.

Why ? to try to get smith to play this week, and to raise interest in a city that does not care about our game. I can understand why tey have done it, but again it shows peggy sue to be pathetic and petulant. I hate stuart, but he is spot on.


First Grade
"We don't believe in gagging opinion,'' Gallop said.

"Opinion is part of the bump and scrape of rugby league.''

Dave Dave Dave...
The problem with wanting Opinion is that you have to accept the good with the bad. Its the problem with Free speech Dave you can't Umm and Ahhh your way through it either you want to have freedom of speech and everyone to voice their opinion or you don't so don't hide behind the excuse in regards to Ricky Stuart unless you a prepared to extend it to the storm as well.
The right to free speech does not give people the right to defamation.



They wait until they are through to the GF they have 4 or 5 days to make a public comment, and they didn't. Waldron would have had legal advice after Brown made his comments, and he would have known full well that he could not sue. They now comment once they are in the GF, they will fight the grading of the Smith charge, after they have manafactured this whole seige against them via the media.

Why ? to try to get smith to play this week, and to raise interest in a city that does not care about our game. I can understand why tey have done it, but again it shows peggy sue to be pathetic and petulant. I hate stuart, but he is spot on.

They waited becuase they had an important game to prepare for that was to be played in a few days. They expressed their disappointment at the time and left it until it was not a distraction for their preparation.

There was absolutely no way the Storm could have put in an appeal for the Smith penalty strait away. The need time to prepare different arguments which would push it one day later leaving one whole day until the game. A team can not afford such distractions so close to the game you need to prepair for life without him as quickly as possible. Maybe the NRL should not have their hearings so late in the week.

Would Stuart have opened his mouth if he was not playing the Storm this week? I really believe his outburst was becuase he has the games best interest at heart. His reasons were that he wanted Smith gone and he wants to highlight it a bit more in the hopes he will get penalties in the game.

I find it disgusting that the NRL have rules that not only allow coaches to comment on pending hearings before they have been heard but also allow the boss of ther reffs to come out with his own two cents worth as well. Way to look impartial.
LOl short memory sunshine. Stuart was lamblasting Storm earlier in the year and his comments were little different to the line he took after that game against StGeorge.

Just because he voiced what the majority were thinking all year doesn't make him a villian.

Storm have been dirty grubs who have flown under the radar with their tactics long enough. Its about time someone had the guts to stand up and say so. Its also long overdue that the NRL grew balls and stop ignoring it.

Go Manly. Hope White is rubbed out this week. Cheers have a great day


Storm have been dirty grubs who have flown under the radar with their tactics long enough. Its about time someone had the guts to stand up and say so. Its also long overdue that the NRL grew balls and stop ignoring it.

HAHAHA flown under the radar. If five years of constant media attention on the Storm's tackling is flying under the radar I would love to know how they would be hounded for it.

The issue is not Smith it is the letting off of every other incident.

When was that lambasting earlier in the year. Before or after a game when the Sharks played the Storm? I am sure just another conicidence.

the Lock8

There's a rumour that the NRL are having a gallows erected at the tribunal this week for Cronk, Geyer, White, and anyone else from the Storm they can find something on when the media trawls through the footage from friday nights game. I've heard they are looking to suspend Quinn for hurting TellayaPappas hand with his face. :cool:


First Grade
There's a rumour that the NRL are having a gallows erected at the tribunal this week for Cronk, Geyer, White, and anyone else from the Storm they can find something on when the media trawls through the footage from friday nights game. I've heard they are looking to suspend Quinn for hurting TellayaPappas hand with his face. :cool:

If the NRL are reading this then I'm happy to help out and be the executioner.
"We don't believe in gagging opinion,'' Gallop said.

"Opinion is part of the bump and scrape of rugby league.''

Dave Dave Dave...
The problem with wanting Opinion is that you have to accept the good with the bad. Its the problem with Free speech Dave you can't Umm and Ahhh your way through it either you want to have freedom of speech and everyone to voice their opinion or you don't so don't hide behind the excuse in regards to Ricky Stuart unless you a prepared to extend it to the storm as well.

Exactly...Gallop is an incompetent puppet who has done nothing to encourage free discussion.


First Grade
Exactly...Gallop is an incompetent puppet who has done nothing to encourage free discussion.

Yeah it's all Gallop's fault. The Storm don't deserve free speech if they can't do it without slandering the judiciary by accusing them of pre-determining the result and tipping bookies off beforehand.

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