There have been a few articles in the Fin Review that the general opinion is that he has the cash to payout Blackwoods and Mirvac, however would rather play hardball with them than throw away good cash after bad investments.
I don't know that I'd be taking much credence in Daily Telegraph articles to be honest...he is trying to take control of Whitehaven by getting rid of the board which makes a bit of sense. If they are restricting his ability to do what he has done well in making his fortune, you get rid of them. Price and demand of coal is a bit of a worry though...
I reckon their right, he must have some coins hidden away somewhere for a rainy day. But that is why Knight's fans are right if they feel concerned. You've just said what everyone has found out - he is an arsehole and uses money to screw with people. He wants to play hardball and not pay Mirvac and co, he surely wants to play hard with the govt over the stadium rent. The big boys are having a c**k-off.
But why play hardball with your staff and pay wages late? Why skimp them on their superannuation? Why not pay the tradies in the Hunter with their arses hanging out their daks? If he has the cash to pay his bills, why is he screwing the everyday workers? What point does that prove?
There is a bloke driving around Newcastle at the moment in a ute with a big cut out pig on the back. On the pig he has painted something like "Nathan T....please pay me!". He doesn't look like he owns Mirvac or Blackwoods. Why is Tinkler playing hardball with him?
At the end of the day Nathan has a history of being a slow payer and a habit of buying things without having the money.
It's one thing for people to be worried about the club being broke again. The bank guarantee etc goes a long way to addressing those fears. But the other concern is what would Nathan do to the club if he just felt like being a prick?