No, i go to checkout the cheerleaders
placed by the clubs to create atmosphere
No I go to watch my team actually. I couldn't care if there were 80,000 in attendance jumping on chairs or just me, I go to games when I can to support my team and my game with my family or my mates.
So you indulge in the atmosphere of supporting your club at the game?
OK. I'll stay at home and jump up and down on the lounge. ffs.
Since when does "atmosphere" mean "destruction"? When will you geniuss get the f*cking point that destroying property is not atmosphere?
Stop condoning your approval of public hooliganism and anti social behaviour buy painting it up as something desirable. Its obvious that you are a f*cking genius if you condone that destruction. F*ck off to a soccer site and loot and pillage that you dickhead.
It doesnt.
You guys are drawing the parallels to atmosphere and destruction.
"Who is going to fix this damage? The RBB are merkins who dont even watch the game, they just turn around and jump up and down!"
That is the whole point of this thread. Whinging about a supporter group that do things in a manner people find foreign.
A group of people (akin to the Dogs "fans" at the turn of the century) are doing things that are not of the intention of the supporter group.
I never said it was OK to destroy property. I said that it happens. It happened to me. We broke some seating at Penrith getting caught up in the moment. Did this happen at the A-League? Who knows? Maybe the first damage was accidental, and then a group of geniuss decided to break more and more seating.
Newsflash dickhead, i go to the game because i want to see my team play live and in the flesh. It has nothing whatsoever to do with 'bragging' i go because i love my team and love the game. They're the main reason but i also love the social aspect of it spending time with my mates and having a beer.
Just because it isnt the atmosphere the WSW fans create, doesnt mean it is any more or less of a reason to attend.
League fans DONT go to live matches for the atmosphere and its just for bragging reasons.
FMD that will do me
In fact I could only reason that only a complete trackhead could claim that with a straight face.
I said the atmosphere is the reason to attend.
Saying you go to support your club means you are cheering for them right? You are wearing team colours? You are applauding good play?
You are contributing to the atmosphere of the game day experience.
I apologise if people cant understand that other people support other codes, and other codes do it differently
NRL clubs would dream of that sort of attendance and atmosphere at a regular season game.