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Sonny Bill considers converting to Islam


agree with aqua_duck you would think having a Samoan background that becoming a Morman will be more up his alley, but hey whatever floats his boat. I have no problems with him converting to Islam ( like it matters weither I have a problem with it or not ) but "soul mates" with Choc lol


Staff member
Without trying to make a debate - I dare you to look further than the PC stuff you see on TV often in Australia. For every 'there is no compulsion in religion' in the Quran there are many that call for the total destruction of all unbelievers. There is no new commandment or change of nature, the context really at the end of the day has not changed as islamists will point out.

Check out: www.faithfreedom.org


joshreading said:
Without trying to make a debate - I dare you to look further than the PC stuff you see on TV often in Australia. For every 'there is no compulsion in religion' in the Quran there are many that call for the total destruction of all unbelievers. There is no new commandment or change of nature, the context really at the end of the day has not changed as islamists will point out.

Check out: www.faithfreedom.org

You got no idea

I dont blame you if you get your info from sites like that.


Staff member
Faithfreedom is not my source however whether you like it or not is accurate. Comparative Religion is an area where I have been involved in formal study and teaching for some years.

Whether you like it or not guys like Hilaly are acknowledged as reknown Islamic Scholars and BELIEVE in and JUSTIFY Violent Jihad in this day and age. The average muslim in this country is ashamed of him as they should be but they can't deny his credentials.

Are you a better scholar than Hilaly? or is it that all these Islamic Scholars including the top scholars from places such as Al-Azhar are wrong in their assertion that violent jihad is valid.


joshreading said:
Faithfreedom is not my source however whether you like it or not is accurate. Comparative Religion is an area where I have been involved in formal study and teaching for some years.

Whether you like it or not guys like Hilaly are acknowledged as reknown Islamic Scholars and BELIEVE in and JUSTIFY Violent Jihad in this day and age. The average muslim in this country is ashamed of him as they should be but they can't deny his credentials.

Are you a better scholar than Hilaly? or is it that all these Islamic Scholars including the top scholars from places such as Al-Azhar are wrong in their assertion that violent jihad is valid.

Do you even know what a Jihad is?

There are different forms, but the one you speak of is for defensive purposes only. What you're saying is they have no right to defend themselves.

As I said, you have no idea


Staff member
I do recognise the differences and that is why I mention violent jihad - if you read my earlier notes you will see I note the different forms of struggle.

Is it EVER right to blow up innocent children in a school intentionally? (I actually think what Israel is doing is also wrong) Because that is what is being justified by legitmate islamic Scholars as defence. That is not defence. It is sick. I know that there are sometimes mistakes and innocents killed in any conflict but what is normally happening is INTENTIONAL. Are you justifying things like Sept 11 as defence? Because that is what guys like mundine have said, as have Hilaly and even the new Mufti just denies Osama had any involvement.

The whole defensive Jihad argument is mainly based on one verse Sura 4:90 (also read just earlier interesting verses) when Islam was relatively weak and needed compromise to survive unlike later verses such as 9:5 where they had conquered Mecca totally. They were the conquerers not in a defensive position and we get that interesting verse. Jihad is about establishing islam as the ruling force personally, politically and religiously. (which can also be seen in Sura 9) To stop this happening unbelievers had to pay a tax a and become subject to islamic rule even if they did not convert. Does not seem that defensive to me.

I think I have far more idea than you would like to acknowledge, we just happen to disagree.

You probably still need to answer the question I asked originally. Are you a better scholar than Hilaly who justified things like Sept 11 as defensive, encouraged boys to go out and become a martyr in Lebanon?

I think it is better that this discussion goes PM or even into Four Corners as this is not about football. I think all have the right to freedom of religion or non at all. We can agree to disagree that is the great thing about australia.


Now you're saying 9/11 is justified in Islam? it isnt.

Maybe you're just being selective and focusing on people that do, but you'll find alot more wont justify such an atrocity.

When reading verses from the Quran you need to know what its referring to. The verse you're talking about is in reference to the Battle of Hunayn, where the Pagan Arabs attacked.

Are you a better scholar than Hilaly who justified things like Sept 11 as defensive, encouraged boys to go out and become a martyr in Lebanon?

No, but I know better scholors than him that will disagree.

As for Lebanon, it was occupied and attacked for more than 20 years.


He can choose whatever religion he likes but its still not gonna stop him from getting (sonny bill injured) injured every second aka first game he plays


He can choose whatever religion he likes but its still not gonna stop him from getting (sonny bill injured) injured every second aka first game he plays

Yeah, he got injured 4800 times in that game. :crazy:


Just glad myself he's not changing his name to Mohammad that might give him some trouble in some places. Oh thats ok hes not a teddy bear.


EelGirl said:
Just glad myself he's not changing his name to Mohammad that might give him some trouble in some places.

whats wrong with the name mohamad? and how would the name mohamad bring him trouble whereas it is the most common name used in the world?


EelGirl said:
Just glad myself he's not changing his name to Mohammad that might give him some trouble in some places.

If he converts to Islam I don't think that Mohammad will have anything to do with trouble... he's a quiet person off the field so I doubt he'll have any trouble.


Hanscholo said:
Well i hope he shops around for the best deal.
Religion isn't about 'shopping' around for the best deal, it's about following what you believe in. With all due respect to SBW, he will not be converting for the right reason (following Islamic laws and principles and he is only thinking of converting to stop drinking? He is not Islamic, he does not follow Islam culture/beliefs, and he is not and will never be a practising Muslim even if he converts, and he is looking to convert for the wrong reason. That is not the right reason for him to convert. If he wants peace, what he has to do is grow up and get off the piss during the season.



You guys are are all suffering from islamphobia...i dont blame you though i blame the media around you....sick in the head is what you guys are...before yo umake fun of Mundine lets see how any of yo uare better than the man...he was a top league player he could v played cricket and other sports and now he is a boxing champion...and yo uget to make fun of him???? ur just fkn happy you can make it to the footy game and pay to get in...yet you maek fun of him???

What is worng with turning muslim????? at least we have morals and guidelines we stick by.


Staff member
Nobody dislikes Mundine because he is muslim - I would confidently say everyone likes El Masri - most dislike Mundine because he is arrogant and ignorant. He was before reading Mal X and converting to Islam and he still is.

Mundine is in EVERY way a BETTER athlete than I could ever be - but if you think it is ability that defines a person than you are sorely mistaken.

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