Well who would know?
It can be good to communicate to the fans and look after them. Here's a recent experience -
Go to the club to fork out for 4 season seats for the family
Turn up on the stroke of 5pm to be told hat Jess finishes at 5pm. The solution offered was to come back tomorrow. Ok, inconvenient, but will do.
Head back earlier the next day. This time Jess is in a football meeting. No biggie, who else can assist? Advised no-one, and asked to come back tomorrow as they were unsure when Jess would be available.
There was no 3rd visit to attempt to purchase season seats.
Now one has to think, for a club needing fans to inject their hard earned to support the club, what other hurdles can they throw up to prevent it. I know it was only 4 season seats and not a corporate box, but none the less all money would be good.
I rang the club the other day and asked to speak to someone about buying some tickets for a mate for the knights game...
it went down like this ...
me "hi im just calling to enquire about the remaining undercover seats for the knights game"
club "oh ok, one second, oh the girl who looks after it is at lunch can you call back"
me "well no not really as im on lunch as well, is there anyone else who can help me?"
club "no she looks after the ticket sales so yeah until she comes back i cant help"
me "so you cant even tell me whats available?"
club "no sorry"
me "ok then, can you tell me if i call back can i buy them over the phone"
club "oh im not sure one sec (and without putting me on hold) hey *insert name here* do we sell tickets over the phone? (comes back to me) no we dont do that"
me "ok fine thanks"
club Hangs up.
Sure its only a few tickets but next week the phone will be ringing hot... best get this sort of service sorted out.