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First Grade
These companies are spineless weasels.
I'm that angry about luxbet.

They are a gambling company. Their business model is to take people's money by offering odds on sporting events.
To bail because of bad publicity, when gambling is something that can ruin lives strikes me as an opportunistic knee jerk dick move made by self righteous douchebags.

If any sharks fan has an account with them like I did, I suggest you take your money out, and when it's deposited into your bank account close your betting account with this jizzbucket of a company.

I will also be sending them a vicious email as a parting get f**ked.

Luxbet are an arm of tab yeah?

Special K

Most teams put their kit sponsor on the arms now and a logo where shore hire is now. We didn't have one so blades was on the front.

Blades just renewed a few months back


First Grade
What the actual f**k.
These companies lick the f**king bag.

All of em.

I hope the CEO of luxbet gets hit by a train.

Beyter yet jump in front of one you spineless merkin.

And as for f**king unity.

You suck
f**k you too.

f**k everybody.

Ridiculous statement. The blokes number one task is to make decisions in the best interest of his business. Dont blame him. Luxbet were one of the few sponsors that stayed around when things got really bad. And all of a sudden they want to jump ship and want to do it quickly.

I'm led to believe the liaisons between corporate partners and the club are at an all time low, but on this recent news you dont need me to tell you that.

I've also been doing a bit of digging around about Keogh. I tried to find out when the last Sharks game he attended (pre election) was. My sources tell me that unless he was going as an undeclared guest or was purchasing general admission tickets under another name, there is no record of him attending games over the last 10 years. He's also never attended any supporters functions, AGMs, golf days, sportmans lunches, sponsors events etc etc. Even the De La Salle run stuff, up until taking on the chairmanship he has had no affinity or association with the club.

In the past the club had pestered Val Morgan for sponsorship only to be told flatly "no" on several occasions.

It's just weird that he wants to run the joint.
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First Grade
f**k this shit...

Who the f**k put a curse on this club and why the f**k did I choose to support them when I was young.

1 step forward, 2 steps back every f**king time.


First Grade
This year has been more like half step forward, ten steps back. Hard to recall a year worse than this one.


I've also been doing a bit of digging around about Keogh. I tried to find out when the last Sharks game he attended (pre election) was.

It's just weird that he wants to run the joint.

he is certainly making up for that now from what im hearing by use of the chairmans lounge and entertaining mates for free (and taking full advantage i might add....) :crazy:


hey newman
can you do a check on all those candidates?

be very interesting to see who else never attends games etc.


I personally can't think of a year that has been as annoying as this one.

Can't even just enjoy watching the games we've won because of all the BS hanging over everything.

Wish it would just fk off already so we can concentrate on rebuilding our incredibly tarnished image.


Also just on the sponsorship front.

If these 'professional businessmen' who are meant to have such long ranging links with possible sponsors, can't find or at least keep good relations with current sponsors.

Then what good are they running the club?

For a mob preaching "unity" as their main message, which of course as we know was a stolen concept anyway... Can't keep strong relations with corporate partners, then we really are up shit creek.

Just wait for the club to bump up the season ticket price again next you, you watch.


First Grade
I don't know if there is a way out from this hole we are in.

Previously we were in financial holes with the occassional off-field incident involving players. Finances, though difficult, are pretty readily able to be rectified, as are off-field incidents involving individuals.

What we have here is a massive permanent image/PR stain on the club itself. Can it be repaired? Perhaps, but nothing near what it was before this incident.


f**k this shit...

Who the f**k put a curse on this club and why the f**k did I choose to support them when I was young.

1 step forward, 2 steps back every f**king time.

I bought my kid his first proper footy last night.

He wanted a sharks one..I said no.
Mainly because it was too big.....but in the back of my mind I was thinking I will let him work it out.

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