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Sport in crisis as nine Aussies fail doping tests (Could involve NRL players)


Sigh, f**k me running.
Generally, this stuff is no stronger than nitric oxide in its tablet form.
The only thing is that nitric oxide isn't banned, it is just not possible to use it continuously as it can cause the user to throw up and collapse if you eat or drink whilst on it.............. and athletes need to eat and drink at some point during a 3 to 4 day period.

Banned substance?
Pfffft, there is more kick in most heavy duty body building supplements such as Morph (which will, once again, cause a person to throw up if mis-used)


Another over the top editorial by the least proficient newspaper in the country.
Perhaps 9 people have been found to exceed the limitations.
They could be playing darts or badminton or some other government funded obscure sport for all we know.
The NRL & AFL reference is just a ploy to sell a few more papers. Typical sensationalist reporting by a gutter rag and has no basis in fact with regard to the involvement of major leagues in this country.


Assistant Moderator
Gimp said:
You keep reverting back to gimp thing, is that all you got? Like I said you're an idiot. and how old were you when you got your rags?
You want more? OK.

I think I just found the source the gimp's angst.

I forgot about this from the Dragons forum. Just before Saints saw Manly off with a thrashing.

An episode of self ownership...
Whats this? starting to get a little tickle in the throat already, finding it a bit hard to breath?:sarcasm:
Seriously the OP on crack.

Hey ManlyGimp, got any money on Saints?
lighten up you moronic f**kwit, it was a joke.

Take your own advice, he asked a question.

A bit touchy are we, what happened?

Did you have one too many sleep overs at snakes house?
Go f**k yourself, No I'm not touchy at all as Ive posted in other threads from the beginning of season I think the dragons are the best team and should win the comp. But it goes to show you merge fans are the most uptight sorry f**kers in the league. Maybe cause you merkins know deep down you've won f**k all and the tension of wining your first GF is getting a bit to much for you all.

No... you're not touchy... :lol:

Why would any mod delete that? It's priceless!


Corrected the bold part, go take a look.

And if you think your comment doesn't imply you wanted a Saints player to be one of the players testing positive, seek help.
Get f**ked idiot all I wanted was a reply from a gullible little bitch, and guess what? I got one.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member

Piss off to the Fight Club if you want to carry on like a f**kwit and bait people then... some people might actually want to discuss topics properly instead of having every thread turned into a "lets bait Saints" exercise.

Looks pathetic and desperate too.



Piss off to the Fight Club if you want to carry on like a f**kwit and bait people then... some people might actually want to discuss topics properly instead of having every thread turned into a "lets bait Saints" exercise.

Looks pathetic and desperate too.
Lets get some facts straight, Ive never hated the dragons and I still don't and have said on many occasions they are the best team and should win the comp.(As swallow has posted above) The only reason I'm taking the piss is cause there is some temperamental little f**ks that don't know the difference between a joke and a real taunt.
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Assistant Moderator
Lets get some facts straight, Ive never hated the dragons and I still don't and have said on many occasions they are the best team and should win the comp.(As swallow has posted above) The only reason I'm taking the piss is cause there is some temperamental little f**ks that don't know the difference between a joke and a real taunt.
If it makes you feel any better Gimp, I'm in laughing my head off.


Lets get some facts straight, Ive never hated the dragons and I still don't and have said on many occasions they are the best team and should win the comp.(As swallow has posted above) The only reason I'm taking the piss is cause there is some temperamental little f**ks that don't know the difference between a joke and a real taunt.

If that is the best thing you have to do, get a f**king life.
f**king geniused merkin.


Hmmmm... sounds like the thing that Robbie O'Davis tested positive to when he was banned in 1998.

Watch rugby league get crucified if/when any players are identified. The AFL will ensure the names of their players are surpressed.

Don't bet on it. AFL is a protected species. They have a laughable 3-strikes recreational drugs policy and when a bloke recently got done for his third offense and they banned him they turned it into a sob story about how he was suffering from depression. The fact that his father is/was a famous footballer probaly helped his cause too. I can only imagine what sort of measures Vlad and his underlings would take to hide performance enhancing drug use in the code.

If players from both codes are involved and names are named I will guarantee you that the Melbourne papers, along with noted RL haters like Bourbon Beccy and Fat Pat, will give more colum space to guilty parties in rugby league.

Had that persecution complex long? Or are you El Dippy in disguise? Both are more than plausible......


Clearly the performance enhancing drugs have not found their way to the competitors in this thread!


Been reading up on the stimulant in question since all those people were busted at the comm games, and I'm struggling to see why it's banned?

It's a dietary supplement for f**ks sake. A stimulant with no muscle building or weight stripping properties. It's essentially stronger caffiene.

WADA have seemingly just added this substance to their lists for no other reason than to get a few cheap scalps and headlines for themselves.

There are plenty of substances which fall into this category. There are also plenty of genuine medications on the banned substances list.

Personally i don't read too much into the ridiculous sensationalist headlines. There are many over the counter supplements with all sorts of ingredients in them.


First Grade
haha so the result of this was no NRL or AFL players involved?

I'm waiting for the day one of these organisations sues journalists for printing outright BS


First Grade
haha so the result of this was no NRL or AFL players involved?

I'm waiting for the day one of these organisations sues journalists for printing outright BS

Not necessarily with their Drugs Policy... They keep first two positive tests under wraps.