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Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Parra Pride

i just hope they dont ruin it by doing the typical saber fight where they both survive in the next one...mix it up a bit.

I'd kind of like to see them show the results of Ren's training by having him fight and kill Luke in the second film, and then saving a big Rey/Ren showdown for the finale.


I wish that they had at least given us something about the Knights Of Ren and more story into why Kylo betrayed Luke and his new order.
Oh and why Kylo is talking to the Vader helmet.. Is it talking back to him?
So many things left open which I guess we will find out about in EP 8.

I'm going to watch it again in the next few days to see if I missed anything.


First Grade
I'm kinda hoping Rey isn't Lukes daughter. For one it's to obvious, but also it'd kind of ruin Lukes character. Jedi aren't supposed to love and have kids for starters, but the whole abandoning your kid on a deserted planet and basically selling her into slavery (at least luke was given to family) seems like a dick move


Does anyone really know how that plays out though? Luke having a daughter and her becoming a slave can happen a million different ways. I'm not predicting anything bar Rey being Luke's daughter at this stage but how that unfolds, well Abrams and Kasdan can hopefully come up with something interesting and then go destroy another death star. ;-)

Caped Crusader

I'm kinda hoping Rey isn't Lukes daughter. For one it's to obvious, but also it'd kind of ruin Lukes character. Jedi aren't supposed to love and have kids for starters, but the whole abandoning your kid on a deserted planet and basically selling her into slavery (at least luke was given to family) seems like a dick move

The whole "Jedi not allowed love or attachment" rule was only a thing brought in near the end of the old republic. Until then Jedi were allowed to marry etc and plenty broke the rules anyway (Secura and Fisto were in a relationship for eg during the clone wars). In the now non cannon EU Luke gets married and has a son.

It was a silly rule anyway. Force sensitivity is genetic and to stop your most powerful force users from breeding seems like you'd be limiting your own numbers

Who's to say he abandoned her anyway. He may not have known about her and it was the mother who did it

Anyway, it seems too obvious and I hope it's not the case


I wish that they had at least given us something about the Knights Of Ren and more story into why Kylo betrayed Luke and his new order.
Oh and why Kylo is talking to the Vader helmet.. Is it talking back to him?
So many things left open which I guess we will find out about in EP 8.

I'm going to watch it again in the next few days to see if I missed anything.

I feel the complete Opposite about Kylo Ren I don't want to know how he was turned and how he betrayed luke , the truth will always end up being underwhelming a perfect example is anakins fall to the dark side. I expect we will see a fair bit of the Knights of ren in the next episode and hear a hit more of kylos betrayal when he inevitably faces luke.


I'd kind of like to see them show the results of Ren's training by having him fight and kill Luke in the second film, and then saving a big Rey/Ren showdown for the finale.

yeah i was thinking more along the lines of having another sith introduced to be a challenge for rey before she meets Ren again but your idea makes more sense.


Okay. Have just come back from my second viewing. It is better the second time around and am prepared to amend my initial reaction and give it 4 Stars out of 5. Still not as good as Empire or New Hope though.

Just a trivial thing; when Kylo is interrogating Rey... when he takes off his mask does he store it in top of Vader's ashes? I didn't pick up on it the first time around. Also at the end did anyone notice that C3PO has his golden arm back?

On the comparisons between Death Stars and Starkiller Base; they did the same thing with Anakin in Phantom Menace. Blowing up the droid control ship was almost a deliberate parallel to what Luke would ultimately do to the Death Star in New Hope but it was pretty much a McGuffin in the grand scheme of things... a plot device built around the introduction and establishment of the new characters. I think I can overlook Starkiller this time around but if there's any more "super weapons" in the new trilogy then they should have hired different writers because they must be all out of ideas.

I'm convinced that there will be some exploration of Leia's Force sensitivities at some point and that to a degree she has severed her connection to the Force. When she is discussing Ben with Han she says "that's why I sent him to train with Luke". Who else was capable of training Ben Solo in the light side of the Force? Besides his uncle the only person I can see having a hand in his training is his mother. Also, when Han is killed it is obvious from that cut that she's feeling a disturbance in the Force i.e. her son killing his father. Similar to Yoda sensing Anakin killing the sand people or sensing that Order 66 is in effect. Is she Force sensitive? Yes. Is she practicing? No. Why not? I'm sure Luke will have answers by the time we get around to Episode 8.

Is Rey a Solo? I think she is but my theory is simply based on the looks that Han gives her from time to time and that she knows the Falcon as well as Han does. Also the conversation deliberately cuts away when Maz asks Han "who's the girl?" which implies to me that Han knows SOMETHING about her and that is Rey is his daughter... or perhaps his neice.

Which leads to my next question; is Rey, in fact, Luke's daughter? They would have to have one hell of a backstory to cover that little bombshell. But there's something else I picked up on the 2nd watch; when Rey finds the lightsabre and starts having her Dagobah cave moment... does anyone else notice the corridor she is running down? It is exactly the same corridor (the floor and walls give it away) on Cloud City that Luke fights Vader in during Empire just before the "I am your father" moment. Also something I didn't notice first time during that scene was Yoda's voice saying "its energy surrounds us and binds us". So you have a location where Luke has been and words spoken to Luke. Plus the Darth Vader breathing.

Whatever her parentage she also seems to be a fly in the ointment to Ben. When the officer comes to Ren and tells him that a "girl" helped BB8 and Finn escape and Ren Force chokes him and demands "WHAT GIRL?!?!" he might have an inkling that The First Order have accidently also located his sister/cousin. During the attack on Maz's castle Ren focuses all of his attention on trying to find her when the Stormtrooper tells him of her presence. And when he finally tracks her down he calls her "the girl I've heard so much about". When she manages to escape and Kylo has a meltdown could he be pissed off that his blood relative has managed to best him. Even during the fight when he says "you need a teacher" it carries on with the whole seduction theme of Empire and Jedi.


Staff member
Quite enjoyed it. It's nowhere near as good as IV or V, but smokes the whole prequel trilogy.

I mean, it's essentially just a re-make of IV - but IV is amazing so who cares?

Just read that the Stormtrooper guarding Rey who she mind tricks into releasing her was played by Daniel Craig in an uncredited cameo. Awesome.


First Grade
Something i picked up, but forgot all about (thanks to the midnight screening and catching up on sleep) was that when kylo was interrogating rey and doing that force look into her mind he mention something about a vast ocean with a tiny island.


First Grade
Never watched any of the Star Wars but I'm going to see this one tomorrow night


im going to rewatch them all AFTER watching 7 last night and see what i think. before going back and rewatching 7 at cinemas.

alot of criticism for 7 for following a similar plot path to IV but a lot of positive changes in there to still make it well different. and its been awhile since i have seen IV. and people need to remember this is movie 1 of a trilogy. i hope it isnt the best of the 3.


Just watched it...and without reading this whole thread....as anyone said its practically a remake of a new hope??

Still thought it was awesome though


Just got back from watching it what can I say it was fantastic just on par with the Empire Strikes back...


Just watched it...and without reading this whole thread....as anyone said its practically a remake of a new hope??

Still thought it was awesome though

That's exactly what I said to my wife after we watched it, Is if I've seen this film before...
Just watched it. loved the non stop action from start to finish. The humour was done very well and had the whole cinema pissing themselves. I absolutely loved kylo ren, he is just a pure badass. He captivated me every scene he was in, but as has been said before, he went from being very powerful to getting owned by Rey, but you guys have pointed or a few reasons why that may be.

Kylo is a bit of a dark side newbie it seems, he is still struggling with being the bad guy. There was that scene where he was kneeling trying to fight the light side of the force. It's kind of strange seeing a bad guy trying not to be good as opposed to good guy trying not to be bad.

I think ren will be far, far more formidable in the next episode and will completely own everyone that faces him. By the next episode he would have completed his training as was indicated at the end of the movie.

We have also seen Rey find Luke, obviously Luke is going to train her. It will be interesting to see Luke's role in the resistance. Will he also be killed off in an obi wan moment?

If fin is force sensitive, will he be trained? How will his story unfold?

And for what it's worth i am going with Rey being a solo.

So many questions that I can't wait to have answered.


for what its worth i get the impression fin is not force sensitive. he just happened to have a lightsaber for some of the movie.